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Everything posted by winkelried

  1. I want to create a full Panzerjägerbatallion with JPz IV. In the editor I can change the HQ units, but not the platoons. There I can only choose between StuG III versions.
  2. so back to the trick from CM1x : use marsh tiles ... Battlefront:any plans to change this?
  3. i have a map where a river flows from approx 115m down to 100m. the water tiles don't follow the terrain it seems, they stay at one level. is this correct?
  4. I was so excited to get the REAL CM:BN that I deleted the demo immediately. And lost the Demo scenarios ... could you guys put them in the repository?
  5. ** SPOILER ** Just finished as US Total 8 KIA, 7 WIA, 1 Tank immobile as Veteran. My solution: Keep all units together to get the most of the punch. First take the farm. Then the crossroads. And at last mop up the Germans still hidden in the bocage from behind. Tactics: Create a fire base at the houses. Keep the weapons Lt for the radio and put the mortar of the reinforcement there too. First send the scouts and the Lt (small firing arc) forward to the bocage together with the two Shermans. The Shermans should move to the bocage stay 10-15 seconds fire at all they see and move back - repeat this as long as you need. This should trigger German fire. Lay mortar fire on the German positions. Key is to get the ATG as soon as possible. The Shermans 3&4 and the HMG should be used to spray the farmhouses with suppressive fire. Then get the second platoon to the bank of the small river (through the hole in the bocage). Maybe some smoke or some supressive fire from a Sherman towards the bocage on the right side of the road can minimize losses. Get a firebase with 2 squads left of the footbridge. get one squad across the bridge into the barn and start suppressive fire on the farm house. The Germans should now have fled. Then get the rest of the platoon and the HMGs in the farm house on the second floor (1 HMG in the barn helps too). There they can suppress anything moving at the crossroads. Eventually use them to spot for the mortars. For the infantry the assault order can be useful. Now get the second platoon and the tanks through the gap in the bocage. This is the most critical phase. If you have knocked out the ATG you should be ok. If not you could lose a Sherman or two. But only who dares wins :-) Now its just speed that counts or you will get slaughtered by the German mortars. Move your tanks two by two (always two firing and two moving). You should be able to move the infantry (2 platoons - heavy weapons, +Cpy CO and XO) now with Quick without taking too many losses. Take the crossroads and clean up the field behind. You will not need to enter the field just put the infantry first at the hedge/bocage and then a tank or two and fire at anything that moves. Now take two tanks and an infantry platoon to cleanup the bocage from behind. And then you should be done.
  6. I killed one with a 75mm and one with a 76mm Sherman. Usual stuff (coming from CMx1): flanking shot and some nice shoot-and-scoot. Although in my experience a Veteran Sherman needs at least 10 seconds in firing position to get the first shot out in a shoot-n-scoot which is pretty long against an experienced Panther. More than 15 seconds is deadly.
  7. In "Closing the Pocket" i had some an M-10 hiding behind a wood firing at a Panther. The Panther returned fire and the shells exploded in the trees :-) On the other hand i got quite some near misses and shots bouncing off. also the hit distriubition hull/turret seems ok to me.
  8. Sent you the PM. Maybe a bit of reckless driving :-) probably my French side :-)
  9. Here we go. The M-10 on the left can't move. No movement order works. They are all ignored. The other M-10 can't cross the bridge either. When I give the order to cross the bridge the pause counter sets to 6 seconds counts down to 0. sets to 6 again and so on.
  10. I know. I talk about the "Closing the Pocket" battle. I crossed through the gully. I am on the other side on the right corner (seen from the US player). The tank is not immobile, but it can't move forward nor reverse. It is simply stuck.
  11. In Closing the Pocket (turn-based) I have one M-10 which is blocked somehow at the bridge leading to the crossroads. It is not immobile, but every time I order the guy to move he forgets the order immediately. I don't see a threat or so ... would you want save file?
  12. It seems that an ATG crew can not re-man the gun after it bailed. Is this a bug or a feature? BTW would be nice to leave the ATG in position and keep the crew in a save place to survive artillery fire and man the gun after the fire stops.
  13. it's too cool !!! already being punished :-) mortars are just superb.
  14. I fully understand, but in the particular case the differences are up to 500 meters and in google i completely miss an important terrain feature, the small trench running S-N in the middle of the pictures. You see it on the 1:50k and on the radar, but google misses out completely. You'll still need several data sources it presume. The strong red line in the middle is the 110m level.
  15. Does anybody know what data set google uses for the elevation? I did a stretch of map where I have the (modern, offical) 1:25k and 1:50k data and there seems to be quite some devations to those produced by google. Same holds for radar data.
  16. was looking for this one - faintly remembered it. thx. the effectiveness air power as combat air support in WW2 is overestimated today. their main effective use was interdiction i presume. just to give another example for the (in-)effectiveness of air-power in WW2: at Bir Hakeim in the North African Desert in May/June the Axis flew around 960 sorties (approx 500 Stuka, approx 300 Ju-88) and dropped something between 700 and 900 tons of bombs against the well entrenched Free French Brigade. Accordingly to French reports, they lost 2 Bofors (QM Leborgne & 2em Maitre Canard) and 1 47mm ATG (22 CNA) to air-power. Now compare this to a laser-guided JDAM in CM:SF ... btw accordingly to the Germans at Bir Hakeim: "Im Laufe des Tages 2 Stuka-Angriffe auf Bir Hacheim. Selbst aus der Entfernung war das Geheul der Jericho-Sirenen an den Stuka-Maschinen eine Belastung. Im Stillen ist jeder froh, nicht selbst im Angriffsraum zu sein." from a personal German account. ("Even at distance the sound of the Jericho-Sirens on the Stukas was stressing. Quietly happy for not being in the area of the attack").
  17. The 150mm infantry gun already was a lot of fun :-) hopefully these come back sooon.
  18. fighting distance will also be shorter for armor i presume (as it was in CM1x) - and not too many first hit with first shot since there are no laser range finders. probably also more hits with not too much impact - less frustration with the M1 first shot first hit = kill on my T-xx's. the good old anti-tank guns will also call for some adaptation. try to get flanking shots etc. i am looking forward to engage the cats with the 6-pounders :-)
  19. I saw a Sd Kfz 251/7 in the column - and in the manual. can you actually lay the bridge or is it just there to make a nice vehicle?
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