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Posts posted by TaoJah

  1. Originally posted by Blashy:

    I've been playing it since October.Anyways, changing the whole research system when plenty of other stuff needs more attention, I'm not Hubert, but it would be the last thing on my mind.

    Yes, well, that is your opinion.

    In my opinion, the current system does NOT work : luck is too important in this system. You can have Advanced Infantry at 3/3 by February 1940 and then you win the game, easy as that.

    Lucks hould not be so determinal in a game like this.

  2. Originally posted by Fartknock3r:

    In my game versus AxisGeneral, he took The UK during a sealion. But he never conquered egypt- i held it. But later he took moscow and then instead of my capital relocating at the end of his turn it said Axis major victory. Even though i was on the verge of turning the war around.

    Yes, currently the Major Victory Condition for Axis is : "take London, Paris and Moscow". Perhaps the patch will say "make Russia, UK and France surrender" (altough I don't think that you should have to take Caïro to get a mayor victory, but perhaps that's just me.
  3. Originally posted by Fartknock3r:

    Seems London and Moscow fall quickly, so axis get an early major victory. Is that being adressed in the patch?

    I heard something about having to make USSR and UK surrender for a Major Victory, so you have to take Manchester, Caïro and whatever the names of those two Russian cities are where he moves his Capital too.

    But since there are no patch notes, we don't know what's gonne happen, so we just keep on posting until the patch is here !

  4. Originally posted by Rolend:

    As for invading England in the early game being so easy check out the thread a few pages back called "Amphibious assault – MAJOR ISSUE" It is like 10+ pages long with some very good insights and there really is no need to rehash it at this time.

    Well, I think that this problem really breaks the game, so I mention it. That's what this post is for : so that The Powers That Be see what's happening with AI-games.
  5. Originally posted by pzgndr:

    Here's a quick update to this. I have been working on a clarification of the supply rules. I'll update the User Manual with some rewording plus a few screenshots and examples. Maybe provide a separate tutorial also.

    Thanks. A good explanation of these rules is important since it's a very important part of the game. Especially as the Axis in Russia.
  6. Originally posted by Cheese Panzer:

    The Dutch still had colonial poseesion in Asia which I'm sure were reinforced, but the Belgians pretty much had no place to go and no real reason to keep fighting.

    The Belgians owned Congo, a HUGE place in central Africa with alot of mineral resources and rubber.

    The reason why Belgium surrendered so fast, was because the King of Belgium had nazi-symphaties. The governement went to London, but the King stayed in Belgium and surrendered to the Germans, who in turn treated him very, very nice. He even got married with his mistress during occupation.

    Needless to say that the King was evicted from his throne after the war.

  7. Thanks for the remarks.

    @ Lars : yes I did something a-historical. Of course I did ! What do you want me to do as Axis ? Loose on purpose, just to be historical ?

    @ CPT Pete : the victory conditions don't say anything about France surrendering.

    But yes, it surrendered, with all the armies intact and without me taking the Benelux. Russia never surrendered too, neither did the UK.

    @ Bashy Yes, the victory condition should change, but that's not enough.

    - France should ALWAYS defend their capital (that should be easy to code)

    - You should not be able to move 5 armies onto the UK and land them without the Royal Navy having a chance to do anything about it (should be easy to code too, make it so that amfibious assault have to wait a turn until they can land)

    - The USSR should defend Moscow better against early DOWs (that would be harder to code, I think).

    Also : the system of research is too random IMHO. I can play the EXACT same game and have to wait a year to get Advanced Infantry 3. It has nothing to do with strategy, just pure luck : if I get Advanced Infantry 3 fast, I win fast. You might as well throw a dice and say that I won when I throw 15 or more.

    IMHO it would be better if advacing in research always take -say- 50 points and you get one point for every chit invested in it per turn. That would take the randomness away and makes it impossible to get Advanced Infantry so fast.

  8. Here is the description on my latest game against an Allied AI (maxed difficulty settings).

    - All my MPPs went into researching Advanced Infantry for the Germans, including the ones I got from selling the research points that you start with. I didn't buy a single extra unit.

    - I took Poland as usual.

    - I took Denmark with the help of my airforce and one corps' ambifious landing.

    - Then instead of going to Benelux and France, I kept my troops in Poland and waited until I had Advanced Infantry level 3.

    - Somewhere while waiting I parachuted into an UNDEFENDED Paris.

    - When I had Advanced infantry 3, I upgraded my 5 armies near Russia.

    - I DOW Russia on 5 may 1940.

    - I DOW and took the Baltic States the next turn (the capital was undefended too).

    - In Russia I took Minsk, Smolensk and Moscow, ignoring everything else.

    - I moved my 3 German and 1 Italian airplanes to the coast and hit London with them, while preparing amfibious troops.

    - I landed (totally ignoring the Royal Navy as usual), captured London and got a Major Victory on 17 november 1940.

    Sorry but IMHO you should not be able to win a game like this on 17 november 1940, taking Paris, London and Moscow.

  9. Originally posted by LampCord:

    Does anyone know how to create a map that 'wraps around' the world so that a complete world map would be possible?

    I'm in the process of making a generic world map (sans scenario) that anyone else can then take and create a whole world scenario for but before I can really get started, I need to know the answer to this question.

    If I can make it wrap around, that would be best, but if not, I was thinking I could make it either start and end in central USSR or central USA with red arrows to cross at appropriate locations.

    In that case, some special scenario provisions would be needed to deal with one of those countries being invaded but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    I couldn't find reference to this option in the doc and I did a search and couldn't find it either.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I'd make a map with the Pacific ocean in the middle and red arrows at both sides.

