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Dave H

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Posts posted by Dave H

  1. Axe, already a year? Congratulations to you. :D

    Paula, I'm really concerned about your sanity. :D

    All turns are out, maggots. Get with it; I've got several BDLRM-revenge battles getting close to the end. Mike is about to be crushed under my tank treads. Teddy is finding out that even a Tiger gets lonesome without at least a little help from its friends. Snarker has lost more Germans as prisoners than as casualties. The airport is almost secured. And Boo's tanks have been having a tough time finding targets. They've done much better at being targets! :D:D

    Unfortunately, Robohn and his uber-Italians have broken my armored attack. Too many guns in too many trenches. Even Matildas have limits. NOW I find out. GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

    So how's the big Fiefdom going. I saw that some of the Yorick/Crimson Brigade players were not happy with the way the BFC alliance has been playing. You big meanies!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  2. Can we make that the extremely rare <font size=1>penguin</font size=1>? :mad: :mad:

    Well, except for Mace and Kitty, anyway. YK2 is welcome anytime, too. I suppose we can tolerate Boo once in a while. I think that's about it. :mad: :D

    I finished my PBEM with Wubbits last night, with a total Allied victory. He wasn't able to get his attacking Germans past my handful of brave GIs. Fortunately, the game ended when it did because on the last turn he blew up the building occupied by about half of my infantry! Good game Wubbits! :D:D

    Anyone recall Teddy Windsor's comment from yesterday about what his Tiger was going to do to my massed Shermans? Well, he was almost right. His Tiger certainly reacted violently to the appearance of my Shermans. Unfortunately for Teddy's infantry, his Tiger reacted by popping smoke and rapidly backing out of sight! :D:D

  3. Can we make that the extremely rare <font size=1>penguin</font size=1>? :mad: :mad:

    Well, except for Mace and Kitty, anyway. YK2 is welcome anytime, too. I suppose we can tolerate Boo once in a while. I think that's about it. :mad: :D

    I finished my PBEM with Wubbits last night, with a total Allied victory. He wasn't able to get his attacking Germans past my handful of brave GIs. Fortunately, the game ended when it did because on the last turn he blew up the building occupied by about half of my infantry! Good game Wubbits! :D:D

    Anyone recall Teddy Windsor's comment from yesterday about what his Tiger was going to do to my massed Shermans? Well, he was almost right. His Tiger certainly reacted violently to the appearance of my Shermans. Unfortunately for Teddy's infantry, his Tiger reacted by popping smoke and rapidly backing out of sight! :D:D

  4. Turns out to all of you. If you didn't get one, that means you owe me one, maggot. :D:D Still no word from Keke, Thermopylae, and Lurkur on finishing the BDLRM. Keke had 23 turns completed of a 25+ turn battle. Anyone know whatever happened to our favorite uberFinn?

    Let's see, what going on in PBEMs. Boo just had three Pz IVs shredded by my deadeye Shermans. I blame Boo for that fiasco. Teddy is about to find what massed Shermans can do to his German infantry hiding in foxholes. Stalin is hoping his FW190 can save his defending Germans from the relentless advance of my British tanks. Snarker wonders what happened to his defending Germans. My British airborn troops have taken more prisoners than I've ever seen before!

    Robohn is being a particularly rude maggot by destroying my British armor and killing far too much infantry with his dug-in Italians. Someone remind me yet again - do not let tanks get too close to buildings. Soddball's BidbergHeights scenario is looking more like Inferno, with reinforcements arriving every other turn. Wubbits hasn't been able to get his attacking Germans through the snow and past my thinly stretched Americans. On the other hand, my men still can't identify two assault guns less than 100 meters distant.

    Mike_the_wino may have been doing something in our game, but it's been so long since he sent a turn I can't remember what. Watsin & Crock must still be in England. Last, and certainly least, Mace is trying to figure how to get his jeeps to drive past my Panther in BDLRM. So far his drivers aren't having any of that! :D:D

    Fiefdom, anyone?

  5. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    <font size=300>I RETURN</font size=300>

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Oh, were you gone? I must not have noticed. :D:D

    I placed my order for a new monitor today, maggots. I decided to go ahead and get a really good one, and then upgrade the computer itself somewhere a few months down the line. It would make a great Christmas gift!

