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Dave H

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Posts posted by Dave H

  1. <font size=5>Good Morning, Waffles!!</font size=5> :D

    Fiefdom is over. A BFC forum member won - although he is a <font size=1>penguin</font size=1>, this once we can overlook that tragic character flaw. The Yorick/Crimson Brigade clans accused the BFC members of cheating. I think I've managed to irritate Warpig. All things considered, a hugely successful round. :D

    Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

    Greetings Wafflers,

    In the gaming equivalent of being slathered in hot TNT and then asked to hold a flaming Molotov cocktail while he went to water his pansies, Dave (the venerable maggot) has well and truly kicked my bottom in BDLRM 2004 :mad: :mad:

    The cunning old chap inflicted the worst defeat I've ever suffered that hasn't involved my little pixel army surrendering after fleeing the field of battle or lying down and dying en masse :mad:

    I bow down before the crusty warrior and cordially suggest the tournament is renamed next year ... any suggestions are welcome

    Teddy (fighting his way through a crocodile pit while delivering witty one-liners to his buxom side-kick and attempting not to spill his vodka martini) ;)

    Teddy, so good to see your secret agent self reappear in the Cheery Waffle thread. The next time I decide to have a BDLRM tournament, I will decide what point levels seem like a fair fight, and then double the points for you maggots. Apparently this scenario veered slightly to my advantage. I must admit, the treads of your Sherman were inches from the north edge of the map when the game ended. Also, major kudos for using that same gun-damaged Sherman to roll directly over a 20 mm gun. That's a tactic I had never seen before, but it worked to perfection. I was only disappointed that there was no graphic to watch the gun crushed into scrap metal.

    If it's any consolation, your terrible loss has placed you among the leaders in the BDLRM. Congratulations. Consider this scenario to be the "Kobiyashi Maru" among CMAK scenarios, for all of you Trekkers out there. Evidently it's an unwinnable scenario. I'm so proud!!

  2. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    When did they originally get electical lines up to that Ozark shack of yours? Just sometime this year, right?

    I sense your jealousy because Ohio hasn't yet seen fit to electrify the boonies. Too bad you'll have to keep peddling your little homemade generator for a while longer. I suspect your house has most of the conveniences of the huts on "Gilligan's Island". tongue.giftongue.gif:D

    And "Bardstown Road"??? Do they venerate Seanachai in that bucolic little corner of hell?
    If Seanachai didn't play basketball for the Big Blue Wildcats, no, they don't venerate him. :D:D Actually, Seanachai would probably fit right into the Bardstown Road neighborhood known as the Highlands in Louisville. Lots of bars, lots of used bookstores, lots of kindred spirits. :D:D
  3. Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    All Aussies aspire to be as successful as Macey-kins - who is bought to us today by the letters M, A, G, O, and T.

    Too bad you haven't studied the letter R, so you could spell brought correctly. tongue.gif:D

    Loved the picture of mike_the_wino and me. What you couldn't make out in the picture was the pole mounted to the front of our Mark-1 armored wheelbarrow. There was a half-full bottle of Thunderbird dangling in front of us, so mtw was running as fast as he could to get it. He never did figure out why he couldn't catch it. :D:D

  4. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Watson & Crick, ladies and gentlemen! Aren't they wonderful?

    They'll be here through Tuesday.

    So was it Watson or Crick mauled by the tiger a few months back? :D:D

    The multitalented Lurkur has produced a new crest for me in Fiefdom. All maggots are invited to look upon it and admire his workmanship. Look for it about a third of the way down in the rankings. redface.gifredface.gif:D:D

  5. <font size=4>Good Morning, maggots!</font size=4>

    Condolences to Paula, Axe, and family. Paula's grandmother went the way I hope to; looking and feeling great and just passing away. No lingering illness, no unhappy memories for the survivors, just here and then gone. :(:D

    All BDLRM turns out last night. Mike has joined the ranks of the unsuccessful Allied commanders, with no units reaching the north map edge (although he was oh-so-close)! He has already promised to take his revenge, so I'm expecting a gamey setup from the gamey maggot. :eek: :D:D

    Anyone seen our mad Finn Keke anywhere? I'm beginning to suspect that he's stranded in Lapland or Norway or at the North Pole. That's one way for him to avoid the last turn or two of his crushing defeat in the BDLRM. :D :mad: :D

  6. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    You mean that cackling "DANCE, MONKEY, DANCE, TO MY MANIACAL SET-UPS!!!", tires you out, poor baby?

    Which part of hitting "GO" do you find so ennervating, you poor, mistreated, Scarlette O'Hara wannaby, with your languid sighs and your "Oh-ah, Ah have the vapors, Ah caint possibly make it to the cotillion", namby-pamby excuses?

    Just remember that Indiana's not that far away and I could be burying my foot in your backside before happy hour, you bird call imitating wearer of lacy lederhosen!

    Aw, I'm blushing. Yet another satisfied customer!! :D:D:D
  7. Originally posted by 86smopuim:

    (snipping the beer)

    who won BDLRM?

    When's the next one?

