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Posts posted by athkatla

  1. Originally posted by Andreas:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    As an ex MFC (Mortar Fire Controller) with the British Army (1969-1983) I too am a bit disillusioned with the representation of mortars in the game. I do realise that it is a WWII game but didn't they have MFC's then to call in Mortar Fire Missions. In my time, each Rifle Company had an MFC attached who would usually move with the Company Commander, and then when the Company made contact the MFC would be able to call in Mortar Fire support, and also Rifle Company NCO's were also trained to be able to call in fire support from the Mortar Section, should they be required to do so.

    I would be surprised to hear they had a system where every company had access to someone like that in world war 2. After all, platoons still had their organic 2" mortars to do exactly this job then. Also, judging from the view memoirs I have read, they don't seem to mention that for the British Army at least. Having said that, I am a bit in the dark how observation was done for the 3" mortars. I know that the 4.2" mortars had their own FOOs, from a passage in Blackburn.</font>
  2. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    I don't understand the word clothespin, I do wish you would learn to speak the Queen's English as it should be spoken, and not use those awful "Americanisms" that you people over there are so fond of, good lord man, whatever next {Ugly little face removed because I felt like it.}

    Oh for the love a Pete! (You remember Pete, don't ya? Moved in after Dave left? Yeah, Dave's not here, man.)

    I didn't realize I was dealing with a poncing Pom! What next? We already have more Oddstralyuns than you can shake a stick at, (Which, I hear, is good work if you can get it.) a token Canadian, and now another Limey git! I would say the 'Pool is going to Berli in a handbasket, but that might be considered hyperbole...and I swore a million times I wouldn't resort to that!

    OK, Athabasca-honeymoon, a clothes pin is a little wooden device (not unlike your head) that is used to secure clothing to a line in order to dry. Just clamp it on and the wet clothing waves gaily in the breeze, similar to many MPs. I imagine though, that you folks call them by another name. Carl, for instance.</font>

  3. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    I don't understand the word clothespin, I do wish you would learn to speak the Queen's English as it should be spoken, and not use those awful "Americanisms" that you people over there are so fond of, good lord man, whatever next :eek:

    I wouldn't take that from some fellow who's apparently named himself after a city in Amn, Boo.</font>
  4. As an ex MFC (Mortar Fire Controller) with the British Army (1969-1983) I too am a bit disillusioned with the representation of mortars in the game. I do realise that it is a WWII game but didn't they have MFC's then to call in Mortar Fire Missions. In my time, each Rifle Company had an MFC attached who would usually move with the Company Commander, and then when the Company made contact the MFC would be able to call in Mortar Fire support, and also Rifle Company NCO's were also trained to be able to call in fire support from the Mortar Section, should they be required to do so.

  5. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />It likes to you those ugly little faces, doesn't it Precious, Yesssss it does. We hates those little faces, don't we Precious, hmmmm? Yessss we hates them. WE HATES THEM FOREVER!

    Too bad Bo Diddley the're here to stay, and frankly my dear, I couldn't give a damn :D What is a computer retoucher anyway, why did you touch it in the first instance? Do you have a fetish about computers? :eek: </font>
  6. Originally posted by jgdpzr:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    Not knowing anything about armour tactics, I just sent about 4 tanks forward a little to engage the AT Guns at long range

    THAT is probably one of the major reasons you lost. It's rarely advisable to send tanks up to take out ATGs at almost any range. In fact, that is what the gunners (and the one commanding them) want you to do. Artillery is your best weapon to use against ATGs. Tanks-vs-guns=bad idea.

    Oh, and as Zitadelle said, you'll want to mark any posts regarding scenario details with a spoiler alert, either in the subject line or at the very top of your post.</font>

  7. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    I think I'll sod off...................for the time being!

    Isn't this a fallacious oxymoron? That you could think?


    Does not compute. Proper end-point, but the process leaves much to be desired.

    (Have I said before that malt liquor is my friend? Ok, the kind of friend that shows you a good evening and then hits you with a bat and takes your wallet, but with friends like that, who needs enemas?)</font>

  8. Originally posted by Khane:

    Hi, athkatla

    Try also "Any Port After a Storm " , the other mini campaign from the same author.An excellent way to train in very different kind of battles

    An other good way to learn is to play PBEM.