  6. If Seanachai is going to come in here for a jolly singsong, then who am I to argue? Just don't look for me at 5 AM. Here's one of my very favorite songs. The version I've heard was recorded at a live concert by Kornog. :D:D

    Jesuitmont (Traditional)

    There lived a knight in Jesuitmont

    A huntin' he did ride

    His footmen all attending him

    And his horsemen by his side.

    And they found out in Jesuitmont

    A pleasant sport and play;

    His lady goes exceeding fine,

    To hear the masses play.

    An' she's called on her daughter Anne,

    To come to her with speed;

    To go and tell the master cook

    To dress the dinner straight.

    To go her message for to tell

    Young Annie feared nae ill'

    An' she is gone to the master cook

    The message for to tell.

    "Ye maun dress the dow, the dow

    That fair and milk-white dow;

    That in the parlour shines so fair,

    There's nane so fair to show."

    "Here is a penknife in my hand

    Will bereave thee of thy life;

    For thou art the dow that I maun dress

    Unto thy father's wife."

    Up them spoke the kitchie boy

    An' he spoke loud an' high

    "O save, O save fair Annie's life

    An' bake me in your pie."

    "I will not save fair Annie's life,

    No, not for such as thee;

    But if thou divulge this lady's life

    Thy butcher I will be."

    When day was done and night was come

    And they were all at dinner

    When he's ca'd for his daughter Anne

    To come and carve his dinner.

    Up he rose and away he goes

    An angry man was he;

    "One bit of meat I will not eat,

    Till I fair Annie see."

    Up then spoke the kitchie boy

    An' he spoke loud and high;

    "An' ye wad your fair Annie see,

    Ye maun break up the pie.

    Her meat it was a' minced sma'

    An' forced by the fire'

    An' cursed by her stepmother

    For it was her desire."

    This lord he is a' clad in black

    A' for his Annie's sake;

    An' he has caused her stepmother

    To be burnt at the stake.

    An' he has caused the master cook,

    In boilin' lead to stand;

    An' he has made the kitchie boy

    The heir o' a' his land.

    Cheerful song, eh? :D:D

  7. Move over MasterGoodale (the maggot), there's a new champion of the art of delaying the completion of a PBEM in town. Tonight I received an e-mail from none other than the late, great Soddball, sending the reply to the last turn I sent him. My e-mail was dated <font size=5>February 23, 2004!!</font> :eek: :eek:

    The funniest thing was that in my e-mail I apologized to him for the couple of days I had delayed our game since his previous turn! At this rate I expect the next move back in early March 2005. :D:D

  8. Originally posted by Soddball:

    Sounds like that thar monitor is ferbed up. Monitors come with a 3-year warranty as standard. Give the manufacturer a quick tinkle and they'll ship the replacement to your house.

    If you have a monitor over 3 years old, this advice is less than useful and you will have to fork out $45 for a new 17" CRT monitor.

    Hmmm, I blame Watson & Crick for this. Just last week he was asking about my computer, so I pulled out the quote I printed the day I ordered it from MicronPC. It was dated January 2, 2000! :eek: :eek:

    Well, maybe it's time to replace my 19" CRT with one of those nice 23" flat displays I've seen at Sam's Club. Then I could watch every tiny bit of TNT I chuck at you maggots as it lands squarely on your pixeltargets. :D:D

  9. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

    Congratulations to Axe for managing a draw

    Dave in these more sensitive times, winning and losing is not so important. What really counts is did you two have fun?

    Additionally, you mistakenly called it a 'draw', that is actually a 'Canadian Win'. Thanks for your help in this manner. (snip)</font>

  10. Congratulations to Axe for managing a draw in our BDLRM-revenge battle. It was a bloodbath for both sides. I lost nine of my eleven Soviet Valentines, both halftracks, three of four armored cars, and seven of eight scout cars. Axe lost all five of his defending PZ IVs and one of his two AT guns. My single infantry platoon took over 50% losses, while Axe had two platoons wiped out completely and one platoon keeping far away from my surviving vehicles. That was lucky for me, since I was completely out of ammunition. My surviving Valentine with HE had a damaged gun. The other didn't even have a machine gun. GRRRR!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Oh, Good Morning, maggots! :D:D

