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Posts posted by TaoJah

  1. Originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

    I would go for alternative number 1, but include norway, coz it`s´easy just to capture Oslo, before the Allies do it.

    For Spain I would use diplomacy.... they have planes and ships, and with spain in the boot the axis is almost undefeatable.

    I did scenario number one for 6 games now, I'm bored with it and was wondering if scenario 2 is an option :)

    And I don't do diplomacy : even though I could use the Spanish troops to garrison, I consider Diplomacy un wargame-like !

  2. Hi !

    Until now my "war path" with the Axis was always as follows :

    - Poland with Germany.

    - Denmark with Germany.

    - Benelux with Germany.

    - France with Germany.

    - Sealion with Germany.

    - Guard the Atlantic with the German Navy(*).

    - Garisson all cities in every occupied country (*).

    - Destroy UK Navy in Egypt with Italians.

    - Keep the UK pinned in Egypt with the the Italian Navy.

    - Barbarossa with Germany and Italians.

    (*) This isn't really needed, since the AI never uses it's US troops anyway, but I consider it gamey not to.

    Research : Infantry weapons, Advanced Aircraft, Long Range aircraft (although I'm beginning to think this isn't REALLY needed), Intelligence, Production technology.

    Now I'm thinking of this :

    - Poland with Germany.

    - Denmark with Germany.

    - Benelux with Germany.

    - France with Germany.

    - Vichy France with Germany and Italy.

    - Destroy UK Navy in Egypt with Italians

    - Norway with Germany.

    - Sweden with Germany.

    - Spain with Germany and Italy.

    - Portugal with Germany and Italy.

    - Gibraltar with Germany and Italy.

    - Sealion with Germany and Italy.

    - Tunis with Italy (just for supply in North Africa, does this still work anyway ?).

    - Guard the Atlantic with the German Navy.

    - Garisson all cities in every occupied country.

    - Keep the UK pinned in Egypt with the the Italian Navy.

    - Barbarossa with Germany and Italy.

    The research would be the same, except that perhaps I'll take Industrial research too. In my current path it doesn't do much since I don't have alot of cities, but if I take all the minors it may be usefull.

    What do you guys think, would this be good ?

    The USSR will probably DOW on me before I get to Barbarossa, but I guess I can defend against it for a while. The HUGE MPP income from all the minors should offset this disadvantage.

    [ April 18, 2006, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]

  3. Originally posted by Blashy:

    It is simply not an issue for me.

    Defending against it is easy, have you seen the size of the RN?

    No matter how big the RN, the problem is that you can basically ignore them. You board *8* troops out of spotting range, move them towards the UK on turn two, still out oif sight and on turn three you land them. That are *8* hostile troops on the island, no way you can defend to that with your Navy. I did Sealion in all 6 games that I played now and it always works.

    As a sweet bonus, you can usually even kill most of the Navy with attacking it when it's in a port (which it seems to do often).

    It's true that you don't get any plunder, but that's okay : 30MPP for 5 years is nothing to be laughed at.

    And it's true that the UK builds up in Africa. But I don't really care. I wipe out it's fleet there with the Italians anyway, so when he builds up he can't go anywhere with those forces. I just guard the area with the remains of the Italian fleet and his troops are blocked in Egypt forever.

    This issue should be resolved somehow, we'll see with what Mr. Crater comes up with.

  4. Rotterdam was and still is the biggest port in the world.

    Antwerp was and still is the second biggest port in the world.

    Belgium was the 10th richest country in the world for decades, because of their very resource-rich african colony, Congo.

    So, from an economic point of view, the countries should be seperated.

    But... the countries are sooooo small. I'm from Begium myself and this country is about half as big as the state of New-York. And Luxembourg, well, that's about as big as the CITY of New-York.

    No, those countries can't be split up, game-wise it would be unworkable, just like the Baltic states.

