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Everything posted by PiggDogg

  1. Do quick battles with random troop selection, type, and morale. It makes life easier. Everyone gets crappe and that is cool. Cheers, Richard
  2. Steiner was the main character in "Cross of Iron" the novel and the 1977 (approx) Sam Peckenpaugh movie by the same name. The movie starred James Coburn as Seargent Steiner, James Mason as the commanding major (or colonel), Maximillian Schell as an evil lower commander, David Werner as Mason's staff officer, and a gorgeous actress (I am drawing a blank right now on her name and I will remeber her name as soon as I finish this post. Lol.) as Steiner's love interest. This was a great war movie and I am sure that this is way more information than anyone wanted to know. Lol. Oh goodness, this is not the Steiner about you were asking. Aw, too bad. You get this minute trivia anyway. Cheers, Richard
  3. Naah. Running across no man's land with all those Italian spacemen in cups would be too time consuming and those cups would be just too damn heavy. I like the six gun pistola alternative. :eek: Cheers to all. Richard
  4. When the Germans did not throw the Allies into the sea on June 6 or 7, 1944, their fate was sealed. Too many allied tanks, manpower, and artillery (not counting the airpower) was ashore from the beginning on June 6. Even assume that the Germans would have been able to capture one of the 5 beaches. So what? There were still 4 other beaches to land more and more men and materiale. Such a capture would certainly have been a large incovenience to the Allies and a large delay. However, it would have by no means have been terminal to the Allied cause. Indeed, your proposed scenario would be interesting to see. Cheers, Richard :cool: :cool: :cool:
  5. Yeah, and those for sure casualties that the FO caused are only those that the FO went out and dispatched in person with his own six gun pistola. Lol. Richard
  6. Santa, I have no relation to the Pig Dog Journal. What is it ?? :confused: :eek:
  7. Besides shooting the enemy in the flanks or in the rear which is cool & effective (most frequently, the Germans do not need to flank most Allied tanks because most decent German tanks can take out most Allied tanks from their fronts), remaining stationary behind cover and waiting for the enemy to drive into your line of sight (kill zone) works well. In this manner, you get the first shot (or maybe a second shot before the enemy acquires you) and you are more accurate. Most of the time, you should win these type encounters. Cheers, Richard Cuccia :cool: :cool:
  8. Oooooooooooooooops ! That was 'Shift P', not 'Alt P'. Alt P is to stop the TCP/IP timer. Shift P is to show movement paths and fire assignments. Duh.
  9. yep, hit 'Alt P' until CMBO shows that unit lines of fire and unit movement paths are active. Cheers, Richard Cuccia, richardcuccia@home.com
  10. MikeB, gee, someone else has the same TCP/IP problem that I have had. I have a P2-400 also with a Diamond Viper 550 TNT 16 meg with 512 meg RAM. (Yeah, this is an old computer, but I can get by until CMBO or CM2 makes it necessary for me to buy a new computer & my wife to inherit this machine.) This problem does not occur in TCP/IP games all the time, but it occurs about 20% of the time. I must get out of the TCP/IP game and then reboot. This most frequently solves the problem, but sometimes I must reboot a second time. Schrullenhaft, thanks for the advice. I will use it. Cheers, Richard Cuccia
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As far as tanks go, there are a few simple rules: 1) Never move your tanks out too soon 2) If you think it's time to move your tanks out, it's too soon. 3) When in doubt, refer to rule one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>, Mr. Hankey. Hankey, great tank rules with a sense of humor. I have used the essence of these rules, but had never formulated them into prose. Well done. Thanks for the rules and the chuckle. Richard Cuccia
  12. Mirage2k is correct. In the past week or so, on 2 or 3 occasions in CMBO, tanks have been penetrated but continued fighting. Although, this action is by no means the norm. Also, Dunnee's general comments are, to say the least, most interesting and , maybe, cavalier. Dunnee says "minor" hits which I can understand only after his later explanations. However, in real life, if one's tank is penetrated, the crew is going to bail, because the gun that hit the tank does not get a CM title that says 'abandoned'. Almost for sure, after one penetration, further hits are going to come. No sane person is going to hang around for more hits to come. The crew is going to bale. Cheers, Richard Cuccia
  13. As the 60's rock group, "The Standells" said "Well, I love that dirty water. Aaw, Boston you're my home." Is that true for you ?? Lol. :eek:
  14. You should fight to the end. However, if you have 'no' and I mean 'no' real means of winning you "may" surrender. However, as a courtesy, you should ask permission of your opponent. The winner should get the enjoyment of winning for as long as reasonable. If you have gotten trounced, grin, bear it, & be a man. Let the winner savor the victory. Cheers, Richard Cuccia