    Tech help needed. My CRT monitor at home is looking like a multicolored zebra. For example, when I'm typing an e-mail, with black type on a white background, there's a gray line all the way across the screen. Whatever color of type is on my screen, it's like the monitor is smearing that color all the way across my display. Any ideas on what has happened? This just started over the weekend. :confused: :confused:

  11. Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

    Hey Dave, what scenario are you playing against Robohn? Axe-<font size = -2 font color = red>even a loss would be better than another stinking draw</font>2121 and I are just finishing up some crap scenario where my woefully inadequate Green Wops held off a division of Kiwis on a beer run. Sorry lads no beer served on Sundays. :mad: :mad:

    It's not a scenario. This is a QB Robohn came up with for his BDLRM-revenge game. I got to select all of my own units, so naturally I took lots of trucks. :rolleyes: He could tell you which map he's using, or if it's a randomly generated one. :D:D
  12. Quick update on PBEMs:

    Mace has evidently taken all jeeps in the BDLRM. Yes, the <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> has mounted the ultimate jeep rush. I think this guy could give mike_the_wino lessons on gamey. I expect my guns to run out of ammunition before he runs out of jeeps. tongue.gif

    Speaking of MTW, our battle in the streets of some city has turned into a daytime version of Inferno. I think we both have at least one of every unit in the game. Neither one of us has been too anxious to make ourself a target for the other. That is with the exception of my jeep that found a whole load of Axis reinforcements beamed in right on top of it. GRRRR!!! :mad:

    My assault on Mike is going okay. He keeps wondering where his air support is. My tanks keep climbing, and my infantry keeps dying. What would really be great would be for a Stuka to show up and bomb his defenders on the hilltop. Come on, Luftwaffe! :D

    Robohn's Italians are making my attack very costly. He's even managed to take out a Matilda, which I thought was impervious to his guns. Well, my Brits are putting the squeeze on his remaining positions, so somebody will probably break and run soon. I just hope it's him.

    Snarker's defenders in rune's scenario are just on the verge of giving up. We've overrun two rows of revetments, and we're preparing to attack the buildings. An airfield is a big location to attack or to defend. I'm suspecting his Germans are fighting better than the real defenders did, and I'm positive that I'm no Major Frost commanding the British airborne. :D

    The maggot Wubbits is attacking my GIs with assault guns in a Bulge scenario. I think my BAR has him stalemated for the moment. As a defender you always love the sound of attacking tank commanders screaming when they slam their hatches closed. Some Allied reinforcements would sure be nice about now. I'd settle for a bazooka. :D

    Boo came up with a gamey scenario that has a "peculiar" map. It's crisscrossed with roads and railroads on embankments. As a result my Americans are having to cross ridge after ridge, in full view of his defenders. He's been going on about the bombing he's receiving from the Air Corps. Personally I think he's making it all up. I don't see any new columns of smoke, so it couldn't be too bad.

    The suave Teddy Windsor has taken some Tigers to hold a village while I have armored cars and a few Shermans to dislodge him. Well, actually I had some armored cars. They started in full view of his tanks and took a few AP shells right through them. As a matter of fact, my Shermans also started - and one ended - in view of his tanks. :mad:

    Axe tried to get a machine gun crew to assault my Soviet armored car. His men wisely declined his offer. This will probably be a draw, since both of us have lost almost everything. He has a couple of guns left, but they aren't very useful on the attack. I have an armored car and a scout car left, which aren't that great on defense. Everything else is out of commission.

    Watson & Crick has me attacking a village in Normandy. At least I thought it was an attack. Now it looks more like a meeting engagement. Time to play Nathan Bedford Forrest and get there fustest with the mostest. :D

    Still waiting to hear anything from Keke, Thermopylae, and Lurkur about finishing their BDLRM games. If any of you hear from them, ask them to contact me.

  13. Originally posted by Snarker:


    WHO'S GOING TO FINISH THE JOB???? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    <font size=5>How about the Dalai Lama?</font size=5>

    "So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald . . . striking.

