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Everything posted by Affentitten

  1. URGENT NOTIFICATION!!! On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr.Jochen Kruger. I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter were returned undelivered. I wish to notify you that late Engr. Jochen Kruger made you a beneficiary to his WILL. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars (USD$30, 100.000.00) to you in the Codicil and last testament to his WILL. This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being a widely traveled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good. Engr. Jochen Kruger until his death was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers. Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. You are advice to contact me with my personal email: barrister_marcusandesq@yahoo.com.hk Await your prompt response. Yours in Service, BARRISTER MARCUS ANDREEN ESQ. PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh’s Markus Wolfgang, Mr. John Marvey Esq., Mr. Jerry Smith Esq.
  2. I went to uni with one of his sons. He was also a stupid, arrogant dickhead.
  3. Like the contractors in Iraq who were sub-contracting to a Cayman Islands company they owned 100% and then adding a margin on a 'cost plus' basis to bill the US government. Or the empty trucks being run across Iraq so that the vehicle movements can be invoiced.... It happens all over the place.
  4. That's just the start of the relationship. What they are really after is your banking details, including passwords, authority to act etc. This wil be so that they can 'deposit' all those millions into your account.
  5. I think the bottom line is that if you receive an unsolicited job offer via email, you've got about a 99.999999% chance that it's bogus. Nobody reputable recruits via spam.
  6. Umm, this was exactly why so many people opposed the National ID card back in the 1980s. It would have been the same sort of person writing a rant back then about why does the government need all this info and how was its security guaranteed? It would be same person screaming their head off if some Pakistani jihadist was able to cobble up a passport based on nothing at all. And yes, there are state and federal problems here. eg. births are registered at state level whilst passports are federal. Also, the signing of the photo is an act of legal witnessing, not just a verification of identity. It needs to be completed by a professional who technically has something to lose by making a false declaration. If the author was so well acquainted with General Cosgrove, he could have asked him to endorse the photo, since ADF officers or senior NCOs are perfectly acceptable witnesses. Minister Downer would have been quite amused to receive the letter, considering his Ministry had nothing at all to do with issuing passports.
  7. I got this one today: Hi Sir, I have a computer in which u see ur future r u interested for buy it. Tony Personally, I am suspicious because of all the spelling and grammar mistakes. I mean, this computer doesn't even have a spell checker?
  8. We're talking theory. In the example given, a viable alternative might be not trading with France at all. But with Libya instead. Of course, by choosing Burkina Faso and France I am choosing an example with an extreme disparity in terms of power and wealth. Rational action by states is another theory. It is the Philosopher's Stone of International Relations theory. But what is rational? As JonS says, there are many definitions. If you're a Realist, rationality is anything that is directed towards the supremacy ueber alles of your state. If you're a Liberal, rationality would involve recognising the commonsense in co-operating within international institutions. If you're a Marxist it would be overthrowing the bourgeoise, seizing the means of production and abolishing states in favour of an international brotherhood of the proletariat. If you're some sort of post-modernist, it might mean having the world run by vegetarian lesbians instead of meat-eating repressed homosexual men. But everyone's rationality is someone else's stupidity. In the case of Iraq versus USA, we have some pretty irrational behaviour from both sides leading up to a war that was hugely costly and detrimental to both sides in blood, treasure and reputation.
  9. Well that's more a security dilemma. In the case of unequal trade, there would have to be (in the eyes of the would-be aggressor) at least a chance that they would succeed. eg. Burkina Faso has an unequal trade relationship with France. But under your example, they should attack France, when they clearly have no chance of rectifying the trade imbalance through that means, or of even prosecuting such a war at all. They would be better off addresisng the imbalance by finding some other trade commodity in which they have a comparative advantage.
  10. I prefer Central Republic of American Peoples.
  11. Will put you in the same league as The Central African Republic.
  12. It does when the two are mixing. That's basic sanitation. Overflows of sewage = contamination of waterways and groundwater, which is where you're getting your drinking water from unless you have a desal plant. And if your WTP and or STP has been taken out physically or through lack of power, there aint much you can do to stop everything flowing all over the place. BBC story Haaretz story You may also be surprised to glean from the above story that when you don't have electricty, you don't have water pumps. And if pipes are broken, nothing comes out of the other end anyway. So carrying it by hand is only an option if you happen to live near a well. Of course, you could just walk down to the local creek if there happens to be one. And if it's not ankle deep in raw sewage. (See above.)
  13. Nope. Last time round the Palestinian water and sewer infrastructure was taken out. It also regularly shuts down when the Israelis turn off the electricity.
  14. Does anyone have a link or info on comparative tropp numbers in WW2? I am at work and a quick Google has not borne fruit. I want rough troop numbers for USSR, USA, Germany (and allies) and UK & Commonwealth. The intention here is to demonstrate to a group of Australians that the British/Commonwealth contribution was not as great as they probably imagine.
  15. Just last week I saw this quote from our dear Pauline Hanson, who tries desperately to invoke some military historical wet spots whilst showing an utter ignorance of actual events: Asked why she was standing for election again, Ms Hanson said it was because she was passionate. "It's the same as the diggers going off to fight at Gallipoli for our freedom and our rights. Why shouldn't I keep fighting for our rights?" she said.
  16. Nobody's doubting his reasons for being pissed off, or the motivations of the Iraqis. I guess we're smiling at the sheer pointlessness of his speech and the 100% not guaranteed to deliver way he's making his point. It actually typifies so many of the misunderstandings, mis-guidedness and futility of the allied effort at re-building. In this case the number 1 mistake the American is making is the assumption that people would want to fight and die for their country. It seems natural to an American, whose country has a 200 year history of commonwealth, freedoms and advancement born out of a just revolution. To an Iraqi, whose country has a few decades of history of repression, poverty and stagnation born out of former colonial rulers drawing lines on a map, it is totally bamboozling. Their country has done nothing for them, so why should they offer up their lives? It's not cowardice, it's an equation that doesn't make sense for them. For the policemen, their loyalties lie not with country, but with family, clan and religious/ethnic grouping. These are the units that provide for them and have histories going back centuries. That's why they fight for their militias. Oh, and also the fact that they joined the militia as a way of earning a living when Rumsfeld et al wholseale sacked everyone in the army and police who had any sort of tie to the Ba'athists. ie. pretty much all of them became unemployed overnight.
  17. I think the major question that comes out of this video is why do all the Iraqi police have such badly-fitting hats?
  18. Stop bringing down my childhood! You saying that me grandad was wrong?
  19. I took it as evidence that women whining about feeling cold is an international issue.
  20. So you've got this Russian chick undressing for you on her web cam?
  21. We had a Finnish girl at our house for dinner a couple of weeks ago. She was a Lapp. But even so, very nice. What puzzled me though was that she was complaining about being cold! It was like 23 degrees or so but she was wrapped up like it was an Arctic winter.
  22. Personally I think we should also complain to Israel. The star in the middle of their flag is an overt reference to Jews.
  23. Do some people wake up in the morning and just decide to be a publicity whore? No Yellow Stars here
  24. Happily, I learnt that the resort my conference is at is also hosting Swimwear Fashion Week at the moment. The place is wall-to-wall with bikini models.
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