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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Be careful or you're next! Ah, who am I kiddin', no reason to wait. Yer Outta here!</font>
  2. What's the dillio here? Why is everyone getting their cockles in an uproar?
  3. Originally posted by Gaylord Focker: Does that mean back out of your ass? Or at your usual rate, which is never when you start losing! Or have you not loaded the patch yet? Send me a setup, boob, you were the only one I was beating!!!
  4. Originally posted by Panzer leader: One of the reasons was that they alerted their citzens as to your animal touching proclivities, am I right? The second reason is the fact that you can't even spell Canadian correctly, but you can't really be blamed for being pitifully stupid now can you? [ December 17, 2002, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  5. The things that makes America such a wonderful country: A useless, bicycle seat sniffing pillock like Joe Shaw could actually run for President, and if he had enough money, a few well placed hanging chads and lied enough, he could even get elected! Talentless, rich and bored hollywood actors and actresses need only to latch on to an anti-war movement, capture a few choice sound bites, or travel to Baghdad to garner countless hours of free publicity and boost their failing careers, ala Hanoi Jane Fonda. We have the opportunity to re-live history as all of the neo-Neville Chamberlains of the world line up to say what a wonderful person Saddam Hussein really is, and he really doesnt want to blackmail the rest of the world with his oil resources, "he's just misunderstood, because his daddy was mean to him as a child" We have created such technological wonders as the personal computer, the internet, and all the other wonderful electronic and mechanical gadgets we all take for granted, but in all these years of innovation and wonder, we cant figure out how to run our machines without the need for petroleum. We created a land that was once a "melting pot", where folks from all races and creeds flocked with one goal in mind... to become an American and work hard, and make a better life. Now we have created a land where it is better to be more opressed than where your ancestors originally came from because it entitles you to stuff you dont have to work for!! America is home to Battlefront.com, the servers that make the transferring of all this wonderful information possible, and this forum, where the whole world can come together, babble and complain about "tired infantry", call each other names, have fun, laugh, and totally forget about all the crap in the world that keeps us at each others throats. End of pontification mode...... Edited to include a declaration that Pantless Leader is undoubtably a pscychopathic lackwit!!! [ December 17, 2002, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. You might as well. You don't fight that much better when you're sober. Or haven't you ever faced me sober ? Edited because I was so busy beating up on poor Nidan that I forgot to answer the question. The stupidest thing I ever did was limber up 2 105 mm howies to trucks in the middle of a vast patch of brush. That was in tournament, too. </font>
  7. I was recently playing a scenario from the Stalingrad pack against the AI. I had infantry advancing along a street, snow and fog kept visibility to about 40m. A generic Tank? icon appeared on the street near one of my squads. I picked assault and pointed my squad to the icon. After clicking the "follow vehicle" red line appeared, but not to the icon. It pointed to an alley between two buildings facing the street. Sure enough on the next turn a regular T-34 icon appeared from the alley and headed into the street, now fully identified to my nearby squads. Sorry no screenshots, but has anyone else ever noticed this? Is it a bug or somefink?
  8. So, you're losing to me! This is excellent news - if you'd just like to leave that primary victory location quietly we'll say no more about the cheek of you having occupied it in the first place! Go on now, or I'll fire more of those black pepper shells!</font>
  9. It had to be "Cracking the Egg", right? [ December 16, 2002, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  10. Originally posted by MrSpkr: Do you mean they could send me to Texas? Hot diggity damn!!!
