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Dave H

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Posts posted by Dave H

  1. Originally posted by Snarker:

    Dave H, you of all people should buy Dominions 2. You really can become an arrogant, pixelated god. LOL!

    Actually, I had been reading the threads in the GF on Dominions 2. This evening I broke down and downloaded the demo. I'll give it a try over the weekend. I'm afraid it has piqued my interest. I'd say God help me, but then that would be me asking for help from myself, so forget it. :D:D
  2. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Snarker and Axe might add up to half of a man. Better yet leave the Canuck out of the mix and throw the ever limp-wristed Dave H.

    Oddly enough, yesterday in the Fiefdom discussion forum I was accused of having either a god complex or supreme arrogance. Of course, I had to straighten out that particular individual and inform him that I have both a god complex and supreme arrogance. So stop wasting your time trying to insult me, because I am above it and I don't care. tongue.giftongue.gif:D:D
  3. Originally posted by Mike:

    David, hunting Chrchills with 50mm AT guns is just a bit of fun - I expect you to go join SYL for a sulk now!! ;)

    My good man, I certainly don't need those rank amateurs of the SYL to show me how to sulk. As my lovely wife Becky could tell you, I am a past master of sulking. On those occasions when I used to get my feelings hurt, I could put on a most wonderful sulk that would last for days. Unfortunately for my sulking skilz, Becky doesn't let me get away with it for very long any more, so I'm getting out of practice. ;):D:D
  4. Originally posted by Mike:

    Your tanks never had HE for their main armament anyway, and my AT guns bounce or shatter their few remaining AP rounds 90% of the time already, and your MG's have already taken out one of them!! tongue.gif

    and at least one of them is not dug in - I'm moving it to hunt your cowardly Churchills!! lol

    Stalin, I'm afraid that I must respectfully disagree with you. A few of my tanks did indeed have some HE. You may notice that many of my tanks are either not moving or not shooting. Indeed, far too many of them are neither moving nor shooting. You can credit your dozens of AT guns and mortars, your FW pilots, and your minefields for the decrepit condition of my armor. :mad: :mad:

    If you feel the need to chase my tanks with your AT gun, then I may have to jump over to the Fiefdom forum and let the SYLs know that they are exactly correct about you. You're taking this battle way too seriously! :D:D

  5. The one incident I've had with CMAK higher ground that left a bad impression on me was in a PBEM. I set up as the defender and placed an infantry squad in a foxhole behind a stone wall on a ridge overlooking a steep slope down to a road. I figured the significant terrain elevation, plus the wall, would prevent my hiding men from being spotted. I was planning to ambush American infantry moving down the road. Unfortunately, the first American unit to appear on the road spotted my infantry. Apparently they saw through the ground and spotted my men hiding in their holes. They were methodically shot to pieces by a Sherman. :mad: :mad:

  6. <font size=5 font color=green>Top of the Morning, Waffles!!</font>

    I forgot to mention my BDLRM game with Mace. :eek: :eek: Never have I seen such a mass of jeeps! He's been hugging the western map edge with them, and now he's trying to cross the bridge to reach the northwest corner. My panzerschreck team covering the bridge managed to get off one shot, which missed, before the jeeps (all armed) put a few thousand rounds through the bodies. :eek: :eek: I've got a sinking feeling that it will be impossible to stop all of these jeeps. I really need his drivers to lose their nerve and refuse to cross open ground any more. Hmmm, think maybe a Panther would help them decide? :cool: :D

    Mike, what could I have been thinking? Why of course my tanks will be glad to face off with all of your AT guns minus our main armament. I get to shoot machine guns four or five hundred meters at your dug-in guns, while you shoot back with guns capable of knocking out my tanks. What a great plan!! tongue.gif:rolleyes:

  7. Maybe now that any semi-observant residents of Florida have left for good, the peninsula can just sink back into the ocean where it belongs. Anyone still there after the last six weeks is just asking for the final plunge. You people really can't take a hint or four, can you? I mean you, Jim Boggs! :rolleyes:

