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SSgt Viljuri

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Posts posted by SSgt Viljuri

  1. Few suggestions I would like to see in the next Peng thread:

    1) More intelligence

    2) More wit

    3) More adversity

    4) More meaningless posts

    Quite frankly, you are losing it. Heck, this is like a kindergarten now. :rolleyes: Have a group hug... How come, Have you all participated to anger management therapy or something ?

    And yes, 5) More Kitty ...

    Yours sincerely

    A passer-by just wondering ...

  2. ds<SUP>2</SUP>=g<SUB>11</SUB>dx<SUP>2</SUP>+g<SUB>12</SUB>dxdy+g<SUB>13</SUB>dxdz+g<SUB>21</SUB>dydx+g<SUB>22</SUB>dy<SUP>2</SUP>+g<SUB>23</SUB>dydz+g<SUB>31</SUB>dzdx+g<SUB>32</SUB>dzdy+g<SUB>33</SUB>dz<SUP>2</SUP>

    And thus

    g<SUB>11</SUB> g<SUB>12</SUB> g<SUB>13</SUB>

    g<SUB>21</SUB> g<SUB>22</SUB> g<SUB>23</SUB>

    g<SUB>31</SUB> g<SUB>32</SUB> g<SUB>33</SUB>

    Nice metrics, wouldn't you agree ?

  3. Oh friends, not these tones!

    Let us raise our voices in more

    pleasing and more joyful sounds!

    Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,

    Daughter of Elysium,

    We enter fire imbibed,

    Heavenly, thy sanctuary.

    Thy magic reunites those

    Whom stern custom has parted;

    All men will become brothers

    Under thy gentle wing.

    May he who has had the fortune

    To gain a true friend

    And he who has won a noble wife

    Join in our jubilation!

    Yes, even if he calls but one soul

    His own in all the world.

    But he who has failed in this

    Must steal away alone and in tears.

    All the world's creatures

    Draw joy from nature's breast;

    Both the good and the evil

    Follow her rose-strewn path.

    She gave us kisses and wine

    And a friend loyal unto death;

    She gave lust for life to the lowliest,

    And the Cherub stands before God.

    Joyously, as his suns speed

    Through Heaven's glorious order,

    Hasten, Brothers, on your way,

    Exulting as a knight in victory.

    Rejoice! Rejoice!

    Now thou art an 0 without a figure. I am better than thou art now. I am a fool, thou art nothing. King Lear, I: iv

  4. Yeknodathon wrote:

    [swings the special quantum tail, in various states of being]
    No, I'm sorry, you can't. This Copenhagen interpretation is so outdated (or to be more precise, constricted), that it makes me sick.

    And it's not only outdated but it was malicious attempt by Bohr and others (Germans, hah!) to introduce mysticism to the physical sciences. I indeed should mention that they can stick their outside observers to any wave function they would like and measure their own ... what ever!

    One word: decoherence! Ok, maybe I have to add two more words: consistent history (and the word is singural by purpose).

    Well, Hm, Ok, If one freezes your temperature close to absolute zero, then you would really experience some quantum properties.

    [EDITED TO ADD: No you wouldn't]

    [ March 24, 2004, 03:05 AM: Message edited by: Sgt. Viljuri ]

  5. Hello from cold and dark Helsinki, Finland

    I've very frustrating problem with my recently acquired machine while playing.

    The games seems to start okay, but after a while, they crash and the display goes black.

    With ctrl+alt+del the system recoveres to the desktop and to the taskbar, which asks me to end the unresponding game and restart the machine.

    My personality:

    AMD Athlon TB 1000 MHz

    Abit KT7A-100 RAID

    Memory 256 Mb PC-133

    Windows XP Pro with SP1

    Kyro Prophet 4500 without TV out

    Soundblaster Creative Live Value

    DV-1000LE (IEEE 1394 PCI Host Controller)

    Very nervous friends!

    And the whole packet have worked completely before XP.

    All these problems occuring with the latest drivers (at least I suppose so), including VIA chipset 4in1 and latest Prophet 4500 drivers.

    Now I have become to the point where there is no coming back, so have you any ideas or is this machine going to fly out of my window.



    Ps. Is there cold also?

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