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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Wow! I am enthused all over again! At least a little of the Battle of the Atlantic? Is this responsiveness by the game maker or what? Or, hmmmm, was it planned all along as one of those surprises that have been promised... and here we were getting down and out about no sub strategic warfare.
  2. And besides, Rommel's problem was supply -- he was asking for 30,000 pounds, but by late '41 was only getting 6,000. The hex scale would suggest that vast encirclements didn't really happen -- end runs or skirmishes perhaps due to desperation at not being able to confront the Commonwealth head on. As for the game -- if you punch through in the one hex, you CAN cut off the adjacent one. Suggestion: how about heavy artillery in SC2 to simulate continuous shelling before a battle, as the Americans always used to good effect? Though, the Italians could bring up the BB's to accomplish the same thing.
  3. Having seen WiF's Beta, it is very strange -- that tiny little window to maneuver in... I like SC for this reason -- with a few quick clicks you can survey the whole empire -- it's more like the board-game atmosphere, where you feel as though you are actually... kind of divine. Not necessarily holy, but divine.
  4. Great looking map! FoW is going to be interesting. Yeah ... looking at an old map, it appears that the part of Slovakia (due south) that the Germans occupied by this date -- goes a few clicks east of Warsaw, so an attack from the south would be possible?
  5. Turns away from port sounds right, since you would expend fuel and supplies even if you were running in circles. So, it would depend on the resource-size of the port, and if your opponent was always bombing it, from the air or with capital ships, you'd have less supply.
  6. Way back when, it was a shameless time :cool: , I had this '66 GTO convertible -- that sea-green & devil-blue shine! to it... And I really took pride in all the wrenching I did on the 389 bully-block that had dual-quads sitting spitting on top, and how easy the Hurst synchro-shifter ran it through them yellow-lights like greased lightning. However, the Foxes seemed to be charmed by the rally-mags and the wood-grained dash they used to like to caress it and go -- oh, oooh... well, In a WWII GS game, you gotta have the basics, first and formeost -- and Hubert's gone and did it pretty good, it looks like. The chrome? Like the history story above, it all depends on what action yer after. A little is good. Too much, and... hell, you know.
  7. Thank the Stars for Canada! When you really need them, they're always strapped up and aching to go, like in Iran some years back. I thought about projecting air power with carriers as a solution, but didn't reckon on the fortification rules. But then, you'd have to provide some screening for the (... vulnerable? any ASW, and is their CAP?) CA/CV's. Which brings up another question -- can naval vessels just steam around in Seas willy-nilly, or do they have to touch base with HQ (... flagship?) units every so often?
  8. Doggone, that's right. Sounds like we won't have an air fleet in Malta after all, since an invasion would absolutely be an ongoing threat, so you HAVE TO garrison Malta. With the rules, you have FoW and can hide your intention to transport amphibious units (unlike, say 3R or others where you can see the opponents marines and transports ready to gung ho! in port). Britain was able to really curtail Rommel in Libya because of that base at Malta. So, if we are playing Britain, I guess we'll have to keep cruisers or battleships handy to that area.
  9. I agree. So-o-o many games gathering dust on the shelf :mad: because -- once you figure out the limited AI, each game is very nearly the same. This one, with the Scenario Editor, and PBEM, and a challenging AI, may very well be different, we'll soon see.
  10. However, I don't mind not having to cycle between a stack of units (right-click or whatever) on the screen. This gives a cleaner appearance, and you can scan and make an immediate assessment of what your strategic situation is. I think -- once you get used to the new interface, and plan accordingly, this will work out fine. It seems very basic, but, given the number of units you might have, especially on East Front, this might prove to be a blessing.
  11. And then we have the issue of how many of EACH TYPE might be purchased. For instance, can the Brits purchase way beyond their historical # of Subs? I am guessing Subs are much cheaper, and behave as regular naval units. Plus you get the benefit of diving. But in the War, they were used by Britain to little serious effect. Of course Britain will need more capital ships than others -- to secure the transport line to the Middle East, but if subs can attack other subs, than you could just do that. Also, if you can transport (without threat, and on the same turn) a short distance between your own ports, how does a fleet at Malta attack Italy's intention to reinforce Libya? Seems like you could make it from Messina to Tripoli on one turn (... at least a week in game terms, after all)? Or, is that an automatic response as when incoming bombers are automatically attacked?
  12. Armies are stronger than corps, though, by how much we can only guess at this point. Hit the FAQ tab and read awhile and you will know just about as much as the rest of us.
