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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Useful charts. Would be nice to see those in the CMSF manual for design your own... like miniatures game manuals do.
  2. Helpful. Thanks... I encountered the same problem with the Brit MMG's and Mech Grenade launchers on their wheeled TUMS. One has to dismount them and they carry the 7.62 MG or Grenade Launcher with them. And this way you can even resupply from the Brit Landrover that seems to have a lot of ammo! Can't seem to dismount the 12.7mm HMG's (or any mounted weapon from the Jackals) for some reason. Strange inconsistency seems par for the game.
  3. Am loving Road to Dinas Campaign btw PT. Thanks for all your work.
  4. Thanks for the heads-up. I tried to run three .btb scenarios but they all crashed the game to desktop. I wonder if they're incompatible with the latest patch.
  5. I see I have a bunch of scenarios with the .btb suffix, but the game can't load them and usually crashes doing so. Renaming them to .btt doesn't seem to work. Can these .btb scenarios be played, or should I just delete em?
  6. Finally got CMSF running. The culprit seems to be ZoneAlarm Toolbar. This needs to be uninstalled via CONTROL PANEL - PROGRAMS AND FEATURES before installing CMSF. To be safe, the best thing may be to ALSO shut down ZA completely before attempting to install. I did the above, uninstalled and unlicensed and then reinstalled and relicensed base game plus both modules and 1.21 patch and game runs fine. I started ZA again and game still runs fine. So, don't install ZAToolbar.
  7. I want to try installing without ZoneAlarm or AVG running - in case they are what is causing the problems. But, first I have to be able to "unlicense" my game from the computer. It seems crazy that I cannot unlicense CMSF. Is there a way to do this manually or from your location online?
  8. I may be having the same problem. I haven't been able to launch the game on my new computer (worked fine on old XP machine). But, I find that I can't unlicense the game to do a complete new install.
  9. However, Company of Heroes is rated 30-something. So, the rating system seems to leave something to be desired...
  10. I do have receipt.txt in the '\Users\{your account name}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force' directory. However, receipt.txt doesn't appear in the regular CMSF directory. So, I copied receipt.txt to the main CMSF directory, so that they both have the file. Still no start. Rebooting didn't help. I wanted to try unlicensing, turning ZoneAlarm off and relicense. I tried the unlicense option off my START menu, but get "Application failed..." again! Ok, I thought, the game hasn't licensed properly like you suggested. I uninstalled and reinstalled. But, there is NO option to "license" the game - only an "uninstall" option that won't start. So, while I can uninstall, I don't know how to unlicense and then license again. It's as if the app is at war with itself and can't decide whether or not it is actually licensed.
  11. I wasn't sure if this forum is an informal user tech support, or actual BFS support. Do I need to send BFS an official "ticket?"
  12. I tried functioning at 1280x960 but CMSF still wouldn't run. (And it's very hard to read stuff on the screen at that res as everything is so huge - so have reverted back to my max res.) I uninstalled and re-installed the base CMSF. Still doesn't work, but I went thru all your check points: display size .txt is back to 0 0 (I note that there is no third "0" re refresh rate.) LicCtrlService is in Services and it is running. Runservice.exe and mmfs.dll and lcmmfu.cpl are in the Windows folder. However... Runservice.exe is NOT present in Start Task Manager under either the Processes or Services tab. There is no receipt.txt in the CMSF directory. (I note that every time I try to start CMSF or most any other app, I get a window asking me "if I want to allow... to make changes" etc. I still wonder if I have an incompatible security setting somewhere.) I looked at DEP and tried reselecting "...DEP for essential programs..." no effect. Then I selected "...except those I select" and added CM Shock Force.exe. But, I wonder if I am doing this correctly: I click on Add... then find the CMSF folder and double click on CM Shock Force.exe. What then appears in the DEP window is "CM Shock Force.exe." Didn't you say that the extension shouldn't be seen? I also added Runservice in the same way. (Again, I see Runservice.exe in the DEP window.) I rebooted, but CMSF still won't start. This time, I get no error message however(!) I get the feeling eveything revolves around not being able license properly - and possibly an internet connection issue with BFC due to my security settings. For example, I notice that I have "Internet Protected Mode: On." At some (not all) sites, I cannot d/l files and get a "Your current internet settings do not allow this file to be downloaded." What level should I have my Security and Privacy settings at? Based on what you already know about my system and what we tried, what next should I do first? Thanks...
