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Posts posted by TaoJah

  1. IMHO all this doesn't take one factor into account.

    It's not a favorite subject to talk about, of course, but there were ALOT of people from occupied countries that joined the Germans army.

    This was ofcourse before the truth about the concentration camps came out, but during big parts of the war, most troops that garrisoned a country came from Nazi-symphatist from that country.

    To give the most controversial example : the King of Belgium Leopold III himself was known to be a nazi-symphatist. He didn't flee his country and lived in his Palace throughout the entire occupation. He even married under German occupation with his mistress. Needless to say that he was thrown of his throne after the war.

    All this to say that there were alot of people who fought alongside the nazis in the occupying countries. Some by choice, some forced.

    To reflect this, I think the soft limits of building corpses should be lowered : for every country that you occupy, you should be able to build one, two or three extra corpses.

  2. The question is this.

    I got a HQ number 1, 8 tiles/hexes from Warshaw.

    A HQ number 2, 5 hexes from HQ 1.

    A HQ number 3, 5 hexes from HQ 2.

    Wasn't it so that in SC1, HQ number 2 would get supply from HQ 1 and passes it on to units, giving them up to suplly 9 if they wear next to HQ 2 ?

    From the SCI strategy guide (p 28) : "Friendly Headquarters can be linked to supply each other over extended distances, so it helps to have enough HQ's".

    In SC II that's no longer the case, is it ?

    From the manual (p 32) : "supply linking provides some marginal benefits to the linked HQ itself, but not for any other units".

    The wording is different (and the supply rules were never clear, nor in the manuals, nor in the guide), but I think that's the difference : in SC1 your UNITS attached to HQ 2 got a good suplly, in SC2 they don't anymore.

  3. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by TaoJah:

    What I don't like however is that if you already have Paris and London, the game is over the turn you take Moscow.

    Good catch and I've made an adjustment here so that an early Axis Major Victory requires (additionally) Stalingrad as well as Cairo.

    I've also added a new Axis Major Victory event for the end of the campaign (1947) that will only check for Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow. </font>

  4. Originally posted by pzgndr:

    HQs do not piggyback off each other for determining their HQ supply level. The user manual covers all this. If it's still a little confusing, players should experiment with different supply situations in a game and see for themselves how things work. Seeing is believing.

    The manual is VERY unclear about it, to be honest. I read the section like 5 times and still don't understand it.

    I tried alot of things in Russia to see what works, but in the end it's the same : it's totally unpredictable if units are in supply or not.

    Sometimes the HQ has 10 supply, sometimes 8, there is no way of knowing what it will get a certain turn.

    Yes, you can make a chain of two HQ's : one HQ can supply another. But if you don't now if your first HQ will have 8 or 10 supply, you can't really rely on it. And that 2nd HQ can't supply a 3th HQ.

    In short, it's a mess.

    IMHO : when a HQ has a free path to a city, it should be in full supply. End of rule.

  5. Taking Rome is a good surrender rule, IMHO. Else the game gets very gamey because you'll just ignore Italy.

    No, that part is fine.

    What I don't like however is that if you already have Paris and London, the game is over the turn you take Moscow.

    If you don't have London yet, the USSR doesn't surrender when you take Moscow, it moves it capital twice. It should ALWAYS do that, IMHO.

  6. Originally posted by Timskorn:

    Well, the scripts can be set up to account for these conditions, and could even switch to an alternate script where the US invades Spain.

    What I've been trying to script is to get the AI to take Casablanca and move east to Algiers, circumventing any Italian ships looking to sink any US transports.


    That is the beauty of the scripts, that you can fine tune them.

    Once again : I don't understand how the game could have shipped without a D-Day, but I'm sure you'll fix it !

  7. Originally posted by Edwin P.:

    Keep the port at Zero with attacks from Ships to prevent the corps from being resupplied and use air units to attack the Corps.

    I never bother with Malta : I am not even sure that it goes to Germany when the UK surrenders, to show how less I care about it, lol.

    But I will try this in my next game : destroy the port to zero and then poor bobms on it like there is no tomorrow.

    As an anecdote : I have been to Malta and I got to say that -although it is a very poor country to European standards- I kinda liked it there. people are very relaxed : they even got that southern siesta-break, where alot of businesses close between noon and 4PM.

    If you see the island, though, you don't understand why they could keep it defended in WWII, it has plenty places for corspes and even armies to land, despite the coastal fortresses.

  8. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    Is it possible to do? Would put pressure on France mmediately. How many turns do you got for messing around with Poland?

    I always do that : in the first turn I operate 3 armies (the 2 that can only move 2 hexes and one that can move 3 hexes) to the Low Countries and take it while I take Poland with the remaing units.

    Usually both fall after turn 3, together with Denmark.

    But it's not to put pressure on France, you can't attack it anyway yet (you need the other Poland troops). The reason is simply because it gives more MPP's this way.

    [ May 01, 2006, 03:55 AM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]

  9. Originally posted by Timskorn:

    Basically, D-Day will not launch until at least 20 units are within a 7 tile radius of London. What I did was lowered the minimum to 12 or so, just to see it work, and it will. There are still some issues with it though, I've found. Namely...

    (snip, snip)

    Ah, it was this script after all. Sorry to cause confusion !

    With your solution, another problem remains : if I succeeded a Sealion (which most of us do), it will never launch D-day.

    Why not say : if there are 12 units around Washington, launch ?

    Oh, and while you're at it : don't always launch at Brest, but sometimes at the low countries...

