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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. The AI improvements have mostly to do with improved Air attack sequences (Strat Bombers now go after cities much more than before etc.) as well as tweaks to the retreat of special unit types such as HQs, Air, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air etc. Might not be good enough to take France from you but you should notice some overall improvements nonetheless.
  2. Correct the Turkey script is only for some variance from game to game and is only triggered 10% of the time. I have made an adjustment though that will have it check to make sure at least France has surrendered, i.e. similar to the other changes I proposed above. For the weather, this is actually entirely random and no specific advantage given to either side as you suspected. There was a similar debate where during testing it was thought that Axis subs were given a diving advantage and all I can say luck is luck, sometimes bad or good, and since the code has been moved to be much more generic these variables are now fully dependant on the values entered via the Editor. This ensures it works the same for the default campaigns as well as for customized ones. All that being said I do have some bad news to report. I don't think you will like the changes coming along in the next patch... well it couldn't be avoided and unfortuantely the AI has been improved yet again Hubert
  3. voncasey, Good catch and I will correct this for the next patch. Hubert
  4. asgard, For reference if you are still holding France until March 1941, the German AI only receives a single bonus Corps (Munich) in the European Theatre of operations. It does receive a bonus force for Barbarossa, i.e. once the USSR is fully active, and for North Africa but I think I agree that these should only arrive if France has already surrendered. I will make this adjustment for the next patch. There are other bonuses once it holds Hungary and various positions in Russia but these would not have been triggered in the game you described above as Hungary/Yugoslavia scripts are only triggered once France surrenders and the Soviet scripts are only triggered once the German AI holds certain Soviet city positions etc., i.e. it still needs to achieve certain objectives before the bonuses kick in to help with anti-partisan duty and so on. Just an FYI that the unit bonuses for the AI are easily accessible via the Unit scripts and can in fact be disabled in game via the OPTIONS-> ADVANCED->SCRIPTS dialog to whatever you prefer. Either way good to hear the general AI is giving you a decent challenge from your usual crushing of the enemy Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. Might be a bug and if you ever encounter this again I'll gladly take a look.
  6. Hi JP, if this is Vista there is a strange setting for games installed in the Program Files directory that may be causing this issue. See this link: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/VistasShowCompatibilityFilesAndTheScrumptiousWonderThatIsFileVirtualization.aspx If this is the case, you can try reinstalling the game into another directory, i.e. 'C:\Games\Strategic Command 2' or something similar as it should resolve the issue.
  7. Correct, this is a change for Weapons and Warfare where Strategic Bombers now give you resource strength information for those items in range of the bomber.
  8. There is a small quirk with the Editor where if you changed the name of the campaign and campaign subfolder manually via My Computer etc., you simply need to open the campaign in the Editor again and resave it and it should work fine.
  9. Colin, thanks for your reply and this is similar to what I mentioned to Baron as it may just come down to the design decision that allows Artillery to bombard after an immediate unload via Transport. Something to think about though as I can see the counter argument as well.
  10. Hi Colin, I watched a replay of one of your turns from a file that Baron sent and it appeared that the Arty just landed and subsequently fired. This is acceptable under the current game design but if the arty did move after landing and then fired this would be a bug. Is there possibly another turn with this issue that I could look at? Hubert
  11. Hi Matt, Please try running the game in 16 bit mode. This can be done inside the game by going to the 'Settings' dialog. For example if you are running at 1900x1200x32 try running the game at 1900x1200x16 instead. Also I would suggest trying to run the game in Full Screen mode, also set in the Settings dialog and disabling a second monitor if you are running a dual monitor setup. Hope this helps, Hubert
  12. Baron, thanks for the files and I will take a look as soon as possible. Hubert
  13. Ludi1867, Thanks for the feedback. For #1 this was essentially the attempt with WaW where we wanted to (for the most part) remove the tactical attractiveness of Rockets and make it more or less a strategic weapon. In order to achieve this only the Strategic Attack value, i.e. the combat value that improves against resources, is improved with all other values remaining the same. Additionally the previous system where rockets lose accuracy over increasing distance (from its base range) is still in effect. So an attack at range 1 will have full effect but decrease by 10% for each additional tile beyond that. For #2 not a bad idea actually and something to think about for sure. Hubert
  14. Not sure to be honest... perhaps one of your recent installations or driver changes has had an effect on your Video card and how it interacts with the game. I would suggest going through all the basics to see if it helps, i.e. download and install the latest DirectX runtime for XP, video and sound card drivers etc., to see if it helps.
  15. This is normal as the Allied unit took control of the port but not the city on the previous turn. If you eliminate the Allied unit next to the port and then occupy that tile the port should return to Axis control.
  16. Do you have a saved turn with steps on how to repeat this that I could take a look at?
  17. HvS, The German patch was submitted late last week so hopefully Kalypso posts it soon. I'd suggest emailing them as that may help quicken the pace on their end. Hubert
  18. I think I know what the problem was as I just encountered it on my end... essentially, if you manually change the name of your campaign and campaign subfolder in Windows Explorer, you need to make sure that the final name you select for your campaign is saved in the Editor using SaveAs (even if the name is the same) otherwise the campaign does not find the correct path to the Media folder.
  19. Ok I will see what I can do but unfortuantely no promises Thank you for everything you have done with the SC series. Your welcome
  20. FuChu, I'm not sure I understand, can you not make the map a lot taller than it is wide to suit a Korea campaign etc.? As far as I know this should be possible... unless of course you want the map talle than 128 tiles. Hubert
  21. Ok I think I found the issue and I am sending you an email right now with some updated to the custom folders for your campaign... let me know if you get it Ok as well. Attachment is about 8MB. Hubert
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