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SSgt Viljuri

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Posts posted by SSgt Viljuri

  1. Mazex wrote:

    Got this from the CIA factbook today regarding military budgets:

    Finland: $1.8 billion (FY98/99)

    Sweden: $5.729 billion (2004)

    The finnish numbers are quite old but I guess you haven't raised them that much since 1999 (rather cut them like the rest of the world?).

    The Finnish defence force spending:

    For FY2005: 2.139 billion euros + at least one supplementary budget worth of ten to twenty million euros, which equals to about 2.6123 billion $ (1 euro = 1.21$)


    1) Coast and Frontier Guard's (and several special police units) figures not included, which are a part of our defence forces in practise (and in a case of war, the Coast and Frontier Guard units would be added to the FDF ranks and payroll)

    2) Our military acquisitions are not budgeted per annum basis (delivery price), rather serviceable life constructs/leases and such are been used.

    3) several supporting functions (like real estate, health care) and such are either fully or partly oursourced.

    4) voluntary national defence figures not included.

  2. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    I have it on very good authority that the Belgians will soon have an Army of 20,000 men only. The Dutch have actually started selling off equipment that is still being made for them in Germany. That's right, the contract is not even fulfilled and they're already for sale! I suspect the same is true for a lot of other countries. With the Cold War over, and the US and Britain out there "saving the world", it would seem some countries are figuring that they can divert their meager defense spending to shore up social services.


    Actually, the changes the Belgians and Dutch are implemeting, could potentially (and in practise) improve Europe's power provision capabilities.

    Whether new ERRF units are going to be under the EU or NATO (or both), those planned and implemented changes are showing the way how to organize Europe's "meager" forces in the near future.

    Just that Finland's and Sweden's (geographical) situation is different. We are still facing significant forces (and a potential threat scenario) at our borders (which is not the case in Belgium's or the Netherland's case, give or take the French cheese revolt), and we need a diverse defence doctrine.

    The best of both worlds, so to speak, namely a nimble, fully professional and equipped contingent and larger trained reserve force to be called into the service, if the need arises. Just the way we are doing here in Finland.

    In Finland's case our defence budget does not tell everything. Just compare our state health spending to the US one, and notice that we get much more service for a lesser money per capita. This is not a political statement, as such, btw.

    Similar is the case with our defence spending (less waste, less corporate interests, clever budgeting), not to mention our "will to defend" is still beyond comparison in the modern world (80 per cent or more support the FDF and conscription, a support figure well above the other government institutions).

    Well, what's the point, one might ask. Well, Sweden's moral obligation is to be "able enough" to take care of their own borders. With such defence spending, it doesn't look to be possible. As it was during the history, it's once again our role to act as a landmine of Sweden's behalf. Hardly a role or position we would be so interested of doing again.

  3. Smygbantning halverar försvaret / Svenska Dagbladet (article in Swedish)

    Hm, any comments from the board's Swedes to this one?

    Basically, the Swedish government (in an utter secrecy) is to reduce her defence spending to a half. And this after a drastic cuts already implemented and planned. You would have only 3 battalions of mech inf, no artillery and air force smaller than us!

    Considering the fact that there have been mutual defence planning going on between our countries since the mid-90s (both public and mostly in secrecy), I think these plans have even a great potential to hurt the Swedish-Finnish relations.

    Say it isn't true!

  4. How about aliens for the near future setting. And let's assume that the aliens are amphibia or somefink and cannot operate freely (without restrictive suits) in our atmosphere. And their technology is only about 100 to 200 years more advanced than us.

    Because of these assumptions, the aliens would need earthling allies (or quislings, so to speak). I'm sure that not before long many individuals would welcome their new alien overlords, but in this scenario the aliens would find even whole countries (or just a specific country) supporting their cause, very easily.

    The battles would then consist of these quislings with some alien upgraded technology fighting against the humankind.

    And at the end, the German armored spearhead would free the world from the invasion by defeating the combined forces of aliens and earthling quislings.

  5. 1) I naturally know this, but let's see are there any foreigners too...

    2) about 150mm of hardened steel (angle 30 degrees) without an ERA or other semimodern improvements. Or much less if we are not talking about elite Finnish pinecone jaegers...