    Not in the middle of the USSR (and thus asia) nor in the middle of the US (and thus South-America), but in the Pacific. Perhaps even the Atlantic, because in what-if scenarios there would be more fighting in the Pacific then in the Atlantic ocean, but either will do.

  10. Originally posted by Blashy:

    Basically the game shipped with the mechanics functional KNOWING the AI was a work in progress.

    IMHO it is a BIG BIG BIG mistake to ship half-finished games.

    Counting on patches to improve it, just isn't good business practice : ALOT of players don't patch their games, so guess who won't be buying any futher products here ?

    I said it before and I'll say it again : someone should count the number of games sold and then the number of patches and do the math of how many players are stuck with this AI...

    Next time, they'll give it another month or two before releasing it.

    For someone that plays against the AI, the only fun thing to do is to try to beat your own Major Victory date, that's all there is to do.

  11. Against the AI I move ALL British units to France : not only the units in the UK but also all units in Egypt (including the tank that arrives later) and even the unit in Gibraltar (I replace it with the Canadian worpse that arrives later).

    I also save all the money in the first turns and buy an army with the UK with the .

    With all those troops, I can put an entire second line behind the Franch line south of the Low countries, all in supply because of the African HQ.

    This slows the Germans down ALOT. Sometimes he can't even take France in 1940 and Russia enters the war before he DOWs on it.

    If you want to know what the Russians can do while all the Germans are still in France, this is a good strategy :)

    Obviously only to be used against the AI, players would rip you apart !

  12. No, never with the Germans, no. I don't even invest in tank tech with them.

    But you can be very, very lucky with tech : with the Germans I sometimes have tech break-throughs 3 or 4 times in a row.

    And you can have at least *3* breakthroughs in ONE turn, I had that happen once :)

    Personnally, I don't like it. You know you won the game when you're lucky with tech and I don't want to win because of luck.

  13. It's true that -at least on the hardest difficulty settings- the Axis AI's fleet can not be sunk.

    I always move the entire fleet from the Mediteeranian to the UK too, both the French and the British units there. And I usually manage to sink the German subs, but I can't kill off his entire start fleet, not to mention his ship-reinforcements.

    The only thing they are good at after killing the German subs (with the help of the bomber that you have), is to block a unit taking Denmark for two years or so : if you're lucky you can place a ship in the land/sea tile west of Copenhagen, so that no German unit can get through. Of course, that ship will be attacked by the German naby and the German airforce, but if you can take that hex, you can move all your ships there, occupy that hex with a ship for one turn, then retreat that ship when it gets attacked, occupy it with another ship, and repeat until all your ships are used.

    But that are the only uses of the Allied ships : killing the subs and sometimes helping in Denmark.

  14. Originally posted by LampCord:

    I transport a German corp to Finland and move it in to attack Lenningrad from where that army would normally attack.

    Oh, that is a good one ! I never did that, I just kept on attacking it across the river. And kept attacking. And kept attacking. And kept attacking.

    Attacking it from the north, that would work better, yes !

  15. My experience is different, against the AI on the hardest settings.

    This is a typical first few turns for me.

    First of all : I move ALOT of troops to France to defend it : all the UK troops in Egypt (including the reinforcements that arrive there), the entire French and UK fleet, both French corpses. The Italians join the war alot faster because of this, but I can sometimes manage to defend France until the spring of 1941...

    I even buy an extra Britisch army and transport it to Paris. I always get the three UK-armies and the HQ out of France before it collapse (I save MPPs for the operation costs to Brest and Cherbourgh (?), but I usually loose the UK-corpses. Oh, well.

    Second... From the very first turn on, I sell all the research points from Russia at half their price except heavy tanks and Advanced infantry. Every single MPP from Russia goes to Advanced infantry, until I got 5 points in it. When I advance a level to level 2, I put another point in it, so it's back to 5.

    This gets me to level three of Advanced Infantry BEFORE the Germans attack Russia. I only buy 5 extra corpses for Russia, nothing else.

    All the rest of the Russian money goes to upgrading the troops to advanced infantry level 3.

    Then, I form a frontline with Russia, 2-3 hexes away from the border and let them come and commit suicide against my wall of level-3 infantry.

    I never, ever, ever loose one single Russian city against the AI with this tactic... Not ONE. I'd see it as a Major Loss if I loose one single city !

    At a certain moment, usually in the spring of 1942, the tide turns and I can counter-attack with my rank 3 Russian troops. For distraction, I land both Britisch armies, the Britisch tank and the Britisch HQ near Brest, take Brest (it uauslly takes two turns) and generally just draw German troops to me, so that the Russians get it easier.

    So no, I don't even wait for the US to join to launch "D-Day", I do it with the Brits only.

    The only use that I have for the US-troops is to take Rome, it's faster to land the US there then let the USSR fight it's way in from the north.

    By the spring of 1943 the war is over : the Russian took Berlin and Munich (I advice you to take Munich first, it's a pain to take when he defends it as his capital) and the Americans took Rome (often with the help of the UK air fleet).


    In my last games, I even play more agressively with the Allied : after France falls, I conquer Norway, Sweden and Finland with the UK.

    This ensures that the US doesn't even enter the war at all, but that way the Britisch get ALOT more MPPs. And their airforce can help the Russian out...

    I still got to iron out a few things, but I think that with this scenario the war can even over by the end of 1942. Two three UK armies, their tank and their two airfleets make a BIG difference on the eastern front.

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