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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. What a welcome relief from this "Down Under Drivel" we have seen in the last few posts. Although it is amazing that any woman would choose to love you...any human being for that matter....it is probably not her fault. Happy Birthday Lady Moraine
  2. At least you all managed to stay in step. Heres a nice collection of pipe music.
  3. Sounds like the noise Boo was making the other night, when I over ran, (what he thought) was a well-concealed MG position.
  4. Is this more to your liking? Sheesh, what do I have to do? This young lady's ribs dont show..... You can supply your own bloody beer!!! I dont drink it anyway.
  5. Will this be satisfactory Sahib? I am desperate. The beer and the boat should be no problem bringing over, but the sheilas, What are Australia's statutes regarding the Slave Trade? Oh, and forget the Duke part...I remember what happened to English Bob, in " The Unforgiven" [ February 19, 2004, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. What board are you reading Boggs ? I can assure you that Mr. Radley has not won a game against me, since at least....ummmmm, let me see now, must check the archives..... since at least the time when member 10000 arrived.
  7. Has anyone seen the new Tavelocity commercial, starring our very own Seanachai ?
  8. Hmmm....interesting.....on what other planets have you already been rejected ? [ February 18, 2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  9. Emplyees are a funny lot....I came into work early this morning because it was snowing like hell again. After driving a few miles west towards my job...the snow band JUST ENDS...nothing not even a flake. There are four fecking inches in my yard, but five miles west of there...not a speck....but I digress...so now I'm in here at 0430, for nothing mind you, because there is no snow. I walk in to my Telephone Maintenance Center, and my midnight guy is snoozing, lights out and all. Then he yells at me for walking in UNANNOUNCED!!!! I'm the fecking boss, I tell him...if I want to walk in unannounced I WILL!!! sheesh, what is the world coming to? I could have fired his ass on the spot for premeditated sleeping on the job, there is no union here, but why would I do that?...I'm not a hard ass, and when I was a technician, I dozed off a few times myself on the midnight to eight shift. I'm just wondering when, being warned first became an entitlement? I need to really retire for good, I can't take this anymore. I could live like a Duke in Australia, on my retirement pension...hmmmmm, Noba, Speedy , do either of you have a spare room?
  10. I was told, to watch out in this one, no error was confirmed..keep on your toes.
  11. I think it would be more appropriate to be AT the beach. I don't want to know anything about WHAT they are touching. Do you?
  12. I don't think the picture explains the anamolies I have been experiencing with my EMail recently, but it certainly confirms the cause of the pain and suffering coming out of my bowels. Has anyone seen the movie "Angel Heart"? 'nuff said. [ February 12, 2004, 06:53 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  13. Why would that seem vague to you? After all Saddam Huessein's last place of residence seems like the Hilton compared to your Hobbit Hole.
  14. These accolades are well deserved!!!! Your hard work and dedication to the CM community, and your efforts to constantly enhance this fine game is appreciated by all. It's always great to be recognized by your industry, especially with all the BS you get from us all the time.
  15. Here I sit in my office, at work, trapped by the raging nor'easter outside dumping two inches of snow an hour on this godforsaken island. No going home tonight, no turns either for you lacklustre, wannabee, seafarers.
  16. Listen you fools...just point the long end at the other ship!!!! You got that???? I swear by my beard, that will be the last time we use the impress gangs in Australia!!!
  17. The cannons are manned and ready Our Queen !!! Now which way do you want us to point them?
  18. That tears it, mates...no more speculatin'....grab tha' ropes, me hearties. Time for a little, fun. See 'em there? 'es the one with the sheep...we'll have no shaggers aboard this vessel!!!! Clear the decks of this rabble!!!!!
  19. Anyone up to watch a good keelhauling? 'Afore we have to scrape the barnacles from the ship, we might as well put 'em to good use. Who'll be first now? Berli ?, how about Meeks ? Maybe we should pick an Aussie? How about, Noba , or Speedy , mayhe Mace ? We could snactch someone from that Waffle thread? Just so many possibilities.
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