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SSgt Viljuri

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Posts posted by SSgt Viljuri

  1. This sort of tripe has been the stuff of Russian nationalists' wet dreams for years. They wish! They really are, for the most part, not very well schooled on American society and politics. (snips)

    We should not blame the Russians, even if they are a bit paranoid and dig too much about conspiracy theories (who wouldn't, if exposed to the Russian history and culture?), but this line of thinking is more indicative about how the leftists/liberal circles both sides of the Atlantic 'see' things instead of the Russian national character.

    A wet dream, or somefink.

  2. Two years ago I had a chat with an Australian-Finnish couple up here in the Great North, and their Australian born daughter was thinking about joining. Dunno about submarines, though, isn't it a more like a "Navy Hard" environment, like what comes to the Village People?

  3. Nah, just like there should be serious discussion de lege feranda about the current system based on law of industrial property jurisdiction by jurisdiction, or that we should further improve our environmental practises for sustainable future, doesn't mean that these particular people or groups of people have found "it" by any meaningful degree.

    Sweden is a mix of ultra-progressive and sometimes ultra-libertarian views with all-encompassing tradition and indoctrination, making the country very hard to take seriously. To make things concise, they believe they've found the meaning of life there, it's not a number, but sometimes it looks to involve lubricant.

  4. To borrow a phrase from another blowhard, the "Inconvenient Truth" that the Big 3 executives don't want you to know is that labor costs are only about 10% of the costs of making and selling a car. And furthermore, even under their own worst-case cost projections for UAW labor (which are a bit suspect), their higher labor costs only ad about $800 to the costs of a GM or Ford built car, vs. a comparable Toyota or Honda (snips)

    That's not a good argument at all, as from the company's perspective, workforce is the main cost factor of which it can exert any influence on short-term. That 800 dollars is surely more than the whole profit margin by unit by a factor of two, or something, even if I have not familiarized myself with auto industry.

    On more longer term, subcontractor networks are the most important thing what decides what manufacturers stay afloat and which not, almost irregardless of what industry we are talking about.

    Obviously everything in the US auto industry sucks badly, including politicians they have managed to buy.

  5. (snips) No, Devon. Are the Yorkies reputed to be especially inept?

    Not necessarily more than Scousers, for example, but Yorkshiremen are really known for their habit of sheep sh*gging. They only come second to the Kiwis in this regard, but are clearly above the Aussies.

    So it's a matter of perspective.

  6. Libertarian or leftist narratives around these issues are so confusing, how could you "legalize" prostitution as many feminists and some others see it as a form of slavery? Moral relativism isn't necessarily the brightest thing ever imagined by man, that includes the postmodernists and feminists too.

    Then again, you could criminalize soliciting paid sex like they did in Sweden, and put only men behind bars.

  7. The fact that self-centered individualists are a majority in some parts of the Anglo-sphere, is an aberration on the Global scale and the rest of the World would do better without numbing Hollywood entertainment, US produced happy pills, religious cults, criminal organizations (with whom some parts of the US government are cooperating in the Third World countries), excessive political corruption, small-town hillbillies and stuff.

    If somehow possible, the UK is much worse than this, because she suffers from all the ill effects of this "masturbatory" culture without offering any liberty to her citizens in exchange, and probably it is the Great Britain which will head first to the ultimate dystopia, translating to a nation where government issues happy pills to her populace, free of charge as per socialist policy, to keep the populace content.

    Nah, the current double standard in the US is not the model to follow. And not necessarily the Dutch model either, as the criminal organizations are there, more deeply than ever, the Dutch just externalize the problem as the Netherlands is the number one source for all illicit drug trade in Europe, despite the 'emergence of former CIS region with so many failed nations and their semi-governmental distribution networks.

    On an individual level it is perfectly okay to booze, as you pay the price in a form of taxes and hangover. This will keep most people in the safe side, just that this mechanism will not work what comes to happy pills.

    Disclaimer: I really don't want to sound like a Frenchman or a Teuton, their cultures are even more wicked.

  8. (snips) Maybe we'll get recreational pharmacuticals legalized, that would save a whole lot of taxpayer money.

    That would spell an End of Democracy at the very least, a brief period with the postmodernist totalitarian state could follow and then a full-blown anarchy.

    At first, we would see attempts to regulate and mitigate ill effects somewhat (like not releasing most potent pills and stuff), but what we already know about addictions and their societal effects, not much success can be expected, so at the end of the day we would see the end of the Civilization as we know it. Game over. Panem et circenses.

  9. Could it be about the Switzerland - Sweden bout, concerning the issue of which country benefited most out of the War?

    Indeed, both of them gained several dozens of percentage points of GDP each, relative to their neighbors, so surely they among the winning side, but Switzerland took the ultimate Glory because a hefty amount of the Nazi gold (mostly stolen) ended up on her vaults. Thus a defeat for Sweden, despite earning a Gadzillion dollars or more for trading Iron ore and ball bearings to every dictator on the Planet of the time.

  10. Modern dogfighting, as a term, is an oxymoron for all intents and purposes.

    Over-the-horizon engagement ranges with missiles and stuff, target acquisition and guiding most often performed by other systems than those on-board a fighter aircraft, let alone talking about engaging enemy aircrafts belonging to any Second World nation with guns.

  11. Wouldn't say happy. Would say more "Don't Care".

    You don't like executive pay, buy a bunch of stock and vote it down. In fact, this is probably what the unions should have done with their gains.

    Me, I don't own any stock. Don't have a dog in the fight.

    Does it matter? :( Isn't it like so that the target price for these shares (GM's) is at 0.00 $.

  12. More bad news for the car industry:


    All the best


    Obviously they don't get the same preferential treatment as the German auto industry does, which is good for them, even if I disagree with the underlying theme here.

    Hopefully German auto makers will not need more dough from the state and EU for survival as well, and not just specifically designed and relaxed environmental standards. How come way too many problems on environmental issues seem to originate from Germany, Poland and Russia? <Insert an eerie analogy here, perhaps dating back to the previous century, and I'm not talking about the German Greenpeace, btw.>

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