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Brent Pollock

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Posts posted by Brent Pollock

  1. There's one to burn into the ol' memory box :cool:

    Originally posted by JasonC:

    In game mechanics, put a hunt or fast move waypoint slightly ahead along the axis between the houses. Now add a "rotate to" command at the end. Put the end of that "rotate to" on your target. Now, pick up the hunt or fast move waypoint. Drag it forward slowly, until the purple line from the "rotate to" clears the houses on either side.

  2. Originally posted by JasonC:

    My recommendation is save your ammo.

    150mm and 152mm calibers are already getting marginal.


    Recent anecdotes that come to mind:

    1. [CMAK] plastering 2 or 3 full platoons of Pz IV Hs and a single Pz V G platoon with about five 105 mm OBA modules - end result was "lucky to immobilise one of them"...not sure how many unbuttoned crew got dinged

    2. [CMAK & CMBB] a buttoned Sherman and SU-85 each taking a direct Top Hit from 81 mm OBA/on-board mortar fire - end result "diddly & squat"...not even a crimp in morale level

    3. [CMAK] Italian 149 mm OBA immobilising and forcing a bail out on a Matilda II

    4. [CMBB] getting really lucky and immobilising a Pz IV with a 50 mm mortar near miss

    5. [CMBO] a King Tiger shrugging off three or four near misses from 155 mm OBA

    6. [CMBB] TRP'd bend in the road receiving 1 x 120 mm & 1 x 152 mm OBA. Bombardment caught 1 x Pz III platoon & 2 x Pz IV platoons. I think one or two were immobilised. More damage was inflicted by them being buttoned when some T-34s played peek-a-boo from reverse slope. Same game, different TRP - 82 mm OBA catches 2 x SPW 251 platoons on the move - only one KOd.

    [ April 20, 2005, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]

  3. Okay, I think the idea finally penetrated this Chobham-armoured skull of mine.

    Originally posted by JasonC:

    Brent - the strategic commander is the leader for his side. He is expected to fill in and command a tactical battle whenever no one else on his team is available...[snipped by Brent]

    If you find yourself stuck for a tactical commander (either side), send me an e-mail (b3b@telusplanet.net) as there should be times when I could spend several hours on CM, especially from June - Sept.
  4. Hmmm...if you mean something other than this:

    1. open up CM

    2. click on Start Game (or is it New Game?)

    3. click on Quick Battle

    4. toggle whichever parameters you want, including the battle type (Meeting Engagment/Probe/Attack/Assault) and points (for the defenders force, which then checks the Battle Type to factor up the attackers points)

    5. go through the rest of the QB procedure, which includes buying your forces (if you selected Allow Human instead of Computer for the unit purchase option) and selecting PBEM (instead of solo or hotseat or TCP/IP)...

    ...then I can't help you without more detail from your side.

    Originally posted by mystro:

    This seems like a excellent thread to post a NOOB question:

    I've been playing around with the scenario editor setting a couple of test games but I haven't figured out how to setup a PBEM game using the build point system so each side can build its own army within the pre-established points.

  5. Ah, the fog begins to lift; it is not the standard scale.

    Originally posted by JasonC:

    Brent - mostly a close up effect. The rail line runs through the village right to left. There is just a building in the middle of the village, too. Terrain matters at the grid square level - 5x5 CM tiles, each representing 1 km (thus the name, "CM times 10", applied to distance scales).

    However, I was confused by your note above to Bigduke:

    "Bigduke, are you interested in operational command? That would be fine by me - it would be Adam vs. you with the others as tactical commanders for each of you. Somebody has to start expressing a preference as to side (lol)."

    Because I thought I clearly stated a preference to be the Russian bigwig...

    Originally posted by Brent Pollock:

    Me, unless "sandy" was wanting a strategic role instead of a tactical one.

    It sounds like grand fun, but I only do PBEM, not TCP, so I might as well do the strategic stuff.

    Russians, please.

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JasonC:

    No problem, then you have one. Against who? (I can't command, I have to referee - I know both sides etc). Any takers?

  6. Simple psych fix for you - bogging risk is part of a vehicle's unit profile. It is an integral part of what you are pitting against your opponent. Same deal with MG jamming.

    Originally posted by Sanok:

    [snipped by Brent] I play because I want to pit my units and abilities versus my opponent's units and abilities. If I lose, I want it to be because I was outplayed, not because of some unnecessary feature that takes out my only tank on the second turn of the game.[snipped by Brent]

  7. I'd have the knees of a 30 year-old, too, if the bloody RCMP hadn't interrupted the back-alley surgery...stupid anti-vivisection laws...

    Originally posted by MikeyD:

    I'm fifty but look much much MUCH younger! ;)

    ...and the knees of a 30 year-old.

  8. So...don't play scenarios with small numbers of vehicles...or don't move 'em at all ;) I don't see much whinging about it when the OTHER guy's lone ubertank throws a tread.

    I still lose more to my own dumbass moves than the bog mechanic'll ever wipe out.

    For those of you that get an AFV immobilised close to a decent firing position, if you have another vehicle, use it to push the immobilised one into the firing position.

    Here's another thought - the bog mechanic compensates for the fact that the AFV armament will never jam or malfunction except due to enemy fire. I've read more than one account (how's that for statistical significance redface.gif ) of optics/firing mechanisms going out of whack without any fire being received.

    [Rambling ends]

  9. Why is the sky blue?

    Shorter wavelength (more energetic) = higher angle of dispersion, so the shorter red wavelength stuff scoots right through the atmosphere, but the blue stuff gets bent down towards our eyese on the surface.

    Sour cream does not so much expire as accumulate more fungus than you want to ingest.

    We park in driveways because cars make you stupid.

    I try and let at least one full minute of smoke barrage accumulate before charging the troops headlong into it. I also recommend using more than one FO for the smoke. See this thread for an example of how I've used it during a factory assault.

    Originally posted by Der Kunstler:

    Thanks guys. I'll try to do more self-experimenting so as not to become obnoxious. By the way: Does sour cream ever expire? Why do we park in DRIVEways?

  10. I've always LIKED the bog/immob in this game, even though it can be as frustrating as blazes. Any game mechanic that makes you want to stick to the road network is fine by me. Open Ground certainly does not equate to a flat, manicured lawn.

    I'm hoping the CMX2 has flipping & crashing, as happened in real life. Ferinstance, some rookie Canadian tankers in Italy would drive on a slope that would turn out to be too steep - they'd roll. One of the Hitlerjugend recce units encountered stiff opposition causing one of the drivers to panic and drive off the road, crashing and flipping a SPW...or maybe a PSW.

  11. Withdraw can work quite well with Vets or better.

    In a recent match, I had a HQ and some heavy weapons/FO in a patch of woods. On turn X, a 105 spotting round crumped down near them. I gave them all a "W" order and they just made it out of there in time on turn X+1. No muss, no fuss...no one wet themselves...real professionals.

    With Greens & Conscripts, it does tend to devolve into pandemonium, "sarge says run for your lives - we're all gonna die, man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Gad - I love this game.

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