    Thanks Khane I'll certainly try that, after I have worked my way through the other 7 secnarios of "No rest for the weary". I don't feel confident enough yet to play a PBEM game, as I have had the game less than a week, and I don't want to show myself up, or annoy anyone I play with my somewhat naive tactics. I'm definitely looking forward to PBEM though when I feel I am up to it :D
  9. Being an ex Grunt, I was a bit worried about tackling this armour heavy scenario, but boy, did I have some fun! I was a bit overwhelmed at first, having so much armour etc. bunched up at the start of the map, and it didn't help when I recieved a fair share of arty on top of it. This woke me up and I got moving. Not knowing anything about armour tactics, I just sent about 4 tanks forward a little to engage the AT Guns at long range, then organised some armour and inf to move down both flanks, and start tiger hunting. Well, to cut a long story short, I lost, a minor victory for the axis, but not before I accounted for 3 of the 4 Tigers and also a Panther G, it was good fun, and one of my Priest's accounted for 2 of the tigers. I will play this scenario again smile.gif

    [ June 25, 2002, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Moon ]

  10. Originally posted by Leeo:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

    I think I'll sod off...................for the time being!

    Isn't this a fallacious oxymoron? That you could think?


    Does not compute. Proper end-point, but the process leaves much to be desired.

    (Have I said before that malt liquor is my friend? Ok, the kind of friend that shows you a good evening and then hits you with a bat and takes your wallet, but with friends like that, who needs enemas?)</font>

  11. Thanks Fionn I'll have a look at that thread, I have been lurking this forum for a while now, trying to pick up pointers here and there, but it's not the same as having the game and trying them out for yourself. That was the frustrating bit, reading evey one's post and waiting for the game to be delivered!

  12. Originally posted by Fionn:


    Well, I'm sure we all remember our first victories too ;) . (Well, I don't actually but that's cause mine were a bit longer ago than yours ;) ).

    FWIW though the smiley you are using is the "exasperated" smiley so some folks could read the last part of your message as being a sort of sarcastic comment. That is just for future reference.

    LOL, well I sure don't want to upset any of the guys on here, I have spent many an hour reading the "Peng" Threads and have seen the squashing of many a newbie poster by the elequence of the Grogs and Cess Mob's replies, whoever they might be, and whatever their names stand for. Anyway, I'm getting dangerously close to inviting a ripost from some of them, so I'll shut up till I consider myself a worthy opponent, and concentrate on learning more about the game.

    smile.gif I trust this smiley is PC and not about to send anyone into a fit of uncontrollable rage ;)

  13. Originally posted by Agua:

    Congrats! I recommend playing that entire series for a good set of training scenarios as they are small, short and provide varied attached units to your base infantry coy. You should learn a lot playing through those.

    Yes, that's the reason I'm playing these scenario's, they were recommended by another poster as good for beginners!

    Terence Well all I did was arty the hell out of Hill 202 and concentrated my infantry attack on the features to the west of it. After a preliminary bombardment, and use of smoke and terrain to get my grunts in a position to attack, we just did the Brit thing, "up and at em", thats where most of the prisoners surrendered under the weight of a two plt attack! :

    Thanks also to the rest of you guys in taking an interest in e newbie blowing his own trumpet :rolleyes: )

    [ June 24, 2002, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

  14. As I don't know how to post a screen print in here of my first AAR, just a short summary. I guess I'm pretty chuffed I made a win, tho it might not be a big deal to most of you, anyway, I played the Scenario, "No Rest for the Weary" Part 1 and finished up as below:-

    (I was the Allied Attacker)

    Allied Attacker - 58 casualties (17 KIA)

    Men OK - 182

    Score - 88

    Axis Defender - 124 casualties (40 KIA)

    Captured - 33

    Guns destroyed - 4

    Pillboxes knocked out - 2

    Men ok - 35

    Score - 12

    Axis surrender, Allied Total Victory

    Ok, I won't do it again, ;) it's just that it's my first :D

  15. For all my fellow brits who are interested in the Tiger Tank, watch Ch 4 at 8pm tonight. The programme is called Battle Stations, and the write up is as follows:-

    The story behind Hitler's superweapon the Tiger tank, which was designed to demoralise the Allies and blast the Nazis to victory. Using archive films, re-enactment and interviews with German Tiger veterans, the programme seeks to build an accurate picture of a machine regarded as one of the finest vehicles in the history of armoured warfare.

    It's on for an hour, before Big Brother so boot out the wife and kids, and settle down for the evening :D

  16. Originally posted by Soddball:

    No, MG's aren't modelled correctly. They target individual units. The problem is code-based and will be improved in the release of CMBB.

    With all the new stuff I've been reading about CMBB it looks like it's going to be a whole lot better then CMBO, if that's possible!! :eek:
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