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Herr Kruger

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Posts posted by Herr Kruger

  1. Originally posted by BigDork:

    All will be available for anyone interested to play. So no matter if you join now or after WC7 starts up you can start up any of them and have fun with it.

    What I'll probably do is make a thread linking all the different War College "Semesters" and their matching AARs.

    Ah, okay. I am really tempted to join so I could feel motivated to play the AI and learn to play CM better. It's just time issues. Grrr.

    J Kruger

  2. Originally posted by BigDork:

    War College 3 is almost ready to go. It's about to start being playtested.

    If you join up now, or rather before the 3rd one begins playing, do you play just the latest one or all of them? I've visited your site but have avoided reading any AARs or the like in case I do join. I've just been really busy with things.

    J Kruger

  3. You are probably much better off trying to begin such an endeavour where people play competetively than here. What I mean is, there is no ladder here, even though probably many of us here are on a ladder somewhere. Trying to keep such records is probably silly though, in my opinion, as there will always be some buddy and his friend who "agree" on a game and then manipulate it for effect. Such things become more likely as the community grows in size. Just my opinion, I'm not trying to insult you, but that's how I feel about it. I do keep a battle record of my own battles against others and I even have a spot to record where units inflicted a lot of kills. But for me, if such a list existed, I would always be skeptical it was all or mostly genuine results.

    And yeah, Sturmtigers don't count! lol.

    J Kruger

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