    All turns are out. Mike is mad because I decided to hold the gains I already have. My alternative is to bombard his dug-in infantry and guns with smoke and AP rounds. Hmmmm, what to do? Decisions, decisions. :confused:

    Boo accused my men of swaggering into his defended town. Although they were really running for their lives, zigzagging from foxholes to craters, it must have looked pretty cheeky to him. Maybe he didn't appreciate my Shermans driving along the railroad tracks, shooting everything in sight. Call me Oddball, I guess. :D

    Teddy's German tanks put up a strong resistance, but finally the more numerous Shermans prevailed. So they roll pass his brewed-up tanks and get hit with a hail of panzerschrecks! GRRRRRRR!! Who knew he had infantry dug in behind his tanks? Fortunately I had enough survivors to retreat and blast away, with gratifying results. :D

    Watson & Crick is sitting back and watching my FO pulverize my reserves. I guess my guy never considered the rounds may be falling behind him, because they just kept coming. My poor dismounted tank destroyer crews took the brunt of the firing. Great, just what they needed after W&C's Panthers and Tiger were through with them. redface.gif

    Snarker is hanging on to one VL like a rabid badger. He's got all of his infantry and tanks withing a hundred meters of the hanger. My exhausted British airborne troops are closing in. Will he be able to hold back the tide? Our game could end at any time. :D

    I finally got my artillery close enough to use against Robohn. Our battle is almost over, but at least my Brits won't have to carry all of this TNT with them when they depart in shame. Those Italians have taken us to the woodshed and given us a thorough spanking! redface.gif

    Wino must be stomping more grapes, because his turns are pretty widely spaced. Soddball has found something else to do, too. It may concern partying with stags or something even worse.

  8. <font size=6 font color=orange>WAKE UP!!</font>

    Mace, I saw your posts on the physics question in the GF. I didn't know you enjoyed that kind of philosophical discussion. That's like meat and potatoes to me. Good stuff! :D:D

    Speaking of which, have any of you delightful friends seen the movie "What the #$*! Do We Know?" yet? May I recommend it to all of you? While a lot of what is covered may be familiar to you, this is the first time I can recall seeing it covered in a movie with a wide release. Please don't get hung up on the messengers in the film - the important thing is the message. I'm sure Seanachai will eventually come along to poo-poo it as old news, but we all have to start somewhere. :D:D

  9. <font size=6 font color=orange>WAKE UP!!</font>

    Mace, I saw your posts on the physics question in the GF. I didn't know you enjoyed that kind of philosophical discussion. That's like meat and potatoes to me. Good stuff! :D:D

    Speaking of which, have any of you delightful friends seen the movie "What the #$*! Do We Know?" yet? May I recommend it to all of you? While a lot of what is covered may be familiar to you, this is the first time I can recall seeing it covered in a movie with a wide release. Please don't get hung up on the messengers in the film - the important thing is the message. I'm sure Seanachai will eventually come along to poo-poo it as old news, but we all have to start somewhere. :D:D

  10. <font size=5 font color=blue>Good Morning Maggots!!</font> :D:D

    It's good to see Kitty is still with us. How's the culinary school going? How much longer before they make you graduate and leave?

    Quick PBEM updates - these are all BDLRM-revenge games: the suave Teddy Windsor's defending Germans were unable to hold my plucky Kiwis away from his fortified village. For the loss of four Shermans and two ACs we destroyed two Pz IVs and his Tiger. A single side hit on the Tiger set it on fire, which was a most pleasant sight to all but Teddy.

    Snarker's defending Germans continue to hold one corner of rune's airfield. This battle has given me a great deal of respect for the British 3" mortar. Unfortunately, Snarker's air support eliminated a couple of my mortars. If I'm unable to force his auto-surrender, I blame the Luftwaffe!

