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Everything posted by Briggs

  1. WHAT?! You call yourself a learned individual and you can conciously brush asside the threat of the Soviet Union to Western Democracy. You must pick your reading on how much play time the US gets. All you have to do is look at a map regarding the troop positions during the first days of Barbarossa. A good portion of Red Army units were in forward positions. Supply dumps were very close to the units. What does this mean? Attack posture. A defensive posture is in-depth, with supply dumps far back. Even looking at Red Army hardware, one can discern a rather "Offensive" posture to it. The planes, for instance: Most of them had fuel-efficient engines and low top speed, but had massive wing surface (In ratio to the size of the plane) and srurdy landing gear. I'm assuming you know little to nothing about aeronautics (Like everything else) so let me lay it out for you real simple-like. Large ammounts of wing surface means high manuverability, low stall speeds and good lift. These are qualities that are signature of ground attack aircraft. Aircraft with rugged landing gear with simple easy to service designs mean that they are intended to be used on airbases consiting of little more than dirt of mowed grass. These types of airbases are the kinds you see springing up in the wake of an advancing army. Even the main tank (T-34) was offensively minded. If you read deep enough, you'll see that Stalin had his eyes on Western Europe, Asia and anywhere else he could get his wretched pawn on. Can you even begin to immagine the rammifications of world wide "Communism"? It would mean a total economical collapse, for starters. I hate to say it, but Barbarossa and the Germans probably saved Europe from the USSR.
  2. Oh please. Here you go again with your stupid garbage. You have no realistic backing to this statement. Everything you have said here has all been unfounded, unbacked inflamatory garbage.
  3. Usualy, I'm not one to go for personal attacks and mud slinging, but since it seems as though you want to heap all your mud onto everyone who ever wore a uniform with a Swastika on it (Both dead and alive) I figured I may as well sling some of mine over your way. The really childish thing here is to call the German soldiers "Sad Bastards." Not to mention you called BlueMax stupid and ignorant (However indirectly is not up for debate). Also, I'd like to point out that most of Wittmann's kills came on the Eastern front. Your statement that the people trying to kill Wittmann were defending democracy or some rediculous line like that. Wittmann did just as much to save Democracy as any American tanker by killing SOVIETS. And don't even get me started on war crimes. Let's go through a few, shall we? DRESDEN. TOKYO. HIROSHIMA. MUNICH. I think that just about covers it. Take your one-sided view and leave.
  4. Well, how do YOU know? Are you all of a sudden the king of history? Do you know everything? Apparently your much over-sized ego would lead you to believe so. It's rather unfortunate you don't have any large holding tank of smarts to back up that titanicly disproportional ego of yours.
  5. Gee, nothing says, "Misguided, over-patriotic American," like that drivel that you somehow manufactured inside your tiny mind. You have some serious issues that need dealing with. First off, try containing your sad, pathetic hypocracy. So, you're a lawyer, are you? Well guess what? All lawyers get baby murderers and child molesters and mass murderers off death row for some lame ass exscuse like "So and so was insane." You -being a lawey and all- automatically fall into this category. As we all well know, everyone in the SS was a mass murderer, just like every lawyer is a lying, theiving, life shattering **** bag. This lumping people into categories can fly both ways, you little imp. You talk of being "In a charitable mood." What would you do if you were in a bad mood? Sue for 20 million dollars? You know, at first I had a small feeling that you *MIGHT* have some sort of historical knowledge. This statement: "Your German relatives in the German Army fought for a thoroughly despicable cause. It was the most dangerous threat to Western Civilization that we have seen in the modern era." proves to me you wouldn't know your ass from that hole in your head that your tiny brain obviously leaked out of. The USSR and Stalin posed the greatest threat to Western Civilization, you ignoramous. If you would read some history and research NOT written in America I think you'll find a rather different picture on the history of the world. You know, you could really do with a nice long game of hide-and-go-****-yourself. While you're at it, feel free to hide in the corner and get in touch with your inner adult. If there is one below that raptillian skin of yours.
