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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. [... and from behind the shed that most rare of rare earthly sights; a donkey at haste. Nasal flaps aflare and haunches at full swing it accelerates to a brisk canter, eyes fixing on its intended bride.] *honkety-honkety-hooooooooooooooonk* [... and at optimum speed forelimbs are tucked carefully underneath chest, hindlimbs spread rearwards, ears pressed back to head, neck strained to the heavens and tail gently fluttering for accurate inflight adjustments. A donkey is launched... God speed all those that sail in it] *HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNK* [... and as gravity takes hold of a prime ton of equine beast a large shadow begins to engulf the bridal boon, oblivious to the impending marital consummation] I DO, I DO, I DO... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNK *splat*
  2. [... and from the grim depths of a snow-infested paddock something small and rubbery has been dressed in a delicate bridal gown and carefully placed atop a pristine snowdrift. And behind its veil it seems a very fat red crayon has gone amok with the lipstick detailing...]
  3. [wriggling with wild abandon...] I see ya donkey shakin that ass Shakin that ass Shakin that ass I see ya donkey shakin that ass Shakin that ass Shakin that ass
  4. I once had a Gaylord Fockup burried in me back Paddock. Sometimes I go back there and laugh a lot and bounce around with me hooves, smoke a spliff have a chat about cpus and wotnot and feed 'im the odd frozen chicken.
  5. Sod off!! It's my Gold Star and you're not having it. Gimme two and I'll feel like I'm in a well known franchised fast food burger outlet but I dare not mention its OhMcDonaldsHadaFarm-eeeeiiii-eeeeiiii-eeiiiiiii-oh name. And I already have sharp things in me nipples and the twinges I get from 'em are very exhilerating, thank you. ... ooh, look at the lustre, see how it shines and sparkles with the sun glinting off me Gold Star! Sort of like... well, like a Sheriff?!
  6. Blimey, knock me sideways with a bunch of crusty carrots! I'll take a 33% discount and an autographed copy. ... well, just one tiny questionnette... what exactly is the religous or moral issue contained in this parable? I was thinking it might be "kill eminent grogs in several entertaining and interesting ways" but I shied away from this conclusion in case I was completely mistaken or slightly intoxicated with fermented grape juice. Or both. Or neither. Or sumfink.
  7. I think I've got it... let me try? BFC is saying CMx2 will be... will be different. DIFFERENT and some of us might not like it that way. Hmmm... *sucking in air through pursed lips* ... I'm not too sure about that... do I get a discount?
  8. I think the Peng Thread is in yer head and sprouting shoots.
  9. Builders' cracks remind me of Boo's posts. Deeply imploding.
  10. [... and in the thin, wintry distance where the rampant worm or fate consumes the decaying crow carcass of eternal oblivion something grey and heavy is stirring behind a bush] *snort* sodding existence...
  11. ... and with each layer the map would zoom in or out to a company, battalion or division scale to reflect the time/game scale... I think I'm going to dribble.
  12. I just hope no one slides a haggis under his clothes. I don't think the haggis would survive the struggle.
  13. Well, I'll say it. I trust BFC. I trust they'll produce the goods because they're passionate about their product and customers. And yes, it won't be complete or perfect but it is the imperfection that makes something beautiful. And I may not be able to grasp their vision now but when it comes I want to be at the front of the queue. And it better have horses and motorcycles or I'll whine a lot while being stunned by the richness of the new game.
  14. Yes, we housewives are likely to be limited to our immediate needs and concerns. We need a new sample of detergent or demonstration of a very powerful hoover to gain a better understanding of what might be on offer and add to the creative process, if needed. This housewife is particularly intrigued about current developments and is already finding a space for the new thingy whenever it arrives. So impressed she (he) is with previous products that various cakes and sandwiches have been carefully made (some stored in a freezer in case of delays) should someone stop by with the new thingy for a cup of tea and a quick demonstration around the house.
  15. I think "bugger" and "hollow charge" is a coincidence too far for further comment. Of course, "hollow" is an adjective.
  16. ... of course, if I were an owl and stuffed meself full with a plump 37mm I'd grip me roosting twig with me hunting talons, clench me feathered owl buttocks as tight as possible, clamp me beak and make damn sure there was no resurgence... [rolls the owl pellet for slight amusement] ... pathetic
  17. I've always thought regurgitation to be so very unnecessary... *gack* *gack*
  18. [glumly stares at a new owl pellet] ... I think this one is longer than 37mm, but I couldn't be too sure of its girth...
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