  10. Originally posted by Timskorn:

    It'll happen. The scripting system is robust and will allow for some pretty tough AI.

    Is there a way to "prioritise" scripts ?

    Saying something like "if the conditions of this script is met, then it get's priority number 1" and another one gets priority number 2 ?

    I understand he defends any capital, but the defence of Berlin should get priority over the defense of Boedapest.

  11. Originally posted by K Jonsson:

    I've experienced the same thing. When I came within two hexes (I just can't write the "other word") of Berlin; he operated a lot of units to the city. However all those were operated away the next turn when I came adjacent to the capital of Rumania.

    Slightly wrong priorities...


    "Slightly" is the uderstatement of the year :)

    Anyway, I know what to do now to make it intresting : take Rumania first !

    Which, by the way, is totally impossible in bad weather : you just can't move your untis there.

  12. Originally posted by Boron:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">


    ; ALLIED SCRIPTS - Build Up Amphibious (USA)



    ; USA prepares to attack France:


    #NAME= USA Build Up Amphibious - Brest (D-Day)


    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #COUNTRY_ID= 3

    #TRIGGER= 100

    #LEVEL= 0

    #PLAN_ID= 2

    #SIZE= 4

    #LENGTH= 1

    ; Brest

    #GOAL_POSITION= 59,18

    #DATE= 1943/01/01

    #STEAL= 0

    ; Set friendly positions:

    ; 1st Line - Manchester


    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 1st Line - USA politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 3 [2] [100] [0]

    ; Set tactical conditions:

    ; 1st Line - Washington D.C. not tactically threatened (dummy condition)


    ; Set activate position:

    ; 1st Line - 20 Allied units in England

    #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 64,15 [7,7] [20,20] [2]

    ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no

    ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION

    #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0]



    This is the script. I think the bold trigger might be the problem, 20 units in England is much. Maybe this is rarely the case and thus D-Day almost never is triggered.
  13. How this slipped by the testing, is beyond me, but you heard right : he never launches D-day.

    I read the D-day script and I think it says that he launches D-day when... Brest is in Allied hands (which is of cours never is anymore).

    Perhpas the script can be changes so that he lauches D-day when -say- Washngton is in Allied hands or so, but right now, he never launches it.

  14. In my second game against the Axis AI, he did this...

    When I was near Berlin, he moved like 5-6 troops there. Good.

    We fought a bit back and forth, slowly making progress, but it would have taken another 4-5 turns before I could take it.

    Then, all of a sudden, he moves ALL his troops there away, except a HQ in Berlin itself. I mean ALL of the units around it ! He moved them into Romania, where I was near the capital too.

    Needless to say, the next turn I marched into Berlin and Germany surrendered (I already took Munich).

    What's up with this ???

  15. Here's is a post about my latest campaign against the Axis AI on the highest difficulty setting.

    Obviously, you can't do anything at all against him taking Poland and Denmark.

    But then comes France. I decided against invading the Benelux as Allied, because with the new system of hexes, you cannat defend it as well as before.

    So I waited for him to come. And waited. And waited. He kept on attacking the Maginot line (he never got through) but it took him like 8 turns after the fall of Poland before he invaded the Benelux.

    By that time I had the two French corpses out of North Africa in France, all French units maxed out, both UK armies there plus the UK HQ and two UK corpses from Norrth Africa. Against all this, it took him a year to get France. He lost two armies in France.

    Then he waited again for ALOT of turns.

    All of a sudden, out of nowhere... he declares war against Russia ! I had corpses in the south and the nrth and all my armies where at the centre with my HQ.

    For some inexplicable reason he operated 5 of his best units to... Youguslavia. As if that's a priority now.

    His "invasion" force for Russia consisted only of 5 German troops and 3 Italian troops between Koningsberg and Warshaw plus about 5 of the minor troops in the South.

    I defend against his attack in Russia.

    By that time, my UK units are repaired, so I do my favorite thing : I take Brest with the UK. You got to love amfibious landings... I keep two UK armies, a tank, a corpse and a the UK HQ there. He moves alot of units to France, so my UK troops don't get anywhere, but it costs him alot of units so...

    This causes his Russian "front" to totally collapse in the centre, because he has to move units to France. I see a BIG BIG hole in his front line and jump in : the next turn I take Warshaw, the city was defended with... a HQ. Killed two airplanes on the way there too.

    The next turn I opertaed a HQ to Warshaw with some extra troops. Since I don't see any German unit in Germany, I march with my Warsaw-troops to Germany and two turn later... I move in BERLIN. He operated just a corpse to it when I was almost there, but since it wasn't entreched it didn't have a chance.

    His governement moved to Munich and that seemed to woke him up. He operated a tank to Munich and a bunch of troops around it. This caused the Southern Russian front to collapse too, but he wasn't getting anywhere there anyway, so...

    Anyway : Munich is though. The river, the mountains, the fact that he operates all his troops there that he can... I'm ashamed to say that it took me a year to get Munich : I didn't have any tank-technology at that point, so I had to start researching it.

    Once I took Munich, he surrendered with Germany and then the war was over quickly, of course : 4-5 turns later I took Rome.

    So, major Allied Victory in april 1943.

    Every single MPP form Russia went to Advanced Infantry until I had 5 points in it. Then I bought some corpses and after that 5 points into Heavy tanks. I didn't bother with Dimplomacy at all.

    For the UK, I didn't researched ANYTHING with it, I needed every point, first to defend France, then to get my planes and troops back up to invade Brest, then to repair my troops in France.

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