  15. Enema units. Stinky, stinky. Uck! EEk! Richard Cuccia :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. Thanks for the tips. However, on the Zone Alarm Control Center, I have had everything appropriately checked on the Combat Mission.Exe., but no connection could be made in a CMBO TCP/IP. However, I shall be more careful in the future with the ZoneAlarm the next time I do a TCP/IP CMBO. Cheers, Richard :cool:
  17. I use Zone Alarm and have had disable the ZA in order to be able to play CMBO TCP/IP. Maybe someone could explain to me how to let ZA run while doing TCP/IP CMBO. Cheers, Richard Cuccia :confused:
  18. Stalin, after his initial funk for the first few weeks after Barbarossa started, may not be a great commander, but he was certainly heads above Hitler. Stalin, despite having purged his army and nation before WW2, still had enough sense to, in the main, let his good generals (Zhukov and others) fight the war. But be aware, Stalin was by no means good. He was just less bad than Hitler. Now with Hitler, after the German victories in France and the Balkans, hardly ever made a correct decision. Where do we start with the mistakes: Barbarossa itself, 1941 lack of winter clothing, prohibiting the 6th Army from breaking out of Stalingrad, Kursk, etc. (My hands are tired from typing. Lol.) These Hitler mistakes were terminal. Stalin's mistakes were not terminal. Stalin was definitely less bad than Hitler. (By the way, I dislike both of these vermin.) Cheers, Richard Cuccia
  19. I have not done any tests, but in having played CMBO quite a bit, command radius seems definitely effected negatively by terrain, especially woods and tall pines. In those terrain type, the command radius seems significantly reduced compared to command radius in open terrain. Cheers, Richard Cuccia :cool:
  20. Thanks a lot for the link to the 'Wargamer' about Dr. Turcan. What his upcoming Battalia seems to incorporate the proposed CRC. Once again, the CRC may not be sufficient fun or ease of play to be viable for CM. Cheers, Richard Cuccia :cool:
  21. I must profess my ignorance. Who is Doc Turcan? If back in the old days of computers (late 80's & early 90's), Turcan had a Napoleonic computer game with the equivalent of CRC, he was quite innovative and ambitious. Thanks for the info. Cheers, Richard Cuccia
  22. I was told by a friend (I can not remember who) a time back that during the late 80's or early 90's there was a computer Napoleonic Battle game (probabally on Waterloo) that implemented something like the proposed CRC. The only items on the game map were what Napoleon or Wellington could physically see and hear and the reports that such commander received. Also, a time delay may have been figured into the length of time that reports would take to reach the commander and the length of time that orders would be required to go from commander to lesser commanders. Certainly, this old Nappy game must have required intelligent and safe placement of Nappy & Wellington. Wellington's placement at his (I think) elm tree atop the ridge certainly gains importance. Also, I don't know if the game ended if a stray round shot took out the commander's innards. It woul be quite interesting if something like this Napoleonic type game command system (and the proposed CRC) would to be implemented into the rewrite of the CM code, even in a incremental or toggle on/off basis. Does anyone remember the name of this Napoleonic game? I never knew the name of this game, so I can not remember it. Lol. Cheers, Richard Cuccia :confused:
  23. If the player/commander P/C gets killed by a stray piece of shrapnel or a sniper's bullet to the head, there are two options. (1) game ends, you are dead. (2) the P/C gets transplanted to the next in command. Personnally, I prefer the first alternative because it adds fear. This would result in more careful and safe placement of the P/C unit to lessen the chance of harm. Of course, the discussion of the P/C unit placement should come somewhat after these questions are answered: (1) does a demand for CRC exist, (2) should CRC be done, (3) can CRC feasibly be done, and (4) will CRC be done. Cheers, Richard Cuccia :cool:
  24. To tell the truth, I do not know if it is reasonably technically possible to implement the CRC. A Pentium5 5 gigahertz may be required to play the enhanced CRC CM, but maybe not. I guess, much programing time would be required, but would it be a prohibitive cost of BTS's time? Would the CRC proposal be CM? Well, it would not be the present CM. Don't get me wrong, I really like/love CM. However, the thought of "my" far away, lone flanking sniper seeing the large enemy counter attacking tank force and instantaneouly (and telepathically) transmitting that information to me, is just not realistic (but it sure is some fun). With the best of players, I know how to 'play' the tricks of CM and many other wargames. However, I don't really like doing these gamey type antics. I am just trying to improve CM so that it can be an even better simulation along with the fact that it is already great game which I thoroughly enjoy. Also, I don't really have the time or skills to produce my own wargame. However, I can sure have my wish list of having my cake and icing too - a great game that is a total simulation. 'Yeah, and Morgan Fairchild is my girlfriend. Yeah.' Lol. :eek: Cheers to Morgan Fairchild !!!!! Richard Cuccia
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