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walpurgis nacht

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Everything posted by walpurgis nacht

  1. It must have auto-surrendered then? I didn't name your name ( ), but I apologize if I am mistaken. I didn't think it would auto-surrender when you still had some er . . . things left.
  2. I couldn't resist a defensive response to this . . . at least to say. . . . a gamey trick can pick you up a few points here and there, but they're hardly game makers/breakers. Most of the tactics I wrote about in that post weren't terribly gamey at all. And you will note I always call them gamey if I think they are. That said, this game is about timing, initiative, manuever, avoiding a fair fight, and of course luck. Master the first 4 in this list and nothing else will matter.
  3. Just a reminder. Do NOT surrender even if things are going very poorly for you. I had an opponent surrender with 1 turn to go! This bumped my score up significantly, when 1 turn longer and it wouldn't have been well . . . not quite as bad for him anyway. Remember these scenarios might well be designed to be unfair, so even if you're losing you should still play your best. [ March 07, 2005, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Walpurgis Nacht ]
  4. Well, since you used the appropriately vague word "generally" . . . I'd have to say the answer to your question is yes.
  5. Not for some time. I'm have no idea what's up with this guy.
  6. This is no time to be cool....this is a time for madness </font>
  7. I'm not sure what the big time stress is? Didn't Kingfish say we had until JUNE! I have not even started my setup for 1 of the games yet. The others are well under way and I suppose I'll be sitting on finished games for over 2 months waiting for the finals.
  8. I think I hear someone screaming "uncle" off in the distance . . . I wonder who it could be?
  9. [ February 11, 2005, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: Walpurgis Nacht ]
  10. Not sure what the confusion is. These are a unique asset like everything else in CM. In QBs I purchase them all the time. They are a cheap, fast, support MG. You realize the models are exactly the same as the standard PSWs with the 20mm gun right (without the gun or optics of course). I wrote a long thread on scouting awhile back with these radio cars specifically in mind as close support in the process. The only real downfall is lack of ammo for the MG. But then, your opponent doesn't need to know where you're out of ammo now does he?
  11. Mikey, This knowledge will not save you. I should be able to return a turn over my lunch break. :eek: P.S., I have a few arty tricks to share myself in this thread. That is, just as soon as I finish using my @#$!#% and !@#%!@#%.
  12. The deciding factor is the optics. If there is a bonus then you will notice a significant difference in spotting. German PSW radio cars do not have such a bonus, while other german PSWs do. If you have played any CMBB "pure armor" battles you notice a huge difference in spotting when comparing a t34 to a panzer. This is from the optics.
  13. Hi Bigdog. I tried to send an email to your new account and it was returned. I sent off a turn and I'm waiting to hear back from you. In case you already sent it, it didn't come through so please resend.
  14. Personally I would liked to have taken him on as the Axis on this basis as I felt my static defence held up well against the Allied forces and without their armour support I would reckon my chances would be good. BTW, Kingfish...would you mind doing a total recalculation of all the stats now that all the results are in? Regards Jim R. </font>
  15. Can you expound on this point a little more? It seems like just firing with 1A would not do much, and likely not enough to keep an enemy from advancing into the trees occupied by your HQ. And since you seem to want 2B to fire last, I would think that you would need to engage with 1A and 3A on first contact. </font>
  16. He probably doesn't accept half-bribes. </font>
  17. Hey I've got Capt T in there to keep me company. Too damn bad Kingfish would not accept my bribes to put the mighty Flenser in my section.
  18. :eek: Don't get me wrong, I'm about as much a control freak-OCD guy as it gets. But you sir, must iron your socks and lay them next to your bed right before sleepy time.
  19. I have a catalog of such devices tucked away dear Treeburst. Let us hope you are in my section, so I can teach you your first lesson---what it means to be unpredictable. :cool:
  20. What I tried to do above is put together a somewhat ideal confetti of situations to illustrate different ways to use split squads. But the uses hardly stop there. Peeling off a few splits squads from various platoons to create strategic reserves is SOP in my book. Your question about the use of short-range firepower depends on the type of platoon you have, and a variety of other circumstances. Above I used vanilla German riflemen. 1 full German rifle squad is easily outmatched at close range by, for example, Russian smg infantry . So splitting him doesn't make your situation all that much worse than it was to begin with. This frees up an LMG split shooter that can dig in 200+ meters away, out of smg range!, and hit with meaningful firepower. By the time anyone actually makes it through to 2B's cover arc, they should be pretty well banged up, allowing for a nice easy kill. Any change in your firepower composition has to be considered. If I had Jaegers for example, instead, there is no way I would setup at all like I did above. Coupled with terrain, weather, time contraint, and many other variants, it becomes impossible to throw out a "one size fits all" package on CM tactics.
  21. What is wrong with using halfsquads? I've been gone for a long time and didn't know about the issue of using halfsquads. JohnO </font>
  22. I never thought that halfsquad defence could be made into such a fine art, that was one of the most useful posts I saw, ever. Just one question, you seem to find the assault elements (short-range halfsquads) almost useless except as ammo pouches. Why are you not using them as, say, a last line of defence, deployed at the defended objective with 50m covered arcs? Used like that even their short-range firepower could be useful. </font>
  23. Well exactly, sort of. Is playing speed chess gamey if the inventors of chess disapprove?
  24. "Gamey" is a matter of perception. Playing a game is gamey, Treeburst . . . you gamey bastage
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