  11. I want to take this time to announce two things: A)I fully support the Justicar's bid for the 2004 Presidential race. Not only is he really dumb enough to pull it off, but he can't possibly be any worse than the cretin we had for the previous eight years, before ole' GW came along. I think Joe could be the proof that anyone could be the President of the US if he/she has enough money, and lies to the right people. Plus how could anyone resist a Hamster as his party's mascot? I have now admitted to myself what all of you who have games with me have already discovered.....I totally SUCK at CMBB... (not a bad thing really)...I suck so bad that when I fire up the game and begin playing, solid objects in my den start to move towards me, like in that movie "The Arrival" with Charlie Sheen. It has gotton so bad, that my new flatscreen monitor has imploded. I have purchased the strategy guide, and I intend to read it cover to cover, in the hopes that I may glean some tidbit of information that could help me to overcome my suckiness. The few pages I have read already, have shown me that everthing I have done so far in my games has ensured the horrible demise of whatever side I am playing. The only game I ever had a chance with, my opponent bailed on me a quarter of the way through it. I had once hoped that playing many games at once would help me to learn... not!!! ....I actually seem to be getting worse . I intend to keep at it because I do enjoy playing even though I am handed my arse in most CMBB human encounters. I think I do have a chance against AJ , although I do not believe I have encountered his main defenses yet, so things could turn badly for me in that one as well. I do think I shall overcome against Panzer Leader , but then everyone does that, it's nothing special and no gauge of one's tactical abilities. I will endeavour to perservere, and one day I will be as good as Boo Boo.... perhaps? Maybe I should challenge MasterGoodale? I could perhaps overwhelm him with WaffenEmoticons? [ December 16, 2002, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. Uh huh, been a naughty boy this year aye? No goodies for you laddy. </font>
  13. Due to the fact that this is so fresh in my mind, it out classes all the other stupid things I have done in recent memory. Playing as the Germans in an ASL conversion of "Hubes Pocket", I was tasked with opening and defending an escape route along a wooded road for a couple of convoys. Sounds simple huh?. I thought so too, as in the opening turns of a 50+ turn scenario, I began pounding Russki infantry attempting to cross wheatfields on my flank. Spotting and then losing sight of Russian armor I began moving eastward to cover the entrance areas of my convoys. At some point in time I became fixated on the Russian infantry in flanking positions, and neglected to continue moving my fast units to the entrance edge of the map. About 20 or so turns in, to my surprise my truck convoys appear, and lo and behold are immediately taken under tank fire by T-34s my opponent had placed umolested to their flanks. By this time it was too late for me to rush to the aid of the trucks and they were neatly picked off like dead fish in a barrel. Result I surrendered, moral of the story.......stick to your mission, and dont have a few cocktails while playing. [ December 16, 2002, 07:14 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. I think a lot of that has to do with the new targeting technology. Paint on vehicles now has to absorb infra-red and laser sights, rather than to blend into the scenery. In WW2 most sighting was done visually, with telescopic sights aiding that task. In todays world sighting is done with lasers and such which allow tanks so equipped to "see" another vehicle through all sorts of conditions, without actually visually sighting them. It really doesnt matter what color a tank is painted, if it can be seen at night, through fog, from ranges out to 3000 or 4000 meters. [ December 15, 2002, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  15. Where would we be without Southern genteelness, you know, the Stars n Bars flying proudly from the back of a 1975 Chevy pick-up, Walt Garrison's famous Skoal commercials ......" Jest put a peench b'tween yur cheek an' gum, and jest let it set thar " The world reknowned Mint Julip, America's team, the Dallas Cowboys, (thank God they suck now). If the South had won the war, they'd be too damn stuck up to provide us with all this great entertainment.
  16. Originally posted by Dogbert: I repeat.... who is this twit? is there anyone here who can vouch for this catbreathed couch sniffer? Seanachai As to your inquiry into my heritage. I am a red blooded American son, born and raised in the state of high taxes and bumper to bumper traffic. Have lived with the likes of Nelson Rockefeller and Mario Cuomo and watched my hard earned pay disappear down the toilet known as "social entitlements" Served my country in its most unpopular war, and now I spend my free time posting nonsense on the internet and playing a computer wargame (nothing wrong with that I suppose). I could add you to my dance card if you like, I'm losing to everyone else, getting spanked by you wouldn't cause me any additional embarrassment. [ December 15, 2002, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  17. This should have been the first clue it was British troops. Forget the sodding pictures. Murkin troops are well aware of the proper things to mount, and we don't call it equipment. We call it: She who must be obeyed. Pay attention. Don't even bother to sod, just off.</font>
  18. Did any of you sods happen to catch the piece on MSNBC today about National Guard and Reserve units being called to active duty? It showed some tape of various US miltary units performing packing up chores and mounting out of equipment, while the narration talked about how the reservists could take care of their personal family matters while on active service. The tape then clearly showed British soldiers dry firing their weapons and moving equipment around. With all the so-called "experts" that these networks hire to explain every detail of every possible human occurence, you would think that someone would know the difference between American and British uniforms. One of the reasons why I never believe anything I see reported on TV. I get all my news from the MBT.
  19. ping) Step off a moving train; w00t) Confuse Cyanide for Viagra; snog) Question a hell angel's sexuality to his face ......... Please feel free to add your requests. Mace</font>
  20. quote: -------------------------------- Originally posted by Gaylord Focker: Jaws came out in 1975!!! -------------------------------- Did you have to look that up on the internet? You probably watched it on Nickelodian, were you even born in 1975? You twit!!! [ December 13, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
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