  13. I also wonder if I have my security settings too high as I have problems navigating some websites that I don't have with my old computer (which I still also use). Could that be an issue - not communicating with BFS properly? If so, what Privacy and Security settings are needed or recommended?
  14. I set the 'display size.txt' to: 2560 1600 75 That's my monitor's current resolution setting that I use (it's a 30" Dell). Hopefully, setting refresh to 75 rather than 60 doesn't affect anything deleteriously. The demos run fine. What res do you recommend for the file, and should I therefore select the same for the monitor?
  15. Am back and am going to try uninstalling and reinstalling the base CMSF game again. Re resolution. Should I try setting the game to my monitor resolution (2560x1600) or the monitor to the max in-game resolution? FYI: I did manually reset the game res. to my (max) monitor resolution with no result. But, I haven't tried reducing my monitor resolution (shame to have to do that). There are just so many dam variables!
  16. This is starting to remind me of the tech problems with the otherwise xnt Panzer Elite (all those tears/years ago). So, should I just try a complete uninstall including license and try to install from the beginning again? Is this a problem from Win7 being too new that there are inherent conflicts or problems? What else can I do, or check to get CMSF running? It shouldn't be this hard.
  17. Kawa: You you should start a separate thread on your problem as otherwise it will get confusing as to whether tech support is addressing my problem or yours. Good luck!
  18. Willco later... Re "Run as Admin" I noticed that my (free d/l) SpyBot won't let me Immunize after an update as it says that I need to be elevated to Admin. But, I have right clicked on the SpybotSD.exe and clicked on Admin several times, and it STILL says I need to be elevated to Admin. Could there be something else going on here that is causing these CMSF issues? Incidentally, I also have the free d/l versions of AVG and AdAware. Is there something I may need to turn off to run CMSF?
  19. I copied receipt.txt (it is the second 02/02 activation as the first is on my old computer) to the main CMSF folder (containing the .exe file). Still won't start. Same (0x0000005) message. Do I need to reboot, or...? (BTW: For safety, should I reset the View tabs back to "default?")
  20. If this is an Assault Op. units that are deemed to be "behind enemy lines" are fixed there and not returned to their own lines as in an Advance, neither will units "behind enemy lines" be supplied (according to the manual). If you saved the last turn of the previous battle it would be interesting to check what units received ammo resupply and which did not.
  21. The CM1 engine was developed with relatively low res compared to today's tech.
  22. Ok. I see a receipt.txt file. You want me to post contents here or e-mail it someplace? (I rechecked that I was Admin and tried to start the game manually from the directory, but still no go...) Note that the address is .../VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/SIMS/Battlefront/... etc. I hope that putting everything in a SIMS folder isn't a problem.
  23. I will attempt what you suggest. But, FYI: I have not yet attempted to unlicence. I have uninstalled and loaded the game 3 times, but have never selected the unlicense option. Should one unlicense when one uninstalls? If that is an issue, maybe I should also attempt a complete uninstall and unlicense and start from the beginning again(?). (Have been enjoying replaying the sample scenarios in the demo. But, I sure hope we can get the full game up and running heh...)
  24. Under Admin , I do not see a folder called AppData. Since I noticed that Win7 provides multiple Download folders (not sure why some d/ld'd apps save to one d/l folder and others to another) I wonder if there are also multiple folders for Admin(?) and maybe another one has the address you wrote: '\Users\{your account name}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force'
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