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SSgt Viljuri

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Posts posted by SSgt Viljuri

  1. urc!

    Since you seem to be around for a while, could do you give a little background info about your "snap" regarding J.V Snellman?

    Are you aware, considering that you got most of your facts wrong, that J.V Snellman personally and out of his own initiative, and outside the state budget, got a hefty loan from Rothschilds' banking family, to buy more food during the famine in the 1800s? This personal loan out of their own pockets was more than 5 million marks at 6 per cent interest rate per annum, so the deal was almost a miracle of its own kind, since there were no time to issue state bonds or obligations?

    What kind of book you have read about him, and I mean honestly? ;)

  2. Well, altough schoolboys from which ever country might get their views quite wrong now and then, and be surprisingly or not so surprisingly close of those Nazis intellectually... meaning, for example, that most of the SA people belonged to the densest percentiles of the whole German nation, including severe cases of mental retardation, as their own research data have shown...

    But on a scale one to hundred, it's about two hundred times more worrying if such odd and ignorant views, altough reversed, are preached and distributed by state television, by other state media, by State President's Own Jugend etc.. as an official and undeniable divine gospel, without providing even most basic tools, means or forums to have an honest, open and democratic debate, let alone letting people with critical skills to live and breath in the society... (Anna Politkovskaja, you are not forgotten)

    All these being the most basic ingredients, along with a working justice system, which differentiate countries being a more or less developed or belonging to the third world. Conditio sine qua non. Without giving hope for a country's people of a better future. Or a working justice system. Or equality in any sense. Or anything at all what would make living worthwhile for a majority of the people not belonging to a organized crime or state security machinery.

    This is even more worrying since its not entirely up to the lack of democratic institutions and traditions, let alone such accidental factors like who happens to hold the highest office of the state. Anybody reading Dostojevski should get the idea that ethos and culture leading to such grim realities is quite independent from the accidental factors, like who or which ever "politician/ogliarch/party/three-lettered agency" holds the power inside the true and only motherland. The whole system is f*cked. The people themselves are f*cked. The soil is frozen too...

    A most closest case of a hopeless big brother dystopia, with ruling classes consisting of those of the state security people and those of the super rich, as described so aptly by many science fiction and other writers, is not situated on the western hemisphere, like so many liberals often want to delude themselves.

  3. Good call about that first thread by our friends, the moderators.

    It's always dangerous if someone from a small village starts a threat, err.. I mean thread, especially if that village is located at such a northern and forgotten corner of vile euroasiatic Tundra.

    Surely the discussion is about to occur now more freely than it would had been the case otherwise.

    On other respects, All the Hail Unknown and Never Heard team, I mean weren't there some verbal riots caused by certain damned juveline delinquent types, cheering for the Sens? At least a couple of years ago?

  4. mazex wrote:

    I get the point (and we have discussed this earlier), but still - in the 50:ies and 60:ies when Sweden actually had the forth largest airforce in the world (late 50:ies), and the risk for WWIII was iminent - where was Finland, and on whose side would Finland with Kekkonen in the lead have fought with your Migs and russian tanks?
    We had English jet fighters in the 1950s, for your information. (two different types, IIRC smile.gif

    Because of our delicate position between the Evil Empire and Free World, "we decided" it was wise to bought jets from both "camps", so Soviet Migs, Swedish Drakens and English Hawks were in our inventory after that initial "only western" period.

    Btw, even during the most awkward periods of international relations from our standpoint (which were in the late 1970s and early 1980s, according to up-to-date research and not exclusively in 1945-48 as previously believed), our military top brass, scientific community etc. were secretly cooperating with the Free World and NATO, just like you did (you weren't able to join NATO either).

    They delivered intelligence and other information about the Soviet armaments and monitored their nuclear tests (we had the most extensive seismographic surveillance net in the World, even though earthquakes are unheard in Finland)

    All this despite that notorious FCM-treaty with the Soviets. Finlandization? Yes, but it's not the whole picture. Kekkonen played "the game" well enough, up until into the late 1970's, when his health failed him, and "useful idiots" (Finnish politicians with pro-Soviet tendencies) put our international standing in jeopardy.

