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Posts posted by TaoJah

  1. Originally posted by Night:

    I myself am sadly disapointed with the AI based soley on the fact that although some changes were made, it seems to be relativly the same as SC1!

    In my experience, it is worse : I never achieved a major victory at the highest difficulty setting by november 1941 in SC 1.

    I'm playing as Allied now, that's even worse : it's December 1940, his fleet is wiped out and he still has to take France :-(

  2. Just a post to keep you all, well, posted !

    My latest game against the Allied AI on the highest difficulty settings went like this.

    As usual, I took all of Europe : Poland, Denmark, Benelux, France, Vichy France, Portugal, Tunis, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

    But this time... I bribed Spain.

    Every single point of German MPP went to diplomacy for Spain.

    Once Italy joined, their MPPs went also to Spain and Spain only.

    Obviously, Spain joined and their army (included a Headquarter) was mine !

    I used them to take Portugal and Gibraltar, so I could invade the UK ALOT ALOT ALOT faster.

    After the UK, I reinforced all my troops in the UK and transported tham by sea to the Russian front.

    The game was over in december 19... 41. That's right, Major Axis Victory by december 1941.

    Once again : the AI needs, euh, "fine-tuning".

  3. Originally posted by Chris G:

    Sry, but I get so damn tired of all idiots that all the time comes with more or less stupid defences for flaws in the game.

    You don't need to guess anything! I know exactly were the routes are, I just DO NOT want to spend unnecessary time with it. Got it?

    I second that.

    Both parts of the statement : it's getting indeed annoying to read these defences from certain persons for obvious game flaws.

  4. IMHO it's better to have two corpses then to have one army.

    - The defence is the same, but you can defend two spots with the corpses.

    - Armies attack double as hard, that's true, but most of the time, when you are in a situation where can attack with one army, you can also attack with two corpses.

    - You lower entrenchements faster with two attacks.

    - You can cut off suply easier.

    - They're faster to move around.

    - They're faster to build.

    The only drawback is that you need more HQ, that's all.

    Typically I get my major victories with the Axis with only the armies I started with in the beginning, only buying corpses and HQs.

  5. Originally posted by Lars:

    Think it means if say, UK has Intel 2 and Germany has Intel 2, they cancel each other out.

    But if US is at Intel 0 and gets Industrial 1, Germany still gets the 2% boost as far as that tech, if it's researching it.

    Or does it just eliminate the catch-up bonus? Anyone?

    I wanne know this too.

    It's always the first research I put a point, it would be nice to know what it actually DOES, lol.

  6. Originally posted by Edwin P.:

    True one script is nice, but if Turkey is already pro-Axis by 40% you may want to switch it to become an Active Allied Nation. This requires a move of 40% + 100% as no activation script can have a value of greater than 100%. (I tried, and got an error message)


    To be honest, I don't like this whole "Turkey will attack Germany if it's too agressive". I mean... If you were the Turkish King and Germany has conquered FIFTEEN other countries, wouldn't you be VERY quiet and pray that the Germans aren't intrested in you, instead of going to war with them ?

    It's not like you gonne WIN against them.

  7. Originally posted by hellraiser:

    Try this minor feeding fest versus a human player smile.gif

    You can't : there aren't enough units in the game to defend all of it. You should raise the limit of unit for a game like that IMHO.

    Against a human player, he'd probably do much better in Spain and Russia.

    I'd probably could do Sealion, but I'm not sure about Spain, there are ALOT of troops there !

  8. Originally posted by Edwin P.:

    Add both of the following scripts to your Activation_1 Scripts for a more interesting game:

    Total Possible: 100-150% Change in Activation! if both scripts are triggered!

    Thanks for the scripts ! But I prefer one script with 100% possibility : I don't like random things.

    In a total of 16 games, your scripts would give

    - 1 game : 100% or more activation.

    - 3 games : 60-100% activation.

    - 3 games : 40-50% activation.

    - 9 games : 0% activation.

    That's too random IMHO.

  9. Here is the description of my latest game against an Allied AI on maxed difficulty levels.

    - Poland with Germany.

    - Benelux with Germany.

    - Denmark with Germany (I waited with this so I could attack France with the conbined morale bonus of Benelux and Denmark).

    - France with Germany (waaaaaay too easy, IMHO).

    - Rebuild my units.

    - Vichy France with Germany and Italy (in North Africa).

    - Norway with Germany.

    - Sweden with Germany.

    - Spain with Germany and Italy (I shouldn't have used the Italians here, a waste of transport money).

    - Portugal with Germany.

    - Gibraltar with Germany.

    - Rebuild and upgrade my units.

    - Sealion with Germany (again, too easy, I could put all my units in Amfibious outside his spotting range and land them all in one turn, destroying the Royal Airforce while landing).

    - Destruction of the UK fleet by Germany (he kept his ships in ports with my units standing next to them).

    - Rebuild my units in the UK (I used sea transports to move most of the German units to the Russian front via the Konigsberg port).

    - Guard the Atlantic with the German Navy (the US ofcourse never came, but it's a matter of principle).

    - Tunis with Italy.

    - Greece with Germany and Italy (I actually lost TWO German armies here, BLAH).

    - Destroy UK Navy in Egypt with Italians.

    - Romania joined (for some odd reason Hungary and Romania never joined).

    - Youguslavia with Italy.

    - Barbarossa with Germany and Italy.

    - Finland joined.

    - Major Victory on november 1942 after taking Riga, Minsk, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov and finally Moscow.

    Some remarks...

    1. The Russian AI is really horrible. It moved an airplane RIGHT NEXT to one of my units, it kept its cruiser in the Lenigrad port despite me having units next to it and kept spending points to repair it (because I ofcourse kept attacking it), it moved it's troops AWAY from Moscow when I advanced, it never upgraded it's troops, it never moved it's HQ to a safe place and so on...

    There is work to do for the Russian AI, to say the least.

    2. There weren't enough corpses to protect all the cities in the countries I occupied.

    The limits should be raised with one or two extra corpses per country taken, IMHO.

    3. The US didn't move any troops, as usual. Blah.

    Not that he had a chance : I had 3 sub, 3 cruisers and 2 battleships waiting for the US, but still, it would have been nice to see him at least TRY.

    I'm no script-expert, but I think it's because the US-landing on D-day only occurs when Brest is in Allied hands.

    4. Taking Spain and all of North-Africa doesn't have any effect on the efficiency of the North-African citites, they stay at 50% / 5mpp.

    That's odd, IMHO : if the Gibraltar port goes to 80%, so should my beloved Casablanca port !

    5. For research : I went all-out on Infantry, Advanced aircrafts and Intelligence ASAP, they maxed out all three before the game end on november 1942. I also put alot in Industrial and Production, they were both at 4.

    The AI also had his researches (I turned off FOW after game end), but he didn't upgraded one single unit.

    6. Russia should move it's captal to Sverlovsk and you should only get a Major Victory after taking Sverdlovks too, IMHO. Only Moscow is too easy.

    7. I hate Greece !!!

  10. Originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

    Establishing a defence line from Königsberg southwards to Romania with 10 Units is always somewhat complicated...

    Well, I just finished the second scenario on max difficulty levels and had a Major Victory on 22 november 1942.

    I did everything as described, except that I didn't garrison all occuping cities, only in the UK. You can simply not buy enough corpses to garrison all those countries, lol.

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