  6. Actualy, with N. Africa, I find it to be very helpful in the war. I use the Italians to build up a lot of airfleets, and take them to Africa with some German tanks and an HQ. I roll over Alexandria, then continue East and take Iraq, then strike Russian from the south, and take her oil fields.
  7. Although this will obviously not fly with the AI, as it relies on human control, it could be very interesting for PBEM. To start off, instead of modding the game, we simply install "House Rules" of a simple, yet highly defined nature, along with a new Campaign. Firstly, we'd obviously have to do a bit of research into the OOB and political and geographical state of Europe for 1914. It may take a while, but I'm sure that with everyone's helpwe could get it done rather quickly. And I know some of the guys here are quite handy with the Editor, as well. Kudos to them. Next are the "House rules" so to speak, from which we will derive the main feel of the Great War. Though some people may say "No tanks until such and such a date," I feel that "No tanks till tech level X is reached." I feel it's quite a bit more realistic to force the player to invent tanks than to have them handed to them in 1917. We'll say...No tanks until you get Heavy Tanks level 5. When you DO get these monsters of battle, feel free to unleash them where you please. Along with tanks, there are Aeroplanes. At the start of the war, they were more scouts than fighters. 1915 saw the infancy of Airial Combat, and 1916 saw it blossom. If we say that all countries start with a Jet Tech. of 0, then all countries will be forced to limit all of their aircraft to Scouting operations; that is flying their aircraft to points on the map to spot enemy units, but are not allowed to attack. When a country gains jet tech 1, it is permitted to attack enemy units. At jet tech 2, they may build bombers, and at jet tech 3, fighters are allowed to strategic bomb. Jet tech. will max out at 3. Countries will not be allowed to pursue Jet technology after gaining level 3. Also, no long range air technology is permitted. Rockets for this mod shall pose as the Artillery. I had originaly planned on having a maximum of 2 for rocket technology, but the range was just too obscene. I think it would be good to cap the Rocket technology off at 1. Everyone (With the exception of Germany) will be starting off with a tech of 0. Sub tech will cap off at 4 for Germany, and 1 for everyone else. Germans will start with a sub tech of 2. All countries will have a Sonar tech of 0, capping at 2. Aircraft carriers are not allowed. Anti-Aircraft technology and Gun Laying radar are both suspended. Infantry technology will be two stage. Limited to 3 in the begining so as not to be such a hinderance to tanks, once your oponent enters tanks in, you are free to update to level 4. I am at ends as to industrial technology though. I think limiting it to maybe 2 or 3 would be acceptable. Also I have no idea how to get rid of the Maginot! Help would be appreciated. I'm sure with a bit of team effort from everyone in the community, we can get together a resonable facsimilie of the Great War. Anyone up to it?
  8. So what do the Americans get? Charlie Chaplin? "He's about as funny as getting an arrow through the neck, then finding out there's a gas bill tied to it."
  9. I've tossed around the ideas of Infantry Technology too. Better firearms (Garand, StG-44, MP-40, MG-42, etc.) Camoflage, equipment could all be lumped into one "Infantry Figthing" technology, or something. Gives better attack and defense vs. infantry.
  10. I haven't downloaded 1.03, nor do I plan on doing so. I am a person that likes music, and I play my music through my computer because it's got the best sound system in the house. All this music comes through my CD-Rom drive, and I'd rather listen to my music that be forced to play with the CD in.
  11. I say we deal him in the fashion that the Isreali's deal with terrorists. Drop a cruise missle on his house, killing him and all his immediate family which would remove their ability to breed more ingrates. Then we can apologize with big happy smiles on our faces. Good game, Isreal. [ August 17, 2002, 02:36 AM: Message edited by: Panzer Lehr ]
  12. I'm near Oakland. No luck for me, yet.
  13. Please let me rephrase: The History Channel may be credible by saying, "On such and such a day, the Army of someone or other took this or that city," but under no account would I turn to them for in-depth, unbiased factual history.
