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Peter Cairns

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Everything posted by Peter Cairns

  1. Mikey, Couldn't you get the same effect with a beached whale..... Peter.
  2. Cpl Steiner, true, but the alternative of some kind of software conversion that would read maps would take decades. It's just one of those simple things that if it could be made to work would let you make really accurate maps really quickly. And the adding photos bit, shouldn't be any more difficult than the software for this site. Peter.
  3. I like the scenarios where they storm a small US independant software company set up by running dogs of western zionist imperialism, who are planning to undermine the glorious Assad regeme and the honour of the Syrian people by mocking them in an evil computer game. Peter.
  4. If possible I would like to be able to import a map or satellite photo in to a blank map and then "trace" over it, so that by folowing the contours or roads you could quicly replicate a piece of real terrain. If you could use the likes of Google Maps, you could start with the map to get the physical features right and positioned, and then switch to the photo to do the smaller detail like forest density, fences or crop type. A second thing that would be good is the ability to make names added to maps in to tags. By clicking on the name of a feature, you would open a file, that could include text photos or even a 360º sticked panoramma. What do people think. Peter.
  5. I just love the phrase "secular-progressive", so what does that make those that oppose it, "Religious Regressive". As a christain I have doubts that campaigning on a slogan of "Backwards to God" would be a vote winner..... Peter
  6. I just love the phrase "secular-progressive", so what does that make those that oppose it, "Religious Regressive". Peter
  7. If we think that putting everyone in to the line is unrealistic, then scenarios where the AI takes part of the force with different objectives might be interesting. We could have things like. The AI force is in place but will only hold the line, or flank and will not move forward. When your force arrives the AI starts a phased withdrawl as your troops reach it's position. The AI controls a convoy force that you must protect Peter.
  8. This from todays BBC report 2nd Feb 2006. BBC NEWS Comments people.... Peter.
  9. Carl, Imagine what it would have been like if we'd won..... Peter.
  10. xerxes, Yeh but if your right in order to stop the Chinese economy the US has to get it's allies in the region to commit economic suicide, in that China is their biggest customer. They can send there half finished goods to the US because the factories to make them in to cloths or computers in the states are all in China now. Peter.
  11. Rangers are better than Celtic. YOU DO KNOW THIS MEANS WAR.... Actually the Gers are a good team, though we have the edge right now, and I am not one of those who gets that upset we they beat us, though the atmosphere at the games is absolutely electric and something to behold. Which brings us back to why go to the games, it's all about the atmosphere and the experience, I mean why go to Paris when you can look at pictures on the internet ( actually why have sex fits with that too). the answer is it's just not the same as being there and doing it. of my trip to the world cup the beer and the match were only two aspects of, a trip that involved so much more, like sitting in the early morning sun as it angled over the rooftops on to the steps of Notre Dame waiting for a cafe' to oen. Peter.
  12. Noba, Your missing the point, you don't go because you think you'll win or even for the football, It's just a drinking weekend away to a random destination. If we win that's a bonus, but if we don't so what. The Tartan army is more a holiday club than a supporters club, they don't actually take the football side that seriously, which given how bad ateam we are is no bad thing. I went to see us play Brazil in the world cup in France, I was only there for a day and a hlf and had an absolutely brilliant time. Brazil beat us 2 1, and it should have bben more, but that didn't spoil the trip. When Celtic played Porto a few years back we lost in the final, but the 50,000 fans who went to Seville had a huge party before and after the match, and everyone I know who went said they had the time of there lives. Peter.
  13. Given that CM:SF is going to be "real time" is there any proposal or ideas to deal the time differences between people. I know that I tend to post at what turns out to be the middle of the night for most people, because I am in Scotland. Maybe a WoW zoned system for the opponent finder might be something worth considering, although time difference is another good reason to include PBEM. Peter.
  14. Bigduke6, Well Duke it's an outside bet that I'll make the away game, as it depends on cost when and where the match is played and the cost. The other big factor for me is my sons health, as i am his 24hr carer. Still if it is in Kiev and I make it, at only a dollar a litre I'll buy you a drink, hell you could ven put me up.... Peter.
  15. Came across this when looking at ROV's, as I think that for someone like China the best way to compensate for US naval superiority would be to go for mines and remotes rather than SSN's. "01/2006" Perry Slingsby Sells ROV to China By AUVSI Staff An un-named Chinese client recently purchased an Olympian Class remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from Perry Slingsby Systems (PSS). Depth rated to 3,500m, the Olympian 5 will interface with PSS previously supplied TMS, umbilical & electric heave compensated deployment winch and surface control system. The contract includes on site training and sea trials support in China, and the integration of the clients ROV Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) and Virtual Monitoring System (VMS). The Olympian 5 WROV will be used for survey tasks and to deploy tooling for sampling the seabed for methane hydrate deposits in the South China Sea. The DPS and VMS systems are provided by the client, and integrated in the ROV control system by PSS. The Olympian 5 is scheduled for delivery in May 2006. Martin Anderson, PSSs managing director and chief executive, commented: "We view China as a high growth area for PSS, not only for ROV and intervention tooling systems but for our support services business lines as well. This contract, combined with other recent contracts in China has clearly established a foothold for PSS in the region". Peter.