    Who won? Why, I did, of course!! :D:D

    Actually, only five of the fourteen players have finished. All of the players are whining and moaning about how gamey and lopsided the situation is. Of course, all of them are correct! I told Boo that to be fair I should have allowed the Allied player about three times the points that I had as defender. For some reason it makes it tougher on the attacker when the defenders stay invisible. Who'd have guessed? :eek: :eek:

    A couple of the remaining players will finish in the next turn or two. Thermopylae has taken the summer off from CMAK, so he won't finish for quite a while. Lurkur broke his keyboard, so he's been running behind, too. Looks like another month or two at least before everybody will finish. :rolleyes:

    The next BDLRM won't be until next year. Sorry, but playing the same scenario over and over begins to wear, even though I am facing 14 completely unique attacks. The variety of units and tactics has been amazing. Almost completely futile, but still amazing! tongue.gif:D

    Kitty, are you close to finishing culinary school? Are you already working in food service? Talk about a recession-proof business! My oldest son worked in restaurants every summer while he went to college. He absolutely loves cooking, and he'll never have to worry about finding his next job for the rest of his life. The demand for chefs is constant. :D

    [ July 06, 2004, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

  8. All turns out to you maggots. Pseudo has found some wonderful scenario where my Allies get to defend a village at night in a driving rain. Visibility is 50 meters. Thanks Pseudo, my armor and AT guns will be real helpful in these conditions! :mad: :mad:

    Kitty, what kind of school is that starting tomorrow? I hope it's medical school, so you can do something about lowering your blood alcohol level. It's a wonder you can even move. It must be the adrenaline rush of another round of Fiefdom that's keeping you going. :eek: :rolleyes::rolleyes: Try not to kill yourself, okay? We'd miss all of your :mad: :mad: !

  9. Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

    So what is traditional on Canada day? Exchange toques? Pin the tail on the polar bear? Hit stupid 'mericans with snowballs??? :confused: :confused:

    Drink beer, freeze, drink beer, beat each other with hockey and lacrosse sticks, drink beer. Pretty much like every day. :D:D

    All turns are out. I have to admit, Axe and Pseudo have come up with really gamey scenarios for our rematches. You guys make me so proud! I salute you both. Enjoy your holiday! tongue.gif:rolleyes:

  10. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Violence does solve problems after all!

    Only temporarily. The ad doesn't go on to show the way the bully gathered several of his bully friends, dragged the "Hero of the Beach" out into the water, and drowned him. Besides, what kind of a masochist wants a girlfriend who calls him "Little Boy"? :mad: :mad: :mad:

    All right, time to open my e-mail and see what jumps out. :eek: :D

  11. Dogs? Cats? Where are the ants; the mice; dare I say it, the mold we used to discuss when MasterGoodale (the maggot) was a daily stain in our lives? Have we fallen so far, so fast? Not even a mention of angry molten TNT. Sigh... :eek: :rolleyes: :mad: :mad:

    All BDLRM turns are out to you whining maggots. Robohn has now finished the scenario, and another Allied commander's troops lie broken before the German lines. Five down, and nine to go. I've got to admit, this is a LOT more fun than taking the poundings that some of you maggots inflicted last year! :D:D

    Rematches in either CMAK or CMBB are available to all of the vanquished. Operators are standing by. :D:D

  12. Originally posted by Mike:

    Nah - just use ultrasound ;)

    Hey Mike, maybe you could get Keke or another of the uberFinns down there to punch a few holes. That seems like a much easier way to measure the armor thickness. Are there pinecones in New Zealand? :D :eek: :D

    Axe, you're not slumming on the General Forum, are you? That message was for a certain Mr. Rambo and his superiority complex. :mad: :mad:

  13. Kitty, I don't think you're weird at all. It's really too bad your Dad stopped playing games with you once you started winning. You probably could have taught him a few things about military games - and history. Make that a lot of things. :D:D:D

    I agree with you 100 percent about the miniatures players. My experience was that painting the miniatures became far more of a priority than actually playing any games. I only bought a handful of Microarmor, and I gave it all away. I wanted to play games, not paint! :mad: :mad:

    That's why I enjoy this forum, and this thread, so much. Everybody's ready to start a PBEM at the drop of a hat, and just about everybody can be counted on to send turns and to play the game through. Even when I set up a tremendously gamey situation like I did in the BDLRM. Most maggots aren't terribly bright, you know. tongue.gif:D:D

  14. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    ...90th anniversary of Ferdinand's assassination today.

    I'll bet Seanachai remembers it like it happened yesterday. :D:D

    My mother-in-law has video taped what seems like thousands of episodes of Andy Griffith, with commercials. She's always asking if we want to borrow them. I don't want to hurt her feelings by telling her that after a while they all seem to run together. However, I have reached and exceeded my Andy saturation point. :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Kitty, if it's not prying too much, how did you get into wargaming? There are so few women who partake that I'm curious about how you got started. :D

  15. What do I find here but Andy Griffith grogs. Please, get over Sheriff Andy. He was an actor. So was Barney. There is no such place as Mayberry. Just because some people with completely empty lives (think Boo Radley) will tune in and watch at any hour, day or night, doesn't make it real. redface.gif:(:rolleyes:

    Back in the real world, a crushed and bleeding Wallybob has completed a particularly grueling round of the BDLRM. This game ran on for 30 full turns of mayhem to his Allied troops. While he deserves high praise for exiting one M4A3(76)HVSS from the north edge, his few surviving troops were heading back south at last reports. We also hope his stinking P38 crashed before it could land! :mad: :mad:

    Reminder to all BDLRM participants: I owe each of you a rematch of your choosing. Be as gamey as you want - like you maggots need my permission to be yourselves. tongue.gif:D:D

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