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Everything posted by dizee

  1. hmmm all of this makes me think.im sitting in germany, and i want to have the original cmbb from the battlefront.com site.the one and only...no fuzzy localized stuff with wrong screenies or poo`ed on manual etc... it may sound naive or so, but can i order it the normal online way, just as the rest of none europe-world?and if i can, how long will it take to arrive?i never ordered stuff from bfc before.
  2. hmmmm..havnt the operations been reworked? playing improved operations in cmbb was one of the points i was looking forward to the most. :/
  3. lol 2 scenarios for 20 days...dont think that will be enuff, but anyway...
  4. agree...never understood what is so brilliant in massing a 10:1 odd, and still conceede fearsome losses
  5. id like to command a platoon of pIIIm´s, as they are takin on a bunch of yes-im-blind-coz-of-my-2-man-turret t-34/76b´s...
  6. FKN OWNED!!!!111 it must have been one of those +250 kills dudes. send the washingmachin to the following address pls...
  7. sum luftwaffe jockey... barkhorn or rall? mebbe its nowotny...uhh those are 3 picks at once
  8. the point was that british ultra deciphered the orders and gave the russians a hint about a upcomming counteroffensive un hungary.the russian commander prepared the defenses well, and the german strike ran into some kind of a ambush.
  9. over here in hamburg there are still many of those airraid bunkers.they are so incredibly tough that they havnt been torn down after the war, and are now used for lotsa different stuff like the most impressive bunker in hamburg: the former air defence center.its a fkn huge concrete monster over at the heiligengeistfeld. with 4 big platforms on top of it, you can exactly see where the 4 big 128mm twin flakguns stood.its a mediacenter now with lots of advertise agencys, photographer studios and so on.its kinda strange feeling when ur walking up those steps, when u know that 60 years ago on the very same spot young ppl hurried upwards to man their guns, or when ur driving with the elevator wich was used to transport the heaps of ammo for the guns.
  10. yeah...i just read summin about wodka being used upon the russians in ww2. it occoured during the kursk/belgorod aftermath, as the german armys had to cunduct a rather difficult withdrawl. >> The 5th guards Tank Army(cmd Rotmistov) ran into the german Army Group South supply dump at fesky northwest of Kharkov crammed with 2 month´ supply of everything neccessary to support two armies for three month.That included liquour.the german quatermaster threw open the dumps to any german unit that had transportation.Whitin two days it had been cleaned out except for the wodka.None was touched: with french cognag, spanish port and italian chianti to choose from, who would want wodka?.It was then that the 5th Guards Tank Army overan Feski-and did not move for three days.When the russians had drunk the last carboy dry and recovered from their hangouvers, they discovered that SS Panzer Division Winking had reinforced the german defence and occupied the high ground in front of them. << evil...
  11. hmm well... i dont want to discredit this tex guy, but there are many many warstories out there who are over exeregated or even pure fictional. i mean he "killed" 38 germans.did he killed everyone he hit?or did he hit 38(including wounded)?or did he killed 38 and wounded several others?well, then i would like to see a report of that platoon of terribly newbish german soldiers who couldnt manage to take a position defended by a single machinegunner, with the support of 600 rounds of artillery and tanks.
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