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Brent Pollock

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock

  1. I once set up a "pace-turn-and-fire" duel (frankly, I forget why) between a StuG and a captured StuG on a straight piece of road. They started out touching back-to-back and unbuttoned. Played it vs AI and hotseat and either way, so long as you gave no orders, they were content to sit there doing sod all about one another. Once you gave one or both an order (a move was enough...can't recall if a targetting order did anything), then the duel was on.

    Originally posted by MikeyD:

    [snipped by Brent] The weirdest aspect of this is when you start a game with an enemy tank right next to your own. It can sometimes take a couple turns before the two tanks even notice eachother!

  2. The SD entry is a CMAK Battle for:

    WBRP – Charnel-Wood (vs Ax AI).

    Here's the overall briefing.


    TITLE: WBRP - Charnel-Wood

    TYPE: Axis Probe, Canadian & SS

    DATE: July 08, 1944

    LOCATION: SE Corner of Buron, France

    REGION: "Italy/Dirt" for Normandy

    TIME: Mid Day (17H30)

    WEATHER: Fog (represents localised battle haze)

    GROUND: Dry

    TEMP.: Warm

    WIND: Breeze (S)

    TURNS: 9+


    AUTHOR: Brent Pollock (e-mail: b3b@telusplanet.net)


    Snowie's "Bloody Buron"

    Meyer's "The History of the 12. SS-Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend", pp. 146-7

    Copp & Vogel's "Maple Leaf Route: Caen"


    Allies vs Ax AI only (AI should "Stick to Scenario Default").

    A two-player version is available as a separate file, "WBRP - Charnel-Wood".


    Operation Charnwood was launced as part of the greater Allied effort to capture Caen. The Highland Light Infantry of Canada Regiment was given the task of seizing Buron, held by III Battaillon, 25 Pzgrd Regt, 12 SS Pz Div, which was well dug-in behind an AT-Ditch and minefields. Despite this strong position, which stripped and delayed tank support, Companies 'B' (east side) & 'D' (west side) slogged their way in and captured Buron, followed up the middle by 'C', then 'A'. The Germans reacted to the penetration with an artillery barrage, followed by a counterattack. This scenario depicts the counterattack launched into the south-eastern orchard of Buron to relieve the infantry. Map note: the double "High Hedge" represents the high stone wall enclosing small Norman towns like Buron.

    Design notes:





















































    This is a conversion of my ASL scenario of the same name, which I designed about a decade ago now.

    Allied =

    - 1/3 strength Company "B" of HLIoC

    - two Wolverine troops from Battery #245, Royal Artillery

    Axis =

    - Zug I. & II. from 3. Kompanie Panzerregiment 12

    Axis Bonus reflects Historical Outcome:

    - von Ribbentrop, Chantler & Kelly survive

    - Kelly bags two Panthers with his PIAT

    - Wolverines account for 4 more Panthers

    - 3 Wolverines KOd

    - Germans withdraw back to the Abbey

    The Axis orders mention that they should look for stragglers from III./25, but this is a ruse to get them to follow their historical orders; no German infantry reinforcement exist.

    Feb. 19, 2005

    ***************END OF SPOILER************

  3. Gawdammit ya great git of a Celtic troubadour - the word is "regimen" :mad: :mad: :mad: [swallows happy pills]

    Originally posted by Seanachai:

    [snipped by Brent]

    Weeds need a different regime of watering ...

    Now...great tank battles...hmmm...just girl-on-girl....errr...tank-vs-tank or do you want extra goodies....maybe full combined arms but with absolute scads of tanks?


    - Knifefight at Cecina is good for small scale stuff.

    - that desert one from the demo was grand fun...haven't tried the CD version

    - if you're feeling nostalgic for the old TOBRUK boardgame (dull map and all), try my WBRP-TOBRUK series which should be at the SD


    - that one about the Kingtiger company is good....name escapes me at the moment...think it has a 500-series number in the title

    - any of the Kursk Pack stuff, as mentioned by others...I'd add in any "Pack" stuff here - Stalingrad & Seelowe, ferinstance

    Brain dump ends

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