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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Personally I believe you. That probably explains why you haven't told anyone where you live. [ May 23, 2003, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  2. TWO threads? :confused: You should see what they're saying about you on the General Forum threads!!
  3. Correct!! How many jars of KY Jelley does he use on a weekly basis? Congratulations! You are correct again!!!! </font>
  4. MasterGoodale, we've all abandoned the Cheery Waffle threads and moved over to the Peng thread. It's been fun, but we want to hang out with the really cool people now. They've welcomed us there with open arms and made us all knights! Hurry on over. Maggot!
  5. You're both assuming the maggot will find it sometime. I think that's questionable.
  6. I'm in a state of shock this morning. I've witnessed something which mere mortals should never see. This is most assuredly a sign that the world as I've always known it is being turned upside down. Allow me to tell of the gory details. Wednesday night I received a turn from MasterGoodale (the maggot). While shocking enough by itself, I decided to wait to run the turn until Thursday. So yesterday afternoon when I came home from work, I played the turn from the fury maggot (just watched the movie) and sent him the next turn. Within an hour or so, I had received another turn from MasterGoodale!!! :eek: :eek: You'll have to excuse me now. I'm having an existential crisis right now. Isn't there anything I can rely on any more? :confused: :confused: :confused:
  7. Hey, if it's good enough for your Prime Minister, it's good enough for you. Just think of all the extra protein and vitamins and minerals you get with all the bacteria in every slimy, bloody chunk of flesh hacked out of a harmless mammal. Pass the A1, please. Yummmmm!
  8. Don't you just despise him that much more when he gets all warm and fuzzy?? :mad: Of course when you realize his fuzz is really mold then you see the true MasterGoodale (the fuzzy, moldy fury maggot)!! GRRR!!! :mad: :mad: Edited to add that I would appreciate it if you would leave my ex-wife out of this thread from now on. Maggot. :eek: [ May 22, 2003, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  9. Yeah, yeah. Imagine my gallant Russians trembling with fear at the German onslaught which has apparently been stopped by a patch of woods. It seems your Germans haven't figured out that they can go around the trees. I can hear the infantry sounds as your troops try to butt their heads through the tree trunks. I give all the credit to your outstanding leadership. Maggot. PS. Glad to hear things are better.
  10. Who left the door open and let JasonC or that Canuck Michael something or rexford or one of those other grognerds (I liked that word) in here? MasterGoodale (you maggot), you're supposed to prevent things like this from happening! GRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: I'll just have to take it out of the hides of your Russians. Maggot!!
  11. That's so true, and it's so mature of you to admit it!! Killing my T-34s with panzershrecks at what looked like about 500 meters?? I've had panzershrecks so close to early T-34s that they could throw the shells at the buttoned Russians, and they still couldn't knock a single tank out. GGGGRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: Edited to point out that I have sent turns to Keke, Axe, _UXcva, Prinz Eugen, WallyBob, and Paddington this evening. Can you guess from whom I haven't received a turn yet today? Would it help if I gave you the hint that he's probably melted his face with his psychotic TNT? Or that he's the biggest fury maggot ever? Or that his house is probably full of rats now, feeding on his crop of mold and his herd of ants? No, with a bunch of maggots like the ones populating this thread, these hints probably wouldn't help. [ May 21, 2003, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  12. Sorry for wandering in. I thought you were talking about Italian aircraft carriers. Doh!!
  13. *shakes head* Dave, Dave, Dave, Already laying down the groundwork for your excuses in our QB? And with not even a turn played yet. Jas :mad: n </font>
  14. Nippy, excellent job on the AAR you posted. Will your esteemed opponent be adding his side to the thread any time soon? Having an entire platoon of Pioneers hit with mortar fire while in split squads had to be a crusher. Morale gives way so fast when the squads are split. I'm surprised you ever got any of them back in action. :cool: Advancing uphill through woods in the mud will wear out the best troops. Less motivated troops will take a lot of breaks for a smoke. That's without an enemy soldier in sight, too.
  15. Sure, I know this much, "Fosters is Australian for beer!" There's also, "Throw a shrimp on the Barbie" which I never figured out. My daughter never mixed shrimp with her dolls. :confused: Also, "G'day", which must be Australian, because Crocodile Dundee said it.