  5. The map is indeed very weird because of the tiles in some places.

    I almost puked when I saw the Maginot line in the demo : it runs waaaay more east-west then I saw it in any other game (and I've seen a few).

    Brest is also unreal : in real the peninsula (sp?) is only 30km with Brest laying on the south shore of it, yes in the game you can attack it with two full-blown armies.

    All other things aside, the hexes surely make the game less realistic.

  6. Originally posted by Blashy:

    The port gives you 5 of supply.

    Also if it gets hit by the Malta supply effect it will hurt your supply. If your supply goes down to 3 at Tobruk, it will go up 1 in supply per turn if it does not get hit again, this again can hurt your supply issues in Africa.

    That are all standard supply rules, so there is nothing special about North Africa ? Weird, it's the only place where I got these issues.

    Hmmmm. Perhaps I should take Spain, Gibraltar, Vichy France and the rest of North Africa before I go to Alexandria.

  7. How exactly is supply calculated in north Africa for Axis ?

    Is it just me, or do I have to keep a (italian ?) units in Tobruk to get supply from it ?

    And whene I move my German HQ more then 2-3 hexes away from Tobruk, it's supply drops to 5 ?

    And the German units only 2-3 hexes away from the HQ seem to run out supply, even when the HQ is fully in supply ?

    Are there some extra rules for supply in North Africa ? Or for desserts in general ?

    Would it help to bring a second german HQ in ?

  8. Originally posted by Moon:

    TaoJah... those are some wide sweeping assumptions.

    That's true, the % are indeed assumptions. Feel free to give out the real numbers if you have them. But I don't think they're far off : I bet you a cookie that more then half the players only play the AI and never patch.

    Originally posted by Moon:

    But even if you'd be right about the percentage of people who or don't do something, the ability to script the AI is right there in reach for everybody, without needing to download anything.

    Solving the AI problems with scripting is not the same as a good shipped-AI IMHO.

    And that's a fourth number I'd like to see : how many players will use the editor.

    My wide sweeping assumption ? Most people don't bother with the editor or AI scripts, it will be played mostly as is comes out of the box.

    Originally posted by Moon:

    So with this design and with a ton of compromises to be made in order to not spend another 2 years in development, releasing the game with a solid base AI for the casual player is very much justified. That some of the hardcore SC1 guys slap it all over the place is no surprise at all

    That is indeed a good and honest argument : the game is released with a AI that is good enough for most casual players and the hardcore players will have to wait for the challenging AI.

    That's probably good business decision and I appreciate the honesty.

  9. I see it like this : an army that takes 2 weeks to go from point A to point B, cannot be TOTALLY surprised that there is an army or corps at place B. Even at sea (except perhaps for submarines) : no matter how surprised you are that there is a fleet at point B, there is no chance that you can not take a shot at it.

    So, it doesn't bother me that they don't loose all their attack power, no.

  10. There are several very good AI's out there, so excusing this AI with saying "all AI's are bad" or "play mulitplayer" just isn't gonne do it. Plus, the AI could have been better with more/better scripts if they took the time to write them and test them.

    I don't know the numbers, but it would be intresting to know

    a) how many copies off the game sell.

    B) how many people play only against the AI.

    c) how many people will install the AI-patch.

    IMHO more then 90% of the buyers will only play the AI. And of those, most won't download the patch when it comes.

    That means that alot of people will be stuck with this AI. People that you won't hear from on this boards, but they're the majority nonetheless.

    Bottom line : the game should not have been released with this AI, it should have been fixed.

  11. Here are some first impressions about SCII after three games as Axis at hardest setting.

    In general I can sum up my remarks saying : the AI is HORRIBLE. Absolutely horrible. This game is simply not worth playing against the computer, sorry to be so harsh, but it's true.

    1. I win the battle of the sea every time : once I got Antwerp, I move my three subs and two cruisers and just start attacking the UK fleet and kill it off two by two. The ships near Manchester don't come to help the others, he doesn't send the meditarian fleet to the mainland's rescue and he spends every other turn repairing it's two airplanes from 9 to 10.