    3) Hm, Matti is going to consume all of the world beer... Maybe Aussies are so frightened that they would give up and accept our demands (what ever those would be).

  6. C'Rogers wrote:

    Well technically there are four possibilities (using Abbott and Sergei as examples).

    Abbott is right, Sergei is an idiot.

    Sergei is right, Abbott is an idiot.

    Both Sergei and Abbott are wrong, neither of them is an idiot.

    Both Sergei and Abbott are correct, they are both idiots.

    How about this fictional Sergei being right (and not vice versa), but still admitting that he's a quite a moron himself too.

    Just another logical possibility, I think...

  7. Michael Emrys wrote:

    (snips) If German scientists had been allowed to develop anti-gravity in time..."
    The sad fact is that many US government institutions do support crackpots, who make claims about absolutely ridiculous findigs and discoveries (as long as those findings could potentially support a military application).

    For example, Tampere University of Technology* had appointed a certain russian emigree scientist (dunno about his real credentials, but everything is possible in Tampere), who was truly a pseudo-scientist... namely, he authored a formal paper about a discovery of anti-gravity, in Civilization terms, or course ;) .

    Naturally, he doesn't work for the Finnish university anymore, the last time he was heard from, a certain US government institution had given him a grant to "pursue" his ideas. Sad, if true.

    * Far second to Helsinki University of Technology, like everything else coming from Tampere. Turku is still worse though, not to mention there are some places beyond comprehension (U of Joensuu... only moose study there or somefink)

  8. Redcon-5 wrote:

    NASA has one Ion motor in space but it accelerates really really slow.
    Yes, although Nasa's Deep Space 1 was retired in 2001.

    ESA's Smart-1 with its Ion (or rather plasma) engine is still operational and orbiting Moon. The craft is due to crash on the Moon in august 2006.

  9. Well, the enemy isn't going to run at you so openly without taking cover (not to mention the enemy tends to fire back, you'd spend most of time taking cover yourself).

    Also targets used should be a know down type (i.e a revolving target is not good enough), in order to simulate those short dashes the enemy is expected to do while attacking (fire & movement).

    A clarification: the enemy = a2 yellow...

  10. flamingknives wrote:

    And a scope on a Kalashnikov-knockoff, of all things.
    Well, there are three different types of scopes available (personally I have had a different one).

    What comes to "a Kalashnikov rip-off", namely a Sako 7.62 RK 95 TP, its not that bad weapon at all. Not great, though.

    Naturally there are other weapons for special forces (including H&Ks), but as a standard issue personal weapon, RK 95 fulfills its role, especially if the Finnish terrain is considered (lots of foliage, trees, stubs, branches and so on; basically you need a bit heavier weapon, both caliber and weight wise).

  11. Since Steve's link was missing the new Finnish m/05, here is an official picture about our camo (picture provided by FDF):


    Note the not so good ballistic protection and absolutely ridiculous eye protectors (er, goggles).

    But performance data is not that bad, the camo mimics nature's own infrared reflection up to a 1350nm wavelength and the lightweight composite helmet (weight less than 1000g) can withstand fragments traveling up to a speed of 600 m/s (calculated by using a 1.1 g fragment).

    Other interesting tidbits: The new wet weather jacket (picture not available) can resist mustard gas up to a 24 hours. Our actual NBC gear is performing better, but at this point I feel obliged to mention that even our old wet weather jacket (or raincape, to be precise) was capable of protecting its user from proximity nuclear releases. Or so they told us... ;)

    All data official, btw.

    A better pic about ballistic protection:


    EDIT: +a, +h

    [ October 19, 2005, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: SSgt Viljuri ]

  12. Well, the Flames season has been a total catastrophe so far. I'm almost speechless. However, my hometown team HIFK started suckingly as well, but they have improved greatly during last few games.

    Surprisingly, the Maple Laughs are playing like a hockey team (apart from Berg, who is a very lame defenceman), even without injured <font size=-12>M. Sundin</font> (Is he married with Philly's <font size=-12>P. Forsberg</font> yet?)

    In other regards, "the New NHL" is worth of watching. Lots of goals and zeebras and zambonis have done what they are expected to do. So far.

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