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Dave H

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Posts posted by Dave H

  1. Originally posted by Kitty:

    Not a friggin' chance in hell, maggot!!!! Snarknads keeps laying down his snail trails and I keep putting out my snail bait . . .

    Yeah, fat chance of that happening, Kitty. Everybody knows that for snails and slugs in the garden you put out shallow dishes of cheap <font size=4>BEER!!</font size=4> Somehow I can't imagine you sharing your beer with the snails. Maybe after it comes back out of you, but not before. :D:D:D
  2. <font size=6>Heeeeere's Johnny!!</font size=6>

    I really need an ax to chop through the door for that line. And no, not Axe, ax!! tongue.gif

    Thanks to the BFC guys for letting me know what my password is. It's been so long since I had to log in I forgot what it was. Doh!! :D:D

    Snarker, you couldn't wait just a little longer before inflicting a second Snarker on the forum, could you? You split-personality maggots are really scary. For most of you, posting under one name is bad enough. When you add a second name, you're more than twice as bad. tongue.gif

    Can't wait to jump over to the GF and see what my dear friends over there have to say about the Democratic convention. I've heard a few of the "news" people on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and they all panned the whole thing. On "The Daily Show", I saw a tape of Chris Matthews' MSNBC cohort Britt Hume, who was right there on the stage, ask Al Sharpton what his speech was about. He asked Rev. Sharpton why he stopped the teleprompter and "Riffed on whatever it was you were riffing on." Sharpton had just finished talking. He hadn't even made it off the stage!! Couldn't a so-called reporter maybe have tried something new, called LISTENING, so he wouldn't have to ask such a stupid question?? Oh yeah, all of the "reporters" clearly showed a complete liberal bias by sucking up to the Democrats all right! GAAAAAAAHHH!! :rolleyes::D

    Good grief, I came back to a Canadian-Australian mutual admiration fest. I think I'm going to be sick. Let's see, Canada was originally settled by the French. They were followed by the Scots and Irish getting away from England before they could be shipped to Australia, right? Australia was as far away from England as the crown could send prisoners before space travel, right? Oh yeah, two nations with a lot in common. tongue.gif:D

    [ July 30, 2004, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

  3. All turns are out. Every one of you Earthlink maggots (you know who you are) should have received the newest turn at least twice; some of you three times. Don't expect any turns tonight; I'll be watching the last night of the convention. Too bad more of you maggots don't have the communication skills I've been observing this week. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Hey rune, why not put this airfield scenario of yours on a bigger map? Instead of only crossing five or six hundred meters of open ground, the attackers could cross a couple of kilometers. It's like assaulting a mall across the parking lots, except with less cover for the attacker. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

  4. Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    Non-TRP arty sucks!! Against Axe, it fell about 800m from where I targeted, against scorchedearthDave it was 300m off...

    Since my Americans can only see about 50-60 meters in this driving rain, your German artillery might as well have fallen in Berlin. We didn't see it, we didn't hear it, and we didn't even know you were shooting at us. Thanks for letting us know what we missed - or to be perfectly honest, what you missed. :D:D

    I've been in the GF again, and it hasn't changed a bit. Thankfully Soddball is over there to add a touch of sanity with his best buddy Jamoomba. :rolleyes::D:D

  5. Originally posted by Mike:

    And 4 1/2 hours ago was when I was on my way to work - not much freckin' use to me then is it!! :mad: :mad:

    My apologies. I devoted last night to political convention watching, which was great fun. I watched C-SPAN so I didn't have to listen to the smarmy commentators on other networks tell me what they heard. Somehow I didn't feel that I needed any explanations of the speeches I was hearing, and I muddled through on my own. :D:D:D

    By the way, Pseudo, are you enjoying that made-in-America TNT my Buffalo Soldiers are serving to your men? I told you we'd level the town, and it's happening. GRARRGHRRAAGRARRGHRARRG!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

  6. Originally posted by Mike:

    Horrible Dave and Wally Blob are getting behind on their turns...

    Hold on a minute, there, bud. I sent you a turn at 12:27 EDT, or four and one-half hours ago. Even your homegrown computer must have received it by now. I heard that Kiwis and Aussies use a handful of wool as the processor in their computers. Care to comment? :confused: :D:D

    Snickers has just fropped the support company of a Falschirmjager regiment on hte middle of Maleme airfield...
    Isn't fropping troops a violation of the Geneva Conventions? Maybe it only applies to enemy troops. I guess Snarker can frop all of his own troops he wants. tongue.gif:D:D
  7. <font size=4>Helllllooooo!!! Anybody here?</font size=4>

    I guess they're all at church. Or passed out. Or both. :rolleyes::rolleyes::D

    I'll get turns out later, maggots. For now, I'm having too much fun making you wait. :D:D

    Kitty, did you receive my dues? I figured why send money so I bought you a bottle of Maker's Mark. I took it to the post office and the people there were so helpful. They said they would box it and ship it to you. Funny thing is, they didn't even charge postage. :confused: :D

  8. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    I leave for 12 hours of beer drinking with my family and this is what I return to? :retch: :gag: :spew: :mad:

    Trying to get a head start on Kitty tonight, eh? Forget it, she's the NHL to your pee-wee league in the drinking game. Now mike_the_wino may be able to compete with her, but Kitty appears to be at the top of her game these days. :D:D

    Sorry Mace, but how anybody can eat something that looks like it was scraped off a tar roof is beyond me. Can the UN declare Vegemite to be a WMD? Should I check with the experts on the GF? :rolleyes::D:D

  9. Originally posted by Kitty:

    Ok, look. I didn't want to have to say this but my dad, MasterGoodale needs prostate surgery. We could really use the money. I'm tired of watching him releasing bug foggers up his rectum! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Kitty, have you ever thought of looking the other direction? I'm sure just seeing MasterGoodale (the maggot) is enough to cause severe headache, nausea, and cramping. If you would simply quit watching him when he sits on his can of Raid, you will feel much better. Then you could live on the CARE packages Mace sends you - what is it again, a pound of wool and a jar of Vegamite per week? :D:D
  10. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Geez, I was hoping for more of a anti-tattoo, pro-God, or at least my-God-is-better-than-your-God kinda thing.

