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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. I question everything these days. I had my time of blind obedience and mindless conformity. My life depended on those attributes, so at the time I embraced them. Today I find the new paradigms of business and life to be tedious, boring and not new in any way. Referring to people as "resources", what will we do "going forward"....and my favorite segue of all time "having said that" are used so often as to become ridiculous, especially when being spouted by someone who is supposed to be "smart" and well connected. I think people are so insecure these days, for whatever reason, that they will use any means at their disposal to fit in. Whether fitting in requires the use of corporate-speak, or to wearing red bandanas and making stupid signs with your fingers. I believe that the insecurity comes from a lack of leadership on every level of society. America is so hell bent to "soften" its image and prevent loss of "self-esteem" that we have stripped ourselves of the traits needed to provide leaders. What great leader never played dodgeball sometime in life? So conformity and feminization are the shining traits of America today....we are deathly afraid of agression in any form...we are willing to give up our leadership role in the world because of this. Why do you think everyone was so scared of the Chinese drummer corps at the opening of the Olympics....all men and very, very purposeful. How scary is that to the likes of Nancy Pelosi, and Howard Dean. What did I just say?
  2. I've thrown off that yoke, my friend. All of those things you mention are happenigs for people who feel opressed by the man. I am free as a bird and beholden to no one. This is my world...like it? I'm wavin' at ya from the front porch.
  3. Righto....you armor grogs...this is the Peng Challenge Thread . This is not Jane's Armor Review. We use wit here, not ERA, we have class here, not a smooth bore 125mm cannon. Don't come in here all wide eyed expecting to see the latest armor mods...forget it bucko!, none of that will be permitted here. Come here if you want to throw down a challenge, pick some one as low on the evolutionary scale as yourself and call them out. Don't expect to use thermal imaging either, we do all of our challenging in broad daylight!! Don't think of yourself as superior, just because you know a little about a BMP, or a LAV. In here you are just a piece of road kill created by the aforementioned BMP or LAV. Be nice to the ladies at all times...failure to follow that simple edict will surely result in your demise....in fact just poking your ugly mug in here will surely result in your demise. I know what you will say now...."don't call me Shirley, and I can come in here if I please." That certainly is true, but if we disaprove of the cut of your jib, then it will not matter how much Chobam you have on your side skirts...you will be told to SOD OFF!!!.
  4. I guess "largely eaten" indicates that the Croc may still have been friendly, but at the time of this incident it was certainly hungry.
  5. Your wife lets you use the facilities in your home? A truly brave woman, my compliments.
  6. Mr Shaw you are just annoyed because you are losing your hair. Every morning as another swatch of fur goes down the shower drain, you realize that your wasted life is slowly but surely slipping away, and you have accomplished nothing.
  7. I am truly amazed at the lengths grown men pursue in order to belittle each other. Can't we all just get along? /serious
  8. You know, for once you're right! However, he is one of those "others recognized" fellers, and not worthy of true comtempt.
  9. For once I agree with you.....I couldn't have put it better myself...in fact why would I want to, when I am dealing with the King of self-deprecation.
  10. Stefan, Are you saying that Sukhoi ground attack aircraft do not fly in bad weather? Even my StuGs can drive in the rain....as you well know
  11. Stefan, Thank you for the eyewitness accounts....cutting through all the BS and propaganda. Giving us the straight skinny on this conflict is a real service to this community. Please take care of yourself...I have a few warmed up StugIVs for you when you get back home.
  12. In other news.... Noba is trying to figure out how HIS Commonwealth units got trapped in the Falaise Pocket, while being pounded by German troops. History had it the other way, but you know how Noba can change history.
  13. Brits...Poles, what's the big difference, they were all Germans anyway and Michael Caine had a British accent, and they wore British uniforms, and Donald Sutherland isn't Irish, so the whole damn movie was upside over. Robert Duvall as a German officer...pshaw!!!! Even you must see the irony Shaw .
  14. I thought Scunthorpe was that place where Michael Caine and his German Paras dressed as Brit Paras landed to kill Churchill.
  15. Pay no attention to him....he is a BINAR, he is supposed to be upgrading the ship's systems.
  16. This is what has happened to American Business because we are mandated to "Value Diversity" This means that people are no longer required to be able to communicate in the English language to get a job.
  17. I have only seen trucks driven through mud in commercials and war newsreels. Why would a sane person intentionally drive a vehicle through mud? Oh I forgot Abbott is involved here.
  18. Not true. Nidan0.76545 is the real hacker. He has a Panther that kills Shermans whilst reversing and firing through the flaming wrecks of his own trucks! Boo is the real hidden-hacker. He sets up a QB with a map full of defensive terrain that 16 inch guns couldn't clear, and adds rain and soft ground so that my poor attackers had no hope of getting to grips with his cowering out of sight troops. That's code-breaking! Noba. </font>
  19. Thank the gods for a lot of folk in here that this is another unenforced rule of the MBT
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