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Everything posted by Cameroon

  1. Ironically, the manual states that brush provides good concealment and restricts LOS. Maybe there is something we're missing, but it seems to me that 700 meteres of brush would restrict LOS pretty well. Have we tried having the troops hiding and then checking LOS? I mean, maybe it is just that our troops are taller than the brush and so it does not affect LOS when they are "standing"? Yes, that seems like reaching to me, but I'm going to find out before I jump on the bug bandwagon completely.
  2. Well, I just thought I'd give it a shot. ~700 meters of brush did not block LOS at all. The LOS line didn't even shade darker at all.
  3. Here's a big one, turn off sounds. Obviously, during the movie you need sounds on. But at all the other times, the game's speed is improved when the sounds are off. Yup, even turn calculations.
  4. they're regular in the 1st half of 43. it must be the fact they have a 180 degree arc. i'll try setting them to a narrower arc and see if that keeps them hidden...</font>
  5. Ah, my bad. I thought it was in the main forum, thanks Michael.
  6. Ack, started a thread about flak vehicle engagement ranges 'cause I thought this thread had disappeared. Well, I won't re-post it, but the gist of my testing seemed to indicate that flak trucks would stop firing when the plane got to around 780 meters away. The flak guns on the ground, however, will fire pretty much until the plane passes overhead. Also, the flak truck will stop targetting the plane at ~780 meters. The ground guns will continue to target, even if they can't fire and are trying to track back onto it after it has passed overhead.
  7. I have to say, that seems pretty strange to me. I played the scenario at least 2 times (possibly 3) and had no problems with troops not rearing their ugly heads Just a thought about the Panther's behind the church. That's actually not that great of a place for the Panthers to be. Since CMBB models optics, you want Panthers, Tigers and other AFVs with better than standard optics to be further away. That way they should have a much higher chance of hitting than their counterparts.
  8. This is one of those "sometimes it just happens" things. All the German weapons came into play in my game, so figure it bad luck. Try again if you'd like, or let the computer do its own setup (dubious sometimes, but you could ).
  9. I decided, after the recent talk about AA, do some testing. I set up an entirely open field, 4 planes vs 4 flak guns or flak trucks. Planes were spotted about 1800 meters out and fired upon as soon as the guns could track. Soviet planes (of all types) and German AA. However, while the flak guns would continue firing as long as they could (basically until the planes flew over), the flak trucks would stop firing when the planes got to about 780 meters. That is about when the planes start the final leg of their attack run. I bring this question up soley to learn if that is what I should be expecting from Flak trucks. If it is, then I wouldn't ever bother buying them myself. I believe, out of probably 8 tests or so with trucks, they killed 1 plane and always lost every truck. Conversly, the Quad 20mm guns would often get through with better than 3 or more (of 4) guns left and all the planes shot down. [Edit] I just thought I should make clear that either trucks or guns were on the field, not both at the same time. [ October 02, 2002, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]
  10. SMS, there's actually a thread on this particular scenario in this forum. I would suggest a search, I think it's titled Jaegermister too Basically, the tactics outlined in the manual (it's the Advanced Tutorial) work very well (once you fix some of the typos, the thread in question goes over what's a mistake in the tutorial). I managed a pretty sweeping victory as the Allies, taking all but one flag.
  11. I think one of us mis-read. I'm pretty sure he's saying he put the cover arc for the Germans _behind_ the Germans (much like putting an ambush marker in CMBO behind the unit to keep it hiding). And then, when the Soviets finally got within 15m they spotted the non-moving Germans and opened fire. So the German troops were maintaining their fire discipline as they were supposed to. Of course, there are also the times when your unit does not maintain its fire discipline. I had a QB last night where my Vet T-34 had an armor cover arc and decided to open up on some infantry (hundreds of meters away). To add to it, the infantry was outside the cover arc. There was a severe reprimand waiting for that TC. [ October 02, 2002, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]
  12. WOOOHOOOOO, someone other than the scenario designer did better than a loss. Its just an added bonus that I managed to do it. I still say you've got uber-veterans on your machine Berlichtingen If I leap frog down the treelines, then the first guy to open up on anyone pins pretty much anyone else in the trees. Heck, even my own troops firing at the enemy causes negative morale effects to my guys. Still, I've managed to beat it once, so I'm happy
  13. Well, the good news is, it wouldn't matter anyway. The AI will NOT be able to win that scenario as the Germans. So it's a really kind of minor
  14. Err... they won... handily One advantage they had that the game denies you is that they had crawled close enough to identify the enemy positions before the Soviets knew they were there. That is why you need to use a half squad to try to get the Soviets to give away their positions</font>
  15. Random casualities. Probably with 50% set. Maybe there's a hard upper limit of 50,000? . In any case, that's a lot of points.
  16. Random casualities. Probably with 50% set. Maybe there's a hard upper limit of 50,000? . In any case, that's a lot of points.
  17. I stupidly forgot to keep the savegame, but I do have a screenshot of the occurrence. After the battle the target was properly IDed and the info panel was, then, corrected. I guess its probably an artifact related to the info panel showing, in part, the ammo loadout of enemy tanks. Anyway...
  18. Re: Casualities by the minefields. Though tedious, you could figure it out. After the battle, go tally the kills for all the selectable units. Subtract that amount from the Casualities+Kills in the AAR screen. That should be casualities by the minefields.
  19. Because that is how the Germans did it. Try probing with a half squad...</font>
  20. Yes, however, be sure that when you tell troops to move to a crater that when you place the waypoint it says "crater" (instead of open ground or whatever the underlying terrain is). There can be craters which are not suitable cover, those will just display as the underlying terrain if you place a waypoint/target/los line on it.
  21. Well, I'm going to throw in my two cents regarding rarity. I understand, but do not agree with, the desire for obsolete items to be cheap even if they are rare. The reason I do not agree is that the rarity system is designed to make rare items rare on the CM battlefield. Just because something is relatively worthless combat-wise doesn't mean there should be swarms of them if it was rarely (hint ) on the field. I am oppossed to the Close Combat system of rarity. It is more interesting, IMHO, to allow a person to spend what they want on an overpriced item rather than not allowing them to buy it at all. Provides a very nice amount of surprise, I think. [Edit for Mike] The rarity system spefically uses numbers for determining rarity, at least AFAIK. There's the base point cost for combat power, then rarity based on "usage" or some such at the time (month, year). And if using variable rarity, then some possible percentage mark- up/down. [ October 01, 2002, 02:53 AM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]
  22. Hmm...not sure about the stats, but I do know that even if the turrent front is weak, it is actually a small area and heavily curved.</font>
  23. I'll echo Marder's comments about crew experience. It does make a difference. And, while one doesn't select a unit to be hull down to, one can certainly put the waypoint "on" the vehicle. That is the method I use, since being hulldown to a piece of terrain near the enemy might well be not hulldown to the enemy itself. I've had that happen, kind of makes for an embarrassing moment
  24. Re: the cover arc. The only thing it is used for in this situation (mortars out of LOS, HQs spotting) is to keep the HQ from firing. So give it like a 1m cover arc. With EFOW (and probably even FOW, though less so), your HQ will thus not be spotted (because he isn't firing). Meanwhile, you can give your mortars whatever area targets you want that your HQ has LOS to.
  25. So can a U.S. Chaffee or Sherman. From the flanks everything is vulnerable. -dale</font>
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