  13. Hilarious take by Bloody Bucket! And, it's a good point about asking for too much detail... on the other hand, atmospherics make a historical re-creation that much more fun to play. How many times has the wrong dice-# come up, or the AI has incinerated a favorite unit -- and we are genuinely pissed off? Maybe... a middle ground, where you feel that you are actually in the middle of, and directly influencing -- a World-shaking :eek: event. Some historical detail is needed. And the game designer (lucky guy :cool: ) gets to say what it is. He is the auteur. We are the players. Although... I'd still ask for -- chasing the convoys in a realistic Battle of the North Atlantic -- remember that great movie, Das Boot?
  14. Plus, you would have to garrison every port (displaced, but not damaged?). And, what about those air fleets? I am understanding that there is only one unit per hex, so if you cannot protect them directly, they would be at extreme risk as well, no? This all depends on whether it is economical to have a LOT of corps-sized units (reduced) on the board -- maybe it just costs too much to establish a new corp? And, you'd have to watch out for the Suez Canal (presumably can be damaged and put out of operation -- is there op-movement around The Horn?) and valuable places like rocket sites, etc. I guess this means -- we will have to ask Hubert for an inexpensive Garrison Unit?
  15. That can't be right can it? ONLY 25 bucks! That dog of a game (... on computer, not tabletop) 3R cost me twice that much!
  16. Old Dobbs the oat-chomper is still breathing, so I will pitch in... Have thought it over, and I remember a great game with A3R where I finally! managed to take Malta and it couldn't have been done with the AB. I guess you could have some reduced corps to cover the main bases -- no more bothersome than having to watch out for the Partisans in Pripyit or mountains of Yugo. From everything I have heard so far this is going to be a challenging and extremely re-playable game, might as well ask for the moon. I vote for AB in SC2! :cool:
  17. Mr Clark -- yer on! Trouble is, I've got this demanding job, and can't keep track of things so good anymore, and you'd probably take advantage, and I'd probably buy too many of the wrong kind of units, well, I could try...
  18. Titan: We start May 10th, 1940, so if you are still fending off Poland... hope you are in the same bracket as me in the playoffs.
  19. Mr Clark: Does that take a lot of time, or a lot of Computer power? I have a decent machine, not great. By the by -- are you the guy that used to host American Bandstand? Rate-the-records, say like Johnny Tillotson, or Magog and the Flugelhorns?
  20. If you put airborne units in the game, you would have to worry about covering too many open spaces -- not enough small units to act as garrisons, unless you use large units that have been reduced -- though the expense would probably be too high to just purchase a lot of corps. Speaking of Lend-Lease, can the Allies tap the USA's cash-register? Before, or after they have entered the war? Seems like this would be critical for Britain to survive.
  21. Fall Gelb! First, finish thrashing the Frogs. 5 weeks should do. Next, start picking out those Heinkels and Messerscmhitts for the BoB. Well, which Spitfires are you talking about? Then, the Balkans, probably have to save Il Duce in Greece while we're at it. A couple of corps to keep Stalin from getting frisky. The Desert Fox to Tripoli. Afrika Korps will only need a few armies. Kick Rumania in the rear -- that oil in Ploesti is critical -- hope there's enough AA. What have I missed?
  22. Waiting for this DEMO is like -- sitting in the dentist's office and all there is to read is Glamour and Good Houskeeping, and it is August and the air-conditioner broke down an hour ago. And there aren't enough chairs, even though we know the Doc goes to Bermuda every month. With his secretary, who can't ever find the chart, so you end up with novocaine in the wrong place... Terence's mice -- what's that? And PBEM -- how does that work -- go easy, I am the FNG.
  23. Good that the leaders will keep their ratings -- too strange to have Patton or Rommel at HQ with merely a 4 or 5 rating. Also, I wonder how much X-tra MPPs it will cost to pay for a Manstein, rated 9 I think, as opposed to staying in the budget with a lesser guy?
  24. OK. Thanks. :cool: Can an air fleet be divided, so it could conduct more than one mission? Say I have purchased a 10 strength air fleet, could I use 5 for escort and save five factors for attacking a ground unit on the same turn? Or do I have to use the whole fleet on any one mission? And back to a prior question, do I have to wait until an air fleet is reduced in order to have a smaller unit? Say I want a 3 or 4-factor fleet in Bordeaux to help monitor the Atlantic -- how could I do that? I wouldn't want to waste a whole 10 sized fleet on air-patrol, so could I buy a lesser sized air fleet?
  25. Thanks for the FAQ, it has managed to both explain, and -- intrigue, the reader. I am wondering if each fleet can do more than one operation per turn? Let's say -- you escort bombers to London, and on the opponent's turn, they attack a factory within range of that same fleet counter. Will any remaining elements of the fleet be able to -- then defend against the air attack, or have all of the aircraft been used in the escort? In other words, are you able to control the fleet to the extent of determining which of many possible responses it takes? Someone could fly a decoy, and let you use up your fleet, and then direct a major attack toward another more valuable target?
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