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SSgt Viljuri

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Posts posted by SSgt Viljuri

  1. Very weird, as NZ is a curse word for the political left and other assorted besserwissers in Finland, but in most countries where French revolution and subsequent events have shaped political history, red color is indeed associated with communist or socialist parties.

    Finland has a center-right coalition government, as does Sweden, actually majority of European countries are not "red" currently, most notable counterexample being Great Britain, which is ruled by Gordon Brown's Labour.

  2. Yeah it is interesting how often Debs name has come up now. First US socialist Wiki hit I would bet. Hell that particular Socialist Party is not even around anymore. But if you like Debs then Brian Moore/Stewart Alexander is the the closest you can get as they are the Socialist Party USA/Liberty Union Party candidates.

    As a Finn, I would have preferred CPUSA's Gus Hall, but then again, that wasn't the "spin" I wanted to convey... :D

    What comes to the old times, heck, I would contemplate to vote for Pericles, if given a chance.

  3. Finally understanding the weird affection the Ozzies have with beer.

    One would wonder why they consume so much beer, considering their weather is constantly sunny, temperatures ranging from nice to hot, I mean, isn't it like some other beverages would do better for the refreshment purposes? Not to mention, there's no emotional need to supplant one's low spirits experienced during periods of darkness as many feel up here in the North.

    But now we know. It's because even most fearless Ozzies are scared ****less thanks to mysteries and curiosities in the animal world they encouter on daily basis. Being moderately inebriated most of the time has its benefits, I'd guess.

  4. As long as there are really poor people and downtrodden, it's not ethically right to pursue a some sort of a green-fascist utopia, which would actually mean suffering for the great majority of people and lowered living standards for the rest.

    Big Oil, Military Industrial Complex are small beans compared to Agri-Mafia and dystopic, deep ecology based green fascist movements of our times.

  5. Fruitcakes.

    This article: Svenska tvillinsystrar lekte med döden - nu är den ena häktad (in Swedish) seems to indicate that one of them is about to be charged with murder. A 54-year old nurse, father of three, was stabbed to death, near Stoke-on-Trent. Yet another suicide attempt followed, but no avail.

    First it was iron ore to Adolf, then ABBA, and now this! Should NATO & Russia invade Sweden to just make it sure that none of those will happen ever again?

  6. The current substitute for European wars is the Eurovision Song Contest, channeling all kinds of barbaric impulses. (And it may very well lead to another war, the way it has been going in recent years)...

    So you think the next war is about gays? How come, are there any states in Europe, apart from Bayerische Lederhosen Truppen, who would have anything against homosexuality, English public school graduates, Greece or Sweden?

    C'mon, things are surely different outside Alabama. :D

  7. Basically we are talking about fringe markets, never know what political or statutory risk hit you next, as even basic business contracts do change during their run on most surprising ways, contrary to the claims of things supposedly 'improving' by the Russian officials since the early 1990's. Way too many banks, and most of them are not banks in a western sense, but private piggy banks or "front operations" for various high officials, members of the ROC, army and security apparatus and other such distinguished regalia.

    To make things worse, the Russians themselves have moved loads of wealth and capital to their Swiss associates in many off-shore locations, as they have zero confidence to each other and their financial system as a whole. What will Putin do next?

  8. Because a Craton on which Finland is situated is without any tectonic activity to speak about, naturally this modern marvel must be built on the Finnish soil. Other possibility being Australia, but Kangaroos are way too far away from the CERN and European mainland.

    Actually the planning phase was quite active in the early 1990's, but since then plans are put on hold and probably "nothing" will happen before the mid 2010's.

  9. For theoretically inclined, this paper is approachable about what this all means: On the Eve of the LHC: Conceptual questions in high-energy physics by Alexei Grinbaum

    'Meaning', aka philosophy, is generally not very well received in physics community (Feynman, Weinberg et al), but this paper is more like a draft guide what to expect in the near future and how validiation/rejection of different theories, hypotheses, proposals might go ahead, thanks to the LHC and CERN.

  10. My understanding is that if they are in space they can't asorb the matter needed to then explode, but that the situation is different when one is embedded in matter (such as Swiss chocolate).

    Nah, sounds rubbish.

    From their "perspective" (~ frame of reference), it's "void" whether they reside in the STP or in the outer reaches of our Solar System. These are subatomic states, near the Planck scale, even if some very speculative assertions go as far as proposing ordinary and not so ordinary electrons are mBHs. They are not suckers, they blow only imaginary particles. Quite slackers, they are. :)

    Or have you confused this thing with this probabilistic effect?

    And besides, not all mathematical formulations have any existing, real world representations.

  11. The response is very low on physics, too. The problem is that, for crying out loud, nobody has even observed a micro black hole even through some obscure sensory out in the wild yet, much less measured anything about one. We know basically nothing about it except for Hawking's theory that he pulled out of thin air because it fit some existing phenomenons.

    It comes down to both sides evaluating the available theories as to which one fits their experience and their so-far view of the world better.

    BTW, the timeframe in this thread title is off, the thing isn't going to full power beam until late October, and I wouldn't be surprised if the preparatory diet beam they test the thing with in the weeks before doesn't quite cooperate.

    Have you ever heard of observational constraints? We know for sure that mBHs are not 'xploding around us. Can you relate what that means? :)

  12. This is getting nauseating. Nutty "The End is Nigh" people are waving their signs here, there, everywhere!

    Because the preprint archive, arXiv, is basically open to everyone, lots of absolutely humorous submissions appear there on almost daily basis. Having a submission on the preprint archive does not equal to "publishing", let alone papers appearing on professionally recognized peer-reviewed journals.

    Whether we go to loony land or not, A response was drafted by professional people with degrees, probably because this marketplace of ideas has received so much attention lately, for some peculiar, odd reason.

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