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Thin Red Line

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Posts posted by Thin Red Line

  1. I also regreet that some scenario i've been playing or which i'm currently playing aren't posted at the Depot.

    As i've already mentionned, the SD is still the best tool to choose a scenario to play, reducing the choice will end in reducing the average quality of the scenario played.

    There are currently very few reviews of CMAK scenarios, which ist not a good sign at all for us players who hope to be able to pick up new battles to play in the future.

  2. Originally posted by rune:

    Nope, I no longer post scenarios to the depot, doesn't mean I don't like feedback. Email me and I will respond. Nothing to do with Admiral Keth, just sick of scenario ratings being trashed to elevate someone else's higher on the list. I have responded to critiques in email from people like Grog Dorosh, Panther Commander, Berli, Holien, and others. Always open to suggestions when treated kindly. Come in and attack me, and I ignore you. [in General, not you personally] I will give my resources, and if wrong, at least you know why something was made a certain way.

    It is also the reason I do not post reviews. I do not want the appearence of trashing someone elses work.


    Rune, scenario reviews are certainly useful for the designers, but also for the players who want to choose among the numerous offers. I'm not convinced not posting the scenario is a good soilution, as it deprives the player who are looking for something to play, and who are able to tell the unfair reviews from the others. Especially if the author responds to the critics.
  3. Originally posted by Joachim:

    Bunkers are long range assets! Their value is more in disrupting advances leading to an unorganized attack than just killing alone.

    Hmm...They are easily killed by the tanks in the open. That's exactly the reason why i have put them in a wooden area (as part of a much larger and complex defense system on a giant map).

    Originally posted by nevermind :

    Is that all the points that you can allocate toward your defense?

    I would do away with the bunker entirely.In its place i would get a AP mine field or two and place it where you have the word "enemy".I would also get some FT teams(and have them in your trench line) to make the then sneaking(because of being on the mines)smg squads nice and toasty

    If thats not enough,a couple of mortar teams(50mm will do nicely) behind the trenchline and out of LOS to the enemy.You then use the HQ to spot for them and drop the mortar rounds on the infantry that are in the mines and now burning Instant rout of all of them.God you gotta love CM!!

    I don't have mortars neither FTs in this specific case.

    The AP minefield is a good alternative i admit.

    Maybe the bunker trick against infantry works in woods in winter (inaccessible to tanks + visiblity superior than granade range) but not in tall pines.

  4. In a PBEM i organized the following defense system in tall pines for my finnish infantry (Jakäri).



    XXX= Barbed wire

    ___= Trench

    RS = rifle squad

    MGB = MG bunker

    The russian in attacking mostly with SMG squads.

    I really thought this defense was unbeatable.

    Guess what ? the bunkers are killed by grenades pretty quickly and the infantry is overun.

    Any suggestsion for a better layout of my defense asset ?

    Note : I think the main problem is spotting. The bunkers don't spot well so they are killed without firing back.

  5. (See my first post above)

    My H2H PBEM game ended with a total victory for me (allied side).

    The ATGs finished the work started by the arty. They opened fire all together, leaving only 2 tanks to my opponent who requested a cease fire.

    I even had a 57mm gun who scored 6 PIVs and survived the game, a personal record.

    I didn't use the default set-up, i completely revisited it instead, placing my troops in the scattered trees, unreacheable from the tanks in the open.

    2 guns were placed on the hill, others along the roads leading to the objectves. I am quite happy with that set-up, it certainly helped me to get a total victory but i still think the balance largely favors the allied side.

    I used only half of my 155mm ammo, and the FOs scored 80 infantry casualties + a couple tanks and HT.

    The american infantry in CMAK seems to use rifle grenade much more often than their CMBB german counterparts do with their fausts.

  6. (See my first post above)

    My H2H PBEM game ended with a total victory for me (allied side).

    The ATGs finished the work started by the arty. They opened fire all together, leaving only 2 tanks to my opponent who requested a cease fire.

    I even had a 57mm gun who scored 6 PIVs and survived the game, a personal record.

    I didn't use the default set-up, i completely revisited it instead, placing my troops in the scattered trees, unreacheable from the tanks in the open.

    2 guns were placed on the hill, others along the roads leading to the objectves. I am quite happy with that set-up, it certainly helped me to get a total victory but i still think the balance largely favors the allied side.

    I used only half of my 155mm ammo, and the FOs scored 80 infantry casualties + a couple tanks and HT.

    The american infantry in CMAK seems to use rifle grenade much more often than their CMBB german counterparts do with their fausts.

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