  14. Please don't tell me that you actually believe the History Channel to be a credible source.
  15. Could not have said it better myself.
  16. About Barbarossa: One day I did a Yahoo! search just to see what info I could come across, and stumbled over this interesting -if not slightly imaginitive story. http://ihr.org/jhr/v17/v17n4p30_Michaels.html I've not checked out this guy's sources yet, but I may do so in the future. If not true, then very interesting to say the least.
  17. If you've had a US Education then I feel for you. I was constantly tangling with my teacher about Nazi issues and the holocaust. One incident we got heated over was her reasoning for going to war over Poland. She said it was to "Rescue the Jews." I said "They beat Jews in Poland." She said that was crap and that I had no proof. I had no proof with me at the time, but I did say "If we were rescuing the Kews, wouldn't we have sent in some troops to rescue them?" I never got tired of making that lady miserable. It's as stupid as the notion that the American Civil War was fought over slavery. The same as the notion that all Germans were Nazis and all Nazis were jew beaters. I was also up in arms about why we covered the holocaust for SO DAMN LONG. Well, according to her infinite knowledge, it was the biggest case of Human suffering ever. Of course there was no mention of the 30 MILLION Russian dead, no mention of the Dresden firebombing or the Tokyo Firebombing. And the thing with Vichy France: A lot of things after the surrender of France were extremely embarassing to the French, such as Reparations and collaboration. All French in History classes were shown as either men too old to fight, women too pregnant to fight, or Resistance Fighters.
  18. Has anyone ever done this just to spice up the game? I did it after securing 6 U-Boats off the Eastern seaboard. I knocked out their Navy, evaded their Air Force, and succesfully hunted down their troop convoys with my pair of back up subs I had waiting in the mid-atlantic. I suggest you try it, loads of fun.
  19. My dear, dear U-Boats; how I do love thee so. Your 358 MPP U-Boat is 36 MPP's cheaper with Industrial Tech level 1, by the way. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but after the fall of France, I dump all my points into rebuilding my airfleets to at least 70% (If they need it, 100% for units over 70%) and the rest go to Industrial Technology. I believe that each point in Industrial Tech that you get knocks 10% off the going price for your unit. So, U-Boat Tech level 1 - 358 w/ indust. tech. 1 - 322 w/ indust. tech. 2 - 290 w/ indust. tech. 3 - 261 w/ indust. tech. 4 - 235 w/ indust. tech. 5 - 211 Pretty cheap, isn't it? 14 less turns to redeem itself. By the way, the max I've been able to sink is 50 MPP's. 40 in the Atlatic, 10 in the med. (You can get all 10 points with 1 Italian sub to the east of Malta).
  20. Too true, and well said. One doesn't have to repeat the follies of Hitler. Another reason I have, however is that Brit partisans are not in the game. I highly doubt the young (And old WW1 vets) would stand idly about and let Fritz pinch his country without a fight. Brit partisans would be fun.
  21. Damn, I just noticed that I hadn't given credit where credit was due. Guess I just forgot about it when I was muddling with the tables. Although yes, admitedly I would prefer to sit inside a nice protected Tiger, almost impervious to the baddies outside, for a cross country job, I'd rather be in a Panther.
  22. Ted, you have no idea (Or actually, come to think of it, you just might) how much I despise that kind of grammar. Is it really that hard to learn the differences between here, hear, your, you're, their, there and their? I know foreigners to whom English is a second language, yet have a batter grasp of it. Fault of the school systems.
  23. I would have to say I don't exactly agree with you there. I feel that the weight of the technologicaly superior WILL make their presence felt. I have gotten a level 5 Heavy Armour unit for the Germans just to see what would happen, and I must say I made rather short work of the Russians rather quickly. Also, long range fighters prevent the need to rebase as often, so you don't continualy have to halt barbarossa.
  24. LOL. That's how it was when I started the demo. I saw the AI reenforcing all his units and I couldn't figure out how to do that. I tried right clicking on a selected unit, but that doesn't work for some reason. I was thinking about posting a question, but settled on the idea that the reenforce command had not yet been coded in. Someone else asked the question and I found my answer. Kudos to them. Both my game play and ego are satisfied.
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