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Everything posted by Philippe

  1. They're coming! Pour it on! Ok, hotshot, I'm pouring. Fire He's shooting back at us [ October 02, 2007, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  2. Covering the objective I'm needed on the other side of the field Recovering from a Tiger They're still not advancing Trading fire [ October 02, 2007, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  3. A great view of nothing Breaking contact But is it worth getting killed for? He's shooting at us [ October 02, 2007, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  4. Making contact We ran back faster than we ran in [ October 02, 2007, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  5. What's over the rise? That's a Tiger! [ October 02, 2007, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  6. The left begins to move You've gotta be kidding Damn! He can see us! Who's shooting at me? [ October 02, 2007, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  7. The far left The left The objective Our spotter The road up the hill Company command post The center The right flank [ October 04, 2007, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  8. Forgive me if I've been a bit out of it, but I don't wander into this part of the forum very often. Are you the Manx we all knew and loved because of his fabulous mod site for CMBO? The godfather of the non-playmobile look for Combat Mission?
  9. There are quite a few CMBO scenarios that were redone for CMAK. There are a few things which show up in CMBO that don't show up in CMAK like Volksturm and Koenigstigers, and a few things like trenches that are in CMAK but missing from CMBO. CMAK is a later form of the series, and play is a little bit different from CMBO. A lot of people still really like CMBO, and are pleasantly suprised when they go back to it and find that they are enjoying themselves. It's a lot of fun to play. Be warned though. The graphics of unmodded CMBO are terrible. Early Playmobile. So if you want to play it without eyestrain and frustration, you'll need to fully mod it. No kidding -- the color palette is so bad it's painful to look at. The best way to play fully modded CMBO is to go over to CMHQ at combatmission.com and download and install all of CMBO CMMOS. You'll need a few things besides that that you can get at CMMODS, but CMBO CMMOS should get you what you need (and then some). Unlike CMBB CMMOS and CMAK CMMOS, CMBO CMMOS covers about 95% of the available mods. If you keep playing CMBO, you'll find yourself doing weird things like hiding squads twenty meters from the edge of a woods and setting up ambushes thirty meters away -- not because you think you're going to ambush anything, but because it's the only way to keep your units from wasting their scarce ammunition on some imagined target they can't possibly hit on the other side of the map. For CMAK scenarios you might want to take a look at the Scenario Depot Salvage files at CMMODS. They containt a lot of converted material.
  10. Given its size and superb quality, the CMBB manual is not something that one usually allows oneself to misplace. At least not until you've actually owned it for three or four years. I still manage to learn something new almost every time I open it up.
  11. I'm sure Kingfish or Michael Dorosh will be along in a minute to give you a compare and contrast between American and British units. But yes, they're very different. Here's the quick and superficial answer that should tide you over until the specialists give you the real answer. Besides the tea versus coffee thing (and the disparity in chewing gum and chocolate rations), Late-war American infantry tend to have a lot more apparent intrinsic firepower at the squad level. This has to do with Americans' use of M-1's and BAR's. Commonwealth units tend to make up for it by a generous dose of miniature mortars and dedicated (?) heavier artillery-type assets further up the chain of command. And they're probably better marksmen. The tea comment is not entirely facetious. The Germans knew that British units liked to stop and brew tea after they took an enemy position, and timed their counter-attacks accordingly. What all this means in terms of a CM game is that you use British and American units differently.
  12. While I certainly would prefer a multi-player version to no version at all, I suspect that many developers feel that there simply aren't enough multi-player-only buyers out there to justify the investment in time and money. Multiplayer-only is a really small subset of an already small market segment. Economies of scale are working against it.
  13. It can be done with a USB cable plugged into both machines. Just went through that myself when Dell announced it was replacing my old computer because they couldn't resolve my video card issues. There are programs that you can buy which make the procedure easy and relatively painless. It was shocking to realize that CD's are too small to make that kind of transfer.
  14. Just a quick review of some issues: a) If you own the CMBB SE you have a ton of mods already converted to cmmos format. That's a significant saving of download time. While it's true that cmmos only covers about a quarter (?) of cmbb, and even some of what it covers has been updated in non-cmmos form (e.g. the Andrew Fox uniforms and most of Mikey D's tanks), it is still worth installing the set properly even if you realize that you're going to have to operate in cmmos and manually, or in cmmos and with mcmmm. Cmmos mods don't work outside of cmmos without significant alteration (you have to manually remove the cmmos extensions from each bmp file number). cmak does technically have cmak capability, but it is irrelevant because the conversions haven't been done (trivial) and the files haven't been written (not trivial at all). c) The thing you have to remember about cmmos is that it was designed for switching options on mods, not just the whole mod. I beleive you can get this effect with a bit of work on McMMM, but by the time you've set up all the specialized folders, you're probably in about the same place as you would be doing things manually. For the record, I now work my mods manually on cmak, semi-manually on cmbb, and 99% cmmos in cmbo.
