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Everything posted by Keke

  1. How about this? In recent PBEM-game (CMBB), my regular Soviet infantry squad, which had already taken 3 casualties, was advancing (under the order) in snowy scattered woods towards possible German infantry squad (generic marker). When it was 24 meters close, the German squad turned out to be a flamethrower team, which immeditially fired upon my poor comrades. My lads hit the ground and....got themselves up, while hosed with fire, and eliminated the flamethrower team! And took no casualties! :eek: [ December 04, 2002, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]
  2. Ok, thanx. There was no terrain problem, but now I know what´s causing those gaps in trench lines. I´ll just have to move the trenches closer to each other.
  3. Yes, they are all padlocked. Maybe this problem has something to do with the fact that my playtester-opponent has an U.S. -version and I have a CDV-version (English) of the game (both patched to 1.01)? [ November 29, 2002, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]
  4. Without MasterGoodBates himself this thread is so...empty... :mad:
  5. I´m playtesting my upcoming scenario, where the defender has a couple of continuos trench lines (padlocked). In the editor and with hotseat/AI -playtesting everything looks nice, but with PBEM-testing several trenches have "moved" at the start of the game few meters here and there, ruining the carefully placed continuous lines. Everything else, the troops and the terrain, are where they should be. What´s the reason for this and can it be avoided? ...While writing this it occurred to me, that if there´s no other solution, I could leave the trenches unlocked, and advice players to correct their positions during the setup.
  6. Thanks for pointing that out. I had accidently replaced few tank hunter teams with Jerries.
  7. Gentlemen, after installing 1.01 patch (CDV, English version) I continued to edit my upcoming scenario (located in Finland) and noticed in a playtest that all Finnish VL-flags had changed to pseudo-German flags. To put it simple: BTS, PLEASE FIX OR DO SOMEFINK!
  8. I am becoming more convinced that while Hitler dreamed he could save the 6th Army with newly formed SS-Corps, Manstein had realized that 6th Army should tie as much Soviet formations as possible to allow orderly retreat for German troops at Caucasus, which would save AGS. Wintergewitter was just a display by Manstein to prove that he (supposedly) tried to do everything to save the 6th Army. Edit: Corrected some badd Enklish. [ November 21, 2002, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]
  9. Hear, hear! The book is written by 6 historians, 4 of them French (ex-)communists. I also recommend (even more) books written by Aleksandr Solzenitsyn, who btw, was a commander (captain) of a artillery battery in the Red Army by the time of his arrest spring 1945. He had critizised Stalin in a personal correspondence, so off to the Gulag he was sent... [ November 21, 2002, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]
  10. Very true. While visiting Finland on summer 1942 (Mannerheim´s birthday), he told to Finnish representatives how unexpectedly high numbers of Soviet tanks Germany had already encountered. That in a way like he had great doubts about German success. Btw, the conversation was secretly recorded by Finns, and has been represented in a couple of Finnish war documentaries.
  11. According to Glantz, the German timing for Barbarossa was optimal, as the Soviet forces were in the midst of a massive overhaul and restructuring of their forces. Fe many Soviet tank formations had unrifled barrels or no sights, not enough prime movers were available for artillery, insufficient ammunition was stockpiled, insufficient gas etc. etc.
  12. I just checked from an old map. The railroad from Murmansk goes through Volkhov, Tikhvin, Vologda (where one line goes to Moscow) and all the way to the Urals. So it didn´t just went to Moscow... [ November 17, 2002, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: Keke ]
  13. Read the really positive comments of Halder in the diary about the number of Soviet formations there were supposed to be left after July. From that you can see how erroneus German estimation about the number was.
  14. You are certainly talking about some other Soviet Union I have never heard of.
  15. Did I understand this right? Hoth critisizing Guderian about following OKH/OKW plans? Oh boy, I thought Guderian was the spokeperson against the "diversion" attack (according to his memoirs, that is)...
  16. I must remind you that most memoirs written by former German generals (during the 50s under U.S. Army supervision, btw) are usually full of hindsight. That is not to say that all field commanders actually agreed with OKH/OKW plans, but that is not my point. My point is that the decision made in German High Command wasn´t so foolish as it may appear afterwards (with hindsight). [ November 16, 2002, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]
  17. Unfortunately Stolfi belongs to the group of "revisionists" who believe that USSR was preparing to attack Germany about the time of Barbarossa (and there were no Holocaust!..). More importantly, what these so called historians usually forget to mention, is how German Army intellingence had underestimated the strength of Soviet Army, especially the number of formartions the latter had. Based on that information, the decision to "divert" south on August 1941 was quite logical; to destroy so large part of the Red Army, that it couldn´t recover during the year. Soviet counter-attacks at Yelna also contributed to this; many German commanders were more willing to search for a "soft spot" from the Soviet lines. So only with huge hindsight one can claim that the massive and succesful pincer attack made around Kiev was the turning point at the Ostfront.
  18. Just wanted to add that HQs (without the arcs) seem to unhide themselves before units they command regardless of terrain. It was quite surprising when I played the demo first time, and in "Yelna Stare" my German HQ started firing at Soviet hordes long before others (platoon hiding in open terrain, dug-in) taking heavy casualties and panicking before I was able to manually unhide the rest of the platoon. And this happened with all HQs. But hey, I learned the use of arcs the hard way... [ November 01, 2002, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Keke ]
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