    "So I'm on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one -- big hitter, the Lama -- long, into a 10,000-foot crevice, right at the base of this glacier. You know what the Lama says? 'Gunga-Galunga.'

    "So we finish the 18th and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.'

    "So I got that goin' for me, which is nice." :D

    [ August 26, 2004, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

  14. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    I can't see any of the videos. :(

    You have to open your eyes. tongue.gif:D

    Running Windows XP, everything should be updated. Any hints to what might be wrong?
    I'm guessing you mean other than the fact that you're a rotten-livered brain-fried pitiful excuse for a human being? Sure you're not an Aussie maggot? tongue.gif:D:D

    Oops, time to duck and cover from "The Wrath of Kitty"! :eek: :eek:

  15. BFC had to limit the number of units due to the constraints of the space on a single CD. The units you mentioned weren't significant factors in the Crete/Africa/Sicily/Italy theaters. That's why they're not in the game. That's also why there are no WW2 Japanese tanks or 1960's Israeli tanks or current American tanks.

    While it would probably be fun to have every AFV ever built available for what-if scenarios, that's not the game BFC wanted to make. With the rarity factors built in, the CM game puts you in the position of a commander making do with units which aren't the uber-tanks of a video game. Amazing as it may seem to many, not every German tank in WW2 was a King Tiger!! They were so rare that I'd guess that many German soldiers never even saw a King Tiger, at least not in combat. There were even fewer JagdTigers. The web sites I saw said that only 485 King Tigers and 85 JagdTigers were built. They couldn't be everywhere.

  16. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Bah! I wave my hand at you.

    A sniper's job isn't standing up like a prairie dog on a mound, scanning the landscape for threat signatures. Not to mention that using one as such is simply taking excessive advantage of 'Borg Spotting'. Did he go out there with a radio, and, after using up his ammo, settle down to phoning in sightings to Central Control? I think not.

    What you're complaining about is that the game engine didn't put you in a position to use your resources unrealistically.

    Frankly, after using up his ammo, he'd likely hunker down and try to be as inconspicuous as possible until he was able to make his way back for a hot meal, some hideous raisinjack brewed forgetfulness, and more ammo. What you're saying is that, after discharging his given mission, he should have been sending semaphores about enemy positions. That didn't happen in the Real World, and it would be even more wrong to do it in the game.

    Don't rely on gamey unit placement to achieve unrealistic results, and you'll never be disappointed, eh?

    Who'd have ever expected cogent thought from this source? There must have been a serious downturn in sales last night at the Twin Cities liquor stores. I find myself in absolute agreement with Seanachai. I must admit I've tried using the sharpshooter (not sniper) for the same scouting function. However, I only try that while the sharpshooter is still armed. When they run out of ammo, it's time to get them to the rear. redface.gifredface.gif:D

    Most recently I selected a handful of British sharpshooters for a PBEM, only to discover that visibility was less than 200 meters. This pretty well eliminated the most important function of sharpshooters, so I've used them as scouts attached to infantry platoons. I did send one green sharpshooter off alone, just to wander around on a flank in the empty desert. He was apparently captured, disappearing without a trace and AFAIK without firing. Even his capture did provide me with a bit of gamey/Borg information, since there had to be some enemy unit nearby to capture him. redface.gifredface.gifredface.gif

  17. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    You should all send me $5 a day for my continued presence in this thread. We are approaching two years. So prorated, you all owe me... ...one...million..dollars!

    I think that $10 a day for you to go away would be a much better investment tongue.gif:D

    If that's in Canadian dollars, how much is that million worth? About enough to buy a dozen doughnuts? Maybe a six pack of Molson? :confused: :D

    Not to burst your bubble, but that M17 had three shots left. I was hoping it would survive, but your maggot of a machine gun took care of that. We'll see how well they cope with an armored car next. tongue.gif:D:D

  18. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    (snip)...They set a trap using as bait some doughnuts, honey and two cans of Rainier Beer. It worked, and the bear was captured for relocation.

    Are you sure they weren't trying to trap Homer Simpson? All right, how many of the <font size=1>penguins</font> were caught in the trap before the bear came along? How many Canadians? Did they use genuine Krispy Kreme doughnuts or those Canadian imitations? tongue.gif:D:D
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