  15. That doesn't look like a log file. To find the log file, go into Program Files. Then scroll down to GEM Software Productions. Then click on CM Mod Option Selector. While you're there, take a long look at the file called User_Readme. When you're in CM Mod Option Selector you'll be staring at about a dozen files and folders. One of the files is a text file called CMMOSlog. You probably should have a beer before you read it. If, by the way, you can't find any of the files and folders I've been talking about because you didn't install cmmos to the default directory, that might be your problem. I used to know CMBO Cmmos backwards and forwards because I was one of the editors. CMBB Cmmos is different, I didn't work on it, and I don't know it as well. As it happens I need to re-install it myself because my hard drive was recently replaced, so at some point this week I'll have to remember how to use it. The way I'll go about that is to re-read MikeT's notes, which are somewhere in the SE disk. My best advice to you is that you do the same. By the way, it's a little tricky at first to get used to it, but it has a lot in common with riding a bicycle.
  16. And what information does the cmmos log text file give you? That tends to be the smoking gun to whatever problem you're having.
  17. How many CD drives do you have? And are they CD drives or DVD drives? The reason I mention this is that when CMBO first came out nobody had DVD drives. I just had my system replaced and (involuntarily) upgraded by the manufacturer, and CD/DVD amd CD drives got replaced with a DVD read/write combo. And the new hardware did not take well to any of my old CD's the first few times I put them in. I was quite worried at first (and still am, a bit). I'm assuming you have one of the original BTS CD issues rather than the outside publisher with weird protection models.
  18. First off, I don't know what I'm talking about. That said, you might want to back up anything from CMBO you don't want to lose and try a reinstall. I was using a 7000 series with no problems, even after my card started coming unravelled. I'm now using a low 8000 series replacement card, and haven't noticed anything odd (apart from a little greenish snow which may be related to some pink smoke that I mentioned in an earlier thread -- Schrully must be on vacation of sumfink). What I did notice when I reinstalled CMBO on my new hard drive (the one with the 8000 series card) was that the preference selection was a bit skittish. In your shoes I'd try installin it again, but just make sure I wasn't connected to the internet and that all my anti-virus software was (temporarily) turned off.
  19. I used to have a mod like this before my old computer died, and it was really easy to make. All you have to do is renumber a set of trees to stand in for whatever you are using that looks a bit odd. Just make sure you back up your originals so you can switch back at will. What drove me crazy was seeing trees with full green foliage in early March. I eventually noticed that the problem was often best solved by making a copy of the scenario and simply changing the date to make it earlier in the year. Some (but not all) landscape problems should really be solved by the scenario designer. A related problem which drives me crazy is that Wehrmacht Heer spotters and machine gun crews will show up in scenarios where you can tell that all the Germans are supposed to be Waffen SS (or Luftwaffe). This happens because when you're bouncing back and forth between the scenario editor and the map, there's an automatic reset feature that converts specialist forces to Heer if you don't take the trouble to over-ride it. Since designers are usually more worried about more important issues than the appearance of their units (this changes the portraits, and the effect is very noticeable if you're using my German Portrait mod), it tends to be something that gets overlooked.
  20. Hitlerjugend, summer of '44, and Normandy is why it doesn't show up in a snow version in CMBO cmmos. Because of the scale involved, I'm sure anything and everything happened on the Eastern Front, at least once. So you shouldn't feel too incorrect using it from time to time in CMBB. But you'll probably have to find somebody's dunkelgelb version and add your own green squiggles. [ September 10, 2007, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  21. The problem seems to be that you are unfamiliar with the names and histories of the different camo patterns. In your first post you mentioned that you were looking for JagdPanzer IV's in snow-covered ambush camo and posted a picture of snow-covered halftracks in ambush pattern. The two files that you cite in your most recent post both include the ambush camo pattern. If you can't find what you're looking for in them, it just might be because you've been asking for the wrong pattern. Ambush camo was supposed to be applied to tanks rolling off the assembly lines at some point after August 20, 1944. It probably wouldn't have been that prominent until mid or late September, and would tend to show up more on Panthers and Tigers. It can be thought of as a tricolor pattern with different colored dots in each of the colored sections. This pattern is sometimes referred to as Hinterhalt-Tarnung. Hasty camo was the stop-gap camo used by the Hitlerjugend division during the summer battles in Normandy. It is essentially a bicolor camo consisting of greenish squiggly lines slapped over a dunkelgelb background. As far as I am aware it did not snow in Normandy during the summer of 1944.
  22. I'll spare you the sloth and lack of attention to detail lecture, but I will repeat that the files that you want are sitting there in plain view at CMHQ CMMOS and all you have to do is read the labels, use a modicum of common sense, and download them. And I know the link works because I just tested it to make sure it really was the correct set of files.
  23. There is a global button in the top row of CMBO CMMOS German winter vehicles that makes every vehicle show up with snow-covered ambush camo. I just tested it out and there are snow-covered ambush pattern Jagdpanzer iv's with and without skirts. My cmmos install is less than a month old, so I can assure you that it's at cmhq if you really want it. As a former member of the cmbo cmmos team it tears my heart out to deconstruct it, so as far as that goes you're on your own. David Inglett has a couple of very nice snow-covered Jagdpanzer iv's in the CMAK section of cmmods. They're tricolor rather than ambush, but I'm not totally sure ambush would have appeared on those vehicles that often anyway. [ September 08, 2007, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
  24. [ September 07, 2007, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]
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