  16. Tagwyn, You keep inserting "LOL" in your posts, is that because you are actually doing it and you think these comments are funny, or to let the rest of us know that you think that they are witty. I am no expert on Vietnam, but I doubt those people who lost friends and loved ones in Cambodia, or Vietnam, think that which side of the border they died on lessens the sacrifice or their loss. Peter.
  17. Oddly enough if you look at movies like "The Incredibles", as opposed to "Final Fantasy", avoiding photoraelism can often give you something as rewarding. Some of the games that have gone for less graphic demand by adopting a style, are actually better for it. I think there is a fairly new "spiderman" game that has gone for a deliberately comic book style and has been a hit. If I have a worry about WW2 RTS, it isn't graphics but it being too "gamey", a bit like a 1:4 scale Battlefield 1942, as opposed to CMBB. Peter.
  18. When they made the draw for Euro 2008, Scotland were desperate to avoid Norway, not because they are a great team ( though they are better than us) but because beer in Oslo is £7 a pint, ($11 US). We're much happier getting the Ukraine, because even though they are a far better team, apparently beer is dirt cheap in Kiev. Peter.
  19. WoW, is deliberately "cartoonish", and has 5 million subscribers, so you can do a lot of things other than going for photorealism. I think what you want to go for is a kind of graphic "feel" that suits the game or period. Peter.
  20. But what would the space lobsters be. Given that we are talking about near enugh in the future to be within 100 years, anything that could coss stellar distances would probably wipe the floor with us. What about the SL's being "genetically" produced say as life forms that can survive in adverse enviroments such as Mars, as an alternative to robots or humans, but they sort of develope a mean streak.... Peter.
  21. Has anyone seen Steve since he went off on the P**s, or is he still recovering. Softy. Peter.
  22. Max, I agree they look okay and a lot better than CMBO, I quite like the fact that they have a sort of "drawn" quality, rather than photo realism. Peter.
  23. How would people feel about "Hammer and Anvil" scenarios. This would have the "target" force having to start near the centre, with one or more exits, unknown to the enemy, and the attacker in two or more units. The attackers task would be to locate block and destroy the defending force, while the defender had to exit. It would work best with a large map , but relatively small forces. I am not an expert on these types of actions, but I know they were a feature in vietnam, and the South Africans used then in Namibia and Angola, especilly with helicopters to move the manouvering units to ambush positions. Peter.
  24. I think it's strange that so many people who look at this from the US perspective seem to want to attack the Chinese mainland. The US certainly has the capability, but would it be wise to do so. A tacit agreement that we don't attcak the mainland if you don't atttack our aircraft carriers or bases would seem to work well for the US. If it is restricted to Taiwan and the US interdicts anything in Taiwans 12 mile limit or ashore, then it can avoid the vast bulk of Chinas AD network, and it can take on Chinese fighters over relatively neutral air space. In addition from the naval perspective letting China have the straits means not having to go to close with either surface ships or subs in to narrow shallow waters. This allows the US to shield it's carriers and assault forces with Taiwan by staying to the east. Used defensively US subs would be more than capable of screening against Chinas few SSN's and that far out it's SSK's would be really retricted. The alternative has the US at long range attacking the full Chinese integrated AD network and it's fighters over it's own airspace. From a naval point of view it widens the war to include over 1,000 miles of Chinese coastline. In addition in such a widened conflict the obvious palces for Chinas SSN's would be NE pacific off the Alaska/California tanker route. Two more south of China one each side of the straits of Moluca either east in Indonesian waters or west in the Indian Ocean. Another possible is in the SW of the indian ocean covering the Horn of Africa. If The US had available 40 of it's fifty SSN's having to hunt over two oceans could mean almost half of then being tied up else where. Not to mention still having to protect SSBN's and telling a Chinese SSN from a spying Russian one. Adding to that the possibility of China then attacking US bases, where to lose only one or two airstrips they would struggle to mainatain air superiority. Finally for the US to lose a single carrier could mean a higher death toll that 9/11. If I was the US I would try to keep the conflict as local as possible. Peter.
  25. Wisbech_lad. Problem with the blockade scenario is that Taiwan is one of Chinas biggest suppliers, and trading partners, so it would need to be a declaration of independence to do that. Even before that China would threaten a trade blockade if independence was declared, and the US would probably back Taiwan. However long before any blockade emerged the loss of trade with China and hong Kong would send the Taiwanese economy in to free fall. I suppose the US could retaliate by saying that if China wouldn't buy Taiwanese goods, America wouldn't buy Chinese, but given that that would cause huge disruption to the US economy, that might hurt the US more than China. It would certainly cause huge short term dislocation to US suppliers and in the medium to long term force up US inflation, as the replacement suppliers would both be more expansive, and unable to meet the demand immediately ( if supply doesn't meet demand price rises). I suspect thats why the current seperate state but still part of China line continues, it's a political expediant driven by economic interdependence. Peter.
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