    Turns back to maggots that sent them.

    I think there are plenty of alleged forum members over at that clogged toilet known as the GF who will be happy to discuss all of these subjects with you. At great length. Enjoy. :eek: :mad: :rolleyes:

    Hi Kitty!! How's school going? Do they teach you how to cook a bear? That's B-E-A-R, not B-E-E-R. :eek: :D

  11. The thread title is to honor the complete pile of bovine feces deposited into our last thread by the lovely Paula B. To the relief of at least a few of us, Axe was not actually eaten by a bear, so I'm sure he'll be along shortly. That's Axe, not the bear. :D:D

    Where are my turns, you maggots? I sent them all out more than five minutes ago. Get on the ball!! GRARGHRAARGHGGRARHHRRARGGARHR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

  12. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Don't you owe me a move, you tittering toe sniffer?

    All moves are now out, including one for you little Boo Boo Bear. Enjoy yet another turn of your infantry portraying clay pigeons for my longer ranged guns. Maybe it will be the last turn of this whipping for you. :D:D

    For those of you already finished with the BDLRM, I'll tell you that the average score for the eight completed games is Axis 90%, Allies 10%. I guess this is a pretty gamey situation, isn't it? :D:D Should I try challenging any of the ladder CM superstars :rolleyes: to see if they could do any better than you maggots have? :mad: :mad:

  13. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Don't you owe me a move, you tittering toe sniffer?

    All moves are now out, including one for you little Boo Boo Bear. Enjoy yet another turn of your infantry portraying clay pigeons for my longer ranged guns. Maybe it will be the last turn of this whipping for you. :D:D

    For those of you already finished with the BDLRM, I'll tell you that the average score for the eight completed games is Axis 90%, Allies 10%. I guess this is a pretty gamey situation, isn't it? :D:D Should I try challenging any of the ladder CM superstars :rolleyes: to see if they could do any better than you maggots have? :mad: :mad:

  14. Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Canada's greatest living artist.

    This from the country that gave us Rush, Lee Aaron, Chilliwack, Coney Hatch, Anvil, Sword, Goddo, Loverboy, Pat Travers, Headpins, Heart, Helix, Teaze (rocks btw), Toronto, Triumph, or April Wine!

    Oh how the mighty have fallen. :( :mad: :mad:


  15. Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Canada's greatest living artist.

    This from the country that gave us Rush, Lee Aaron, Chilliwack, Coney Hatch, Anvil, Sword, Goddo, Loverboy, Pat Travers, Headpins, Heart, Helix, Teaze (rocks btw), Toronto, Triumph, or April Wine!

    Oh how the mighty have fallen. :( :mad: :mad:


  16. Originally posted by Paula B.:


    It is my sad duty to inform you that Jason -- you call him Axe2121 -- was eaten by a bear while camping and, thus, can no longer play CM or post here.

    Bye bye.

    Paula B.

    Paula B., you've made my day!! I was afraid that Axe-maggot would turn up again and I'd have to continue whipping his Germans in our PBEM. Since the bear sent him to the big CM game in the sky, I can devote my time to finishing off mike_the_wino in the BDLRM. Say, where exactly were you camping? Maybe mike_the_wino would like to take a camping trip in Canada, too. :D:D
  17. Originally posted by Paula B.:


    It is my sad duty to inform you that Jason -- you call him Axe2121 -- was eaten by a bear while camping and, thus, can no longer play CM or post here.

    Bye bye.

    Paula B.

    Paula B., you've made my day!! I was afraid that Axe-maggot would turn up again and I'd have to continue whipping his Germans in our PBEM. Since the bear sent him to the big CM game in the sky, I can devote my time to finishing off mike_the_wino in the BDLRM. Say, where exactly were you camping? Maybe mike_the_wino would like to take a camping trip in Canada, too. :D:D
  18. Originally posted by Mace:

    btw by gawd you're a cheery bastage, DaveH

    Stop it!

    Stop it this once! :mad: :mad: :mad:


    And a special good morning or afternoon or evening or night to our <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> friend Mace. Anyone going through life as the object of Kitty's affections is obviously living under extreme pressure. I'll always make allowances for his irrational behavior because at any given moment Kitty could twist his life into Hell on Earth. Add to that the fact he's in Australia, and it's apparent he's never had a chance for a normal life. :( :eek:

    On the brighter side, at least he's not in Minnesota! :D:D

  19. Originally posted by Mace:

    btw by gawd you're a cheery bastage, DaveH

    Stop it!

    Stop it this once! :mad: :mad: :mad:


    And a special good morning or afternoon or evening or night to our <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> friend Mace. Anyone going through life as the object of Kitty's affections is obviously living under extreme pressure. I'll always make allowances for his irrational behavior because at any given moment Kitty could twist his life into Hell on Earth. Add to that the fact he's in Australia, and it's apparent he's never had a chance for a normal life. :( :eek:

    On the brighter side, at least he's not in Minnesota! :D:D

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