    Boo's defending Germans have been done in by the same terrain that made attacking so difficult. The embankments for the railroad tracks prevented his panzers from falling back without making wonderful targets. None seem to have survived.

    Mike's defending Germans are hanging on at the top of their heavily fortified hill. My tanks have slowly ground their way to just below the summit. I'm predicting a gamey British flag rush very soon.

    Robohn's defending Italians have my British troops completely hung up. Everywhere I have poked his defense, he seems to have at least twice as many men as me. I have left myself woefully short of artillery, which has come back to haunt my troops. Robohn did not make the same mistake, and he's been pounding my squads into the dust.

    In a non-BDLRM-revenge game, Watson & Crick is terrorizing my British troops with his possessed Tiger. It just sits there in the middle of the road and blasts my infantry out of every building in the village I'm trying to hold. My armor keeps trying to get a shot at the Tiger, and his equally possessed Panther hidden in the distant trees keeps killing my tank destroyers.

    The single ongoing BDLRM battle finds Mace attempting to race a flock (herd, school?) of Allied jeeps across the map to exit the north side. Armor protection seems to be sadly lacking in jeeps, as my gun crews are so far enjoying a turkey shoot.

  11. <font size=5 font color=blue>Good Morning Maggots!!</font> :D:D

    It's good to see Kitty is still with us. How's the culinary school going? How much longer before they make you graduate and leave?

    Quick PBEM updates - these are all BDLRM-revenge games: the suave Teddy Windsor's defending Germans were unable to hold my plucky Kiwis away from his fortified village. For the loss of four Shermans and two ACs we destroyed two Pz IVs and his Tiger. A single side hit on the Tiger set it on fire, which was a most pleasant sight to all but Teddy.

    Snarker's defending Germans continue to hold one corner of rune's airfield. This battle has given me a great deal of respect for the British 3" mortar. Unfortunately, Snarker's air support eliminated a couple of my mortars. If I'm unable to force his auto-surrender, I blame the Luftwaffe!

    Boo's defending Germans have been done in by the same terrain that made attacking so difficult. The embankments for the railroad tracks prevented his panzers from falling back without making wonderful targets. None seem to have survived.

    Mike's defending Germans are hanging on at the top of their heavily fortified hill. My tanks have slowly ground their way to just below the summit. I'm predicting a gamey British flag rush very soon.

    Robohn's defending Italians have my British troops completely hung up. Everywhere I have poked his defense, he seems to have at least twice as many men as me. I have left myself woefully short of artillery, which has come back to haunt my troops. Robohn did not make the same mistake, and he's been pounding my squads into the dust.

    In a non-BDLRM-revenge game, Watson & Crick is terrorizing my British troops with his possessed Tiger. It just sits there in the middle of the road and blasts my infantry out of every building in the village I'm trying to hold. My armor keeps trying to get a shot at the Tiger, and his equally possessed Panther hidden in the distant trees keeps killing my tank destroyers.

    The single ongoing BDLRM battle finds Mace attempting to race a flock (herd, school?) of Allied jeeps across the map to exit the north side. Armor protection seems to be sadly lacking in jeeps, as my gun crews are so far enjoying a turkey shoot.

  12. After a cursory look at the list of ships available, I noticed the German pocket battleships are missing. I'm hoping that will be addressed before the game ships. A WW2 naval game without the Graf Spee (also the Ajax & Achilles) seems lacking.

    Maybe Combat Mission has spoiled me with the inclusion of such a wide selection of units. Leaving out the pocket battleships in Modern Naval Battles seems equivalent to leaving out the Panthers in CM. :eek: :eek: :(