  16. OOOOOoooohhhh, that was a good one!! :eek: :eek: :cool: :eek: :eek: :cool: Good grief, Keke, do you live on this thread? :confused: I can't even get a one-line reply in before you're already there. So, do you still want a setup, or will you send one? Maggot! [ May 21, 2003, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  17. NOOOOOooooo!!! Not an Aussie!! :eek: Aren't the herds of uber-Finns punishment enough for one thread? Brigadier, are you up for a small (700-1,000 point) PBEM? I'll warn you, I have just started two PBEMs without either a German or a Russian to be seen. So either send me a setup, or tell me what you absolutely refuse to play before I send you one of mine. MasterGoodale (you maggot), since you were gracious enough to add me to your list of Daddies, I hereby return your letter G! Use it in good health, until I wipe you out again. BFC, is there some way you could modify the software on the Forum so if I exceed 8 graemlins I don't lose the entire message? I hate it when that happens!
  18. Wow, nothing like getting snotty to get results. I forgot and asked nicely the first time. That's obviously where I made my big mistake. Okay, I'll take both of you on, with my eyes closed, and with one hand tied behind my back. Name your poison, gents. Personally I prefer attacks or probes (down mike, you wino maggot - I'll ironing board you ) to meeting engagements. However, I'll play either side, any month, any kind of battle, any weather conditions, day or night. If you want me to make a setup, let me know your preferences, if any. Otherwise, send me a setup. Keke, you are my third current opponent from Finland. This is getting way out of hand!
  19. You might consider playing PBEM against another person instead of the computer AI. I can promise you that you will not know what the defender will have. Sounds like you're ready to move on to something that will never remind you of playing against the computer.
  20. Are you guys playing one of MasterGoodale's (the maggot) 3,000 point battles? Our rematch is set for 45+ turns, and we're on turn 5. I'll be very surprised if we get finished before 2004. Actually MasterGoodale (the fury maggot) has been getting turns out pretty quickly, every other day or so. I don't know how long that will last, probably until he runs out of angry TNT and has to begin his assault. I think he's planning to swarm me with halftracks. Mike, here I give you a compliment about whipping Gaylord Focker, and all I get in return is you rubbing my nose in my 0-1-1 record against you. As if Soddball's Inferno was a test of anything but pure gamey luck. I seem to remember Becket giving you a severe spanking at the same time in the same scenario. I don't recall seeing any sig line mentioning that little indiscretion of yours. Why is that? Maggot. So, no new takers on a small battle? No Soddball, no Snarker, no Keke, no nevermind, no Shosties4th, no PlatCmdr, no Nippy, no WallyBob, not even Gaylord Focker? What maggots! Who cares if you've already got 25 PBEMs in progress? What's that to me? Should that be my problem? GGGGRRRRR!!! :mad: Okay Axe and mike_the_gamey, what about you two? I was trying to duck both of you , but it looks like I'm forced to request a rematch. :eek: I just re-read that list of maggots in the preceding paragraph. It sounded like Santa Claus (the maggot) calling his reindeer!
  21. Congratulations to Gaylord, upholding the "honor" of the MBT in fine style! Who is this "gallant and brilliant" mike the wino of whom you speak so highly? The only mike the wino I have had the evil misfortune to meet is more of a "gamey and drunk" kind of person. Are you sure that you and Gaylord were playing the same game? Did you make it clear that his armor was allowed to actually shoot at yours? Or did you pull out one of those scenarios where his armor was all trapped in the woods away from the VLs? I had to get away from the computer after reading some of MasterGoodale's posts about how fast he gets turns out. I was afraid my tears of laughter would rust out the keyboard. MasterGoodale, are you sure about that winning percentage in your sig? Have you really only played seven games? You're showing four wins and three losses. I know you've lost to ParaBellum, Lt. Hortlund, Headshot, and me. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us? Hmmmm? Turns are coming in slowly right now, so if there's anybody looking to play a small QB or scenario, let me know. I can't take any more of these 3,000 point battles, they're too much like work. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRR!!! :mad: (Those are mine and my pet fury maggot MasterGoodale's Gs)
  22. Anyone heard from Mr. Boggs about how his wife's surgery went? :confused: Boggs has a good excuse for slow turns. What about you, Prinz Eugen? Still moving home from school for summer vacation? You didn't drop your computer, did you? And Paddington, did the rain in our battle fry your computer? And _UXcva, I guess you had to work this weekend, right? And last, the traditional Sultan of slow turns; the CMBB player who grinds out turns at the breakneck speed of once a month no matter what; the guy who threatens to start battles with every person who posts in this thread and then forgets his own threats; yes, the one, the only MasterGoodale (the fury maggot). :mad: :mad: Any chance that you will wind up your preliminary shelling before, say, July? I'm afraid my crack German soldiers will age into Volksgrenadiers before they see any Russians in our battle. :eek: :eek:
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