    2. The AI can not hold a line (except the Maginot). It keeps shuffling troops back and forth in France and in Russia. In ALL three games I could just walk past the French border because he always retreats his troops and loses entrenchement. And it's the same in Russia.

    3. If an airplane is treatened, he moves it ONE single hex, also in reach of my troops. The AI does that with the French air unit, with the British after Sea Lion and with the Russian aircrafts. This happened to me with at least TEN planes in the three games I played.

    4. The US never, ever sends troops to Europe. What's up with that ?

    And two non-AI related remarks.

    A. I manage to conquer the UK in EVERY SINGLE game. IMHO the amphibious transport is waaaay too powerfull : I can load up ten units in the ports and all land them in ONE SINGLE turn at in the UK.

    B. Why does the weather have a double effect at standard settings ? Winter turns are longer AND untis can't move around. That's too much, IMHO. I just switch it off, but since the game will be played by 95% with the default settings, this is a bad, bad standard feature.

  12. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    Why is it called "Benelux"?

    Because that's the official name for the group of those three countries. The Benelux is not just an abbrevation, it's an actual political body that defends the intrests of those three countries.

    It was created in the early '50s -before the original European Union- and was the model for the first European treaties. The three countries that make up the Benelux were all three in the original European Union group of 7 countries and up until today political functions are often assigned to "a member of the Benelux" by Europe, after which the three countries divide the posts among them.

  13. Originally posted by fantomas:

    The files of "mod 2D Hex" have been actualized.

    Now, you may try the demo with a look like SC 1. Of course, the map is not adapted, and I have to wait the editor before working this aspect. ;)


    I have modified lots of things about graphics and made the game more clear in play.

    You have to choice France/Norway campaign, and choice in advances setting : "national colors".

    It is provisoiry work : I need wait to buy the game for making more.

    I need a SC1 mod, but this link just shows a news-page, it doesn't downlaods anything :-(
  14. Originally posted by Dragonheart:

    Forget trying to play that game vs the AI ...it was stupid it is stupid and it will be stupid forever in comparison to human player.

    Don't be so self-centered. Alot of people on this forum are very player-versus-player minded, but in general, most people play against the AI. And the AI needs improvement.

    From what I've seen in the demo, certain things are worse then before. For instance the UK only sending one ship to my Atlantic U-boat. Or withdrawing from the French-Benelux border on turn one. Or leaving the the airplane in north-east France attackable by my tank.

    The AI needs polishing in it's first patch or the word-of-mouth will be devastating. Not on this forum, ofcourse, we're all fans of the game, but for the rest of the players.

  15. If SC2 becomes micro-mangaing supply, then they better have an on/off button, because I'll be damned if I'm gonne mico-manage that aspect.

    The system with the headquarters worked just fine, IMHO : not too complicated and yet costly in terms of MMPs, it's perfect.

    Well, perfect except when you're attacking Russia as the Germans with Scorched Earth, I never figured out how to keep the units in supply all the way to the Ural, lol.

  16. Originally posted by Liam:

    I even played a completely text wargame for a few minutes ;)

    Well, in my eyes you're an amateur if you stopped playing after a few minutes :)

    I remember one text-based wargame where all you could do was buy three kind of troops and place them in one of your sectors and then tell the game what sector you wanted to attack from what other sector(s). Then it was his turn to attack. That's all there was. But I played it for days !

  17. Originally posted by fantomas:

    Other suggestion : It would be nice to organize here espace for downloading (mods, icons, patches, utilities, etc...)

    There are already sites made for that :)

    I prefer quality of quantity : I'm afraid that there will be alot of mods, but only very, very, very few with good AI scripts.

    Waterloo would be nice too, I love to play that battle. It ALWAYS puzzles me how Napoleon could loose that battle, surely the AI could do better then him there !

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