    BFC, fix or somefink... :D

  13. Am I reading the Fiefdom thread on the GF correctly? Our very own Stalin won the latest round?

    <font size=4>Congratulations!!</font> :D:D:D

    I checked the Fiefdom site and saw that I finished with the most lumber and iron. I wonder if that's because I stopped building anything last night. Coincidence? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Oh, all CMAK turns are out. Is mike_the_wino off the wagon again? I haven't had a turn from him in weeks. Watson & Crick, I've got my eye on that uber-Panther of yours. He'll get his; I only hope it's before he destroys all of my armor. Snarker, do you have anybody left who hasn't already surrendered? Mace just discovered that, in spite of what he may have learned from "The Rat Patrol", jeeps don't fare too well against German tanks. Mike/Stalin, your German defense around this hill makes the Soviet defensive lines at Kursk look weak. Every turn another gun pops up. Grrrrr!! :mad: :mad:

  14. Am I reading the Fiefdom thread on the GF correctly? Our very own Stalin won the latest round?

    <font size=4>Congratulations!!</font> :D:D:D

    I checked the Fiefdom site and saw that I finished with the most lumber and iron. I wonder if that's because I stopped building anything last night. Coincidence? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Oh, all CMAK turns are out. Is mike_the_wino off the wagon again? I haven't had a turn from him in weeks. Watson & Crick, I've got my eye on that uber-Panther of yours. He'll get his; I only hope it's before he destroys all of my armor. Snarker, do you have anybody left who hasn't already surrendered? Mace just discovered that, in spite of what he may have learned from "The Rat Patrol", jeeps don't fare too well against German tanks. Mike/Stalin, your German defense around this hill makes the Soviet defensive lines at Kursk look weak. Every turn another gun pops up. Grrrrr!! :mad: :mad:

  15. Originally posted by Wubbits:

    Progress never stops!

    Member number 14411 David I.

    Now is this new David an upgunned version or just a David H in skirts!!


    PS. I owe DavidH a beer. I'll prob just send him a Fosters and keep the good Aussie stuff a secret.

    The good Aussie stuff? Isn't that an oxymoron? That's similar to saying the good <font size=1>penguin</font> stuff. :eek: :D

    Wubbits, keep your Fosters. I wouldn't want Crocodile Dundee to let one get away. I'm sure you guys need it more than me. :D:D

    I don't know who this latecomer David I is. If he's lurking out there somewhere in internet-land, he has a standing challenge for a CM scenario. Maybe I'll defend against the British tanks in the BDLRM-revenge scenario I'm playing against Mike. Nothing like shooting straight down on top of the attackers, eh Mike, you maggot! tongue.gif :eek: :D

  16. Originally posted by Wubbits:

    Progress never stops!

    Member number 14411 David I.

    Now is this new David an upgunned version or just a David H in skirts!!


    PS. I owe DavidH a beer. I'll prob just send him a Fosters and keep the good Aussie stuff a secret.

    The good Aussie stuff? Isn't that an oxymoron? That's similar to saying the good <font size=1>penguin</font> stuff. :eek: :D

    Wubbits, keep your Fosters. I wouldn't want Crocodile Dundee to let one get away. I'm sure you guys need it more than me. :D:D

    I don't know who this latecomer David I is. If he's lurking out there somewhere in internet-land, he has a standing challenge for a CM scenario. Maybe I'll defend against the British tanks in the BDLRM-revenge scenario I'm playing against Mike. Nothing like shooting straight down on top of the attackers, eh Mike, you maggot! tongue.gif :eek: :D

  17. Axe, already a year? Congratulations to you. :D

    Paula, I'm really concerned about your sanity. :D

    All turns are out, maggots. Get with it; I've got several BDLRM-revenge battles getting close to the end. Mike is about to be crushed under my tank treads. Teddy is finding out that even a Tiger gets lonesome without at least a little help from its friends. Snarker has lost more Germans as prisoners than as casualties. The airport is almost secured. And Boo's tanks have been having a tough time finding targets. They've done much better at being targets! :D:D

    Unfortunately, Robohn and his uber-Italians have broken my armored attack. Too many guns in too many trenches. Even Matildas have limits. NOW I find out. GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

    So how's the big Fiefdom going. I saw that some of the Yorick/Crimson Brigade players were not happy with the way the BFC alliance has been playing. You big meanies!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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