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Posts posted by athkatla

  1. Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ankle biter:

    I am still proud to be a SSN who plagues your reverred (by you lot anyway) thread, and there is no way I will become anyones piss boy, so you can stick that where the sun don't shine!

    Here's a hint: that pitter-patter on your head is not rain. You are right, you are not anyone's pissboy, you are everyone's pissboy. Whether or not you choose to hold up your bucket is a different matter.</font>
  2. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    Indeed my good man, you have finally got it right, Barton-upon-Humber is the place, and if you are such a motorcycle enthusiast as you say you are, why didn't you grace my good town on Wednesday night, along with the other 5,000 bikers? You are also right about the relevant positions of the two teams mentioned (tho I hesitate to refer to Scumthorpe as a football team), but that will always be the case. They will never rise above the Pride of Lincolnshire and I'll beat any one to death who says they will!


    Well, I like the cut of this one - got an unpronouncable name, Northern and feisty and tends towards psychological imbalance. Have we checked the teeth? *sniff* I wish to recommend this one as serf and possible Squire to see how he fares and guide 'im Westwards, as it were. Justicar!, acknowledge.

    Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

  3. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    Oh my dear chap YEKKNOCKTHEDOORDOWN yet again you are slightly confused. I wasn't referring to my home town as Scumthorpe, heaven forbid, but that beautiful little town that sits on the bank of the River Humber, south of the ****ty of Hull, at the south end of the Humber Bridge. And whilst my heroes may be destined to wallow in the lower end of Division 1, the bunch of wannabees nicknamed "The Iron" will forever languish in the lower reaches of Division 3.

    Barton-upon-Humber? Oh me gawd.

    This one has fine credentials and some spunk too. To take on Me Lady with such brazen disregard for personal safety.

    Though confused too, I may suggest, because didnot Scunthorpe soar to the upper end of that league? I think so, eighth. And didnot not Grimsby plummet to just three places above relegation?

    I fear they will drop some more.

    Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

  4. Originally posted by CMplayer:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I do believe that AthoverteaKettle is still an SSN ... don't even believe he's found enough support to be made Serf ...

    That bit he wrote about his ancestral home of, what was it called? Scumthorpe? On the basis of that piece being so unbelievably weird and disconnected from all ordinary social intercourse, couldn't we rush his application through and make him pissboy?

    Pissboy of a fictitious House, an X-house, a non house, a mere placeholder for misfits, a halfway house (halfway to Canturbury by the looks of it, wink wink, nudge nudge) I mean just a place where he can sit and think and scratch his pair and <big>be a part of the tourney.</big> Whuddaya say, pleeez ?

    Only because otherwise I'd be in a bit of a jam. I already sent off the file.</font>

  5. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    ]Yuk, the name of Scumthorpe makes me want to vomit! On a lighter note, reading of your liking for motor cycles, and your apparent interest, or maybe previous residential occupancy in the local area, did you make a return visit to my town on Wednesday for our Annual Bike Night? Over 5,000 bikes in the town for an evening of, "ohh isn't that a Triumph Bonnaville", ale and rock bands, oh and fish and chips!

    Ale, fish and chips AND 5,000 motorcycles... of course this marks out Scunthorpe as a place of reverie and discernment populated by poets and lucscious Lincolnshire biker-babes?

    At total odds to the rundown heap that is Grimsby, that boil on a noble estuary that feeds the glories of Cleethorpes from where any fish 'n' chip connoisseur can satisfy their need at Steels or stroll along the front and breathe the sweet smell of mud.

    And doesn't Grimsby Town FC know this to be true? Lest we forget that Blundell Park is not actually in Grimsby but in Cleethorpes? Forever nomads in the butt-end of Division One, whereas The Steel heroically champion their home crowd.

    *sigh* now it could have been worse. It could have been Hull.

    Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

  6. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    And Geer what is your obsession with Scunthorpe? Twice I have seen this in your posts, and it offends me, please refrain from mentioning that scummy town again, or else I'll be forced to inflict horrendous taunts to your personage and possibly challenge you to handbags at 20 paces. Or failing that, powder puffs at 10 paces.

    AfterCatLitter, please escort the (sic) Swedish Gruyere and yerself down to the paddock for Scunthorpe activities. I require Julie Andrews dress and swinging handbags to the refrain of "Scunthorpe, oh me sunny, Scunny Scunthoooorpe"

    It gets me excited.

    Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

  7. Originally posted by Persephone:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    And Geer what is your obsession with Scunthorpe? Twice I have seen this in your posts, and it offends me, please refrain from mentioning that scummy town again, or else I'll be forced to inflict horrendous taunts to your personage and possibly challenge you to handbags at 20 paces. Or failing that, powder puffs at 10 paces.

    ArseKisser, don't you ever disgrace Yeknod's most beloved Scunthorpe ever again! It's the garden city of England...lots of thistles. I think you owe the Donkey an apology.


  8. many thanks to all of you for your varied answers. It seems that there is no "black and white" answer and that the terrain you are on and the kind of mission you are carrying out will decide what is the best way to deal with this problem. Once again, thanks guys smile.gif

  9. When advancing platoons to contact, and if you want to move them there quickly, how do you go about getting your HMG/MMG there with them. It seems that I have to spend 1 turn waiting for them to catch up as you cannot issue the Run command to them, and if you don't have any vehicles to carry them forward, this can be a bit of a problem. Any thoughts?

  10. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    Good show Kump. I am so glad to see you back and running. As far as Andrew -yeah he's good. Real good. Look forward to visiting the site and seeing what all is going on. As far as the mod list. Man, that would be great! but what a job you have. Good luck.

    Man, you get up early in the morning! smile.gif
  11. All this talk of sending people to Coventry is disturbing. Have you actually asked the people of that fine City if they want to indulge your cast offs? And Geer what is your obsession with Scunthorpe? Twice I have seen this in your posts, and it offends me, please refrain from mentioning that scummy town again, or else I'll be forced to inflict horrendous taunts to your personage and possibly challenge you to handbags at 20 paces. Or failing that, powder puffs at 10 paces.

  12. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

    ...No reason not to impose Coventry upon the un-learning chap, is there? Has anyone been entertained by his feeble thrashings?

    Coventry is serious business Leeo, let's see if he's bright enough to KNOW how to edit his post and remove the offending length ... if not THEN Coventry. Mind you I tend to agree with you.


  13. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    <font color=red>Is anyone seriously going to refuse to buy the game on account of the lack of some runes and the dreaded SS letters in - what, one screen that doesn't even feature in the gameplay (the purchase screen)? Give me a break. If anyone is stupid enough to pass on the game for that reason alone, more power to them. I think that is all that really needs to be said, no?</font>

    Damn, if that isn't a hard colour font to read!! But to the point, I live in England, and I want the game, don't give a toss about the apparent "problems" with the cdv copy. My CM:BO is a cdv one, and I've had no problems with that. Just give me the freaking game, SS or no SS :D
  14. Originally posted by Tuomas:

    I will propably like the Eastern Front more than Western one. Me being also a Finn might have something to do with it, but I think all the improvements in CMBB will make it impossible, atleast for me, to go back to CMBO.

    I prefer defending over attacking and I think the improvements on machine guns and dug-in trenches will favor defending so it will be realisticly hard to overcome well prepared defences. This is one reason why I would not imagine going back to Beyond Overlord after having a sweet taste of Barbarossa to Berlin.

    As I said me being a Finn might mean I view the game through blue-white eyeglasses. (I bet most of you didn't get that last one.)


    Finnish Flag Colours?
  15. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    My god, I really do think that Bo Diddley is genuinely scared of taking on my ready-to-die Frenchies in mortal combat! Turn 21/30 and he finally sends a HT tentatively forward, fires a quick burst, then reverses the hell out of Dodge!! Oh Hurrah.....well done old chap.......is that the best you got? When I've unhinged your brain(?) with the sight of hundreds of your scum bag cowards dieing around you, then I shall see to you...........Prepare to die!

    But see? That's what I've been asking of you right from the get-go. Instead of sending your hapless French surrender-monkeys out one by one send them all out. Please. Do it now. I'm dying of ennui.

    (I hate to repeat myself, but as you spent so many years in the British Army, you've already demonstrated that you're a little on the "slow" side, so here goes again. "I'm not coming into the woods looking for you. I'm quite happy where I am, thank you very much. Now go watch the telly until your eggy-weggy is done."</font>

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