    Sadly some of those are still holding political offices (supposedly reformed now), like our current female president and foreign minister.

    Put even during those darkest times, it was highly unlikely that Finland would have cooperated with the Soviets, militarily. So those NATO-plans to protect Norway (reformed after the 1960's, thankfully) to A-bomb Helsinki for just in case (in order to prevent the Soviets to use our harbors) were MORE than unneccessary.

  5. Mikko H wrote:

    Defense Forces and Ministry of Defense advocate increased defense expenditure (as always), but that a significant raise is in making and politically worked out... Could you point me to a source?
    Well, obviously I can't, since the composition of the next Cabinet and more specifically those "broader spending frameworks" for the next four years haven't been come out yet. This will come out as soons as the Government programme is being agreed upon.

    But three of the biggest parties (of which two will form the governing coalition, depending on the general election results) have reached initial political consensus about increasing MoD's ministrial spending constraints. How significant the rise will be, is being partly decided on how those approximately five billion euros of extra Govt spending are to be divided between rival interests like welfare, tax cuts and MoD, but at least infrastructure spending has been put into specific terms.

  6. Battlefront wrote:

    (snips) As Rudel said, it is about time. Already the smaller nations have cut back their defense budgets so much that they can't do much of anything without someone else's help, especially in the form of logistics.
    Mostly true, but Sweden and Finland will head to opposite direction.

    New centre-right government of Sweden will rethink their defence spending and force cut-backs. (which were absolutely ridiculous, supposedly they were left with 24 operational field artillery guns and so on)

    Finland will increase significantly her defence spending after the March general elections. This has gained a wide political consensus, after two or so years of working behind the scenes.

  7. Sirocco wrote:

    From a political, EU centric standpoint it makes sense, but in terms of practical deployment the UK would be better served concentrating on better integration with US forces, IMO. We will always be more in step in terms of our global interests and outlook on force usage with our American cousins than the Euros.
    Have you ever heard of NATO standards?

    Practical deployment, what do you mean? You're thinking about forming mixed units with the Americans in the future?

    Sometimes this Murdochian version of the British provincial patriotism sounds almost loonish.

  8. Originally posted by mazex:

    [QB] Hmm, if you throw in the Dutch and German forces then you might as well add add some basic Swedish forces too smile.gif

    If we get the Swedes, will the game simulate hairnets, union power and surströmming?

    All the best

    SSgt Viljuri

    More seriously, even a German deployment of their own is highly questionable, still. Don't you know anything how things really work between Trans-Atlantic partners and their organizations (NATO, EU) nowadays? smile.gif

    More likely scenario than a direct German participation is a ERRF contingent involvement, like that consisting of German, Dutch and Finnish soldiers.... smile.gif

    Besides I want to have a try with Patria AMOS system.... :D

  9. MartinEden wrote:

    And to the dude so full of confidence in the Finnish Army: sure, the Finns could give the Americans a decent go of it IN FINLAND for a while, but how about you Finnish boys come take us on in Texas. How long you think the Finnish Army would last anywhere but Finland?
    You're probably right. We couldn't stand the heat in Texas, but how about Upper Michican?

    If we'd invade Northern Michican, the local population would be sympathetic to our cause (since they are consisting largely of people of Finnish origin), but any US countermeasures would miss their mark completely.

    Even Michican's own National Guard would be lost, since they couldn't locate Upper Michican on Map and would probably end up to Canada instead.

    And how about that! Canada would join the Union at last (just think about the hunting possibilities), so you would happily give the "Uppies" to us.

    All would be happy. Almost too happy, if Climate Change would really kick in!

  10. urc wrote:

    CB fire against dispersed guns is not effective. it's not effective because it requires disproportionate use of resources, takes too long and the potential trade with corresponding enemy anti-counterbattery measures is bad.
    Maybe if we talk about WW3. In US/Allies vs. Third world nation scenarios, there's always options to take out individual guns, what ever their number.

    See those OIF reels, they (US) literally take suspected tents out with most expensive weapon system available (like a million dollar advanced missile), even if footsoldiers could do the job for a bargain price...

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