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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. Rob you twit!! lol You're supposed to play Iron Roadblock AS THE GERMANS!! It's to give you some idea of using tactics to win - as you say playing as the Russians involves nothing more than hitting "GO" every turn!!
  2. Goody-baby we're playing your chemical factory game, v1.0 when it's a load of bull-carp!! Speaking of bad-ass scenarios, I've got a couple written up for Russian armoured counterattacks around Moscow in 1941. One of them is probably OK for PBEM, the other is supposed to be a massacre & only useful for the player (as Russian) vs the AI. Anyone care to try them?
  3. Mace isn't attached to his pets - he jsut wears velcro hooks! Anyway - Snarker has just found out...or is just about to find out .... about the one and only cunning ambush I laid for him as his KV-#%$^#%$ [censored] gets a good 75mm smacking or 2..or was it 3...anyway - it is no longer...it's an ex-KV-#$^#%^, a former KV-@$#%$#, it's ferkin' DEAD! Along with another klankety thing - the only one that could actually shoot back at the AT gun that got it. The rest of them are trying to spray HE and hot lead into the general area of the gun....he he he....but they can't actually hit it - even the 152 HE from the KV-@#%@$ [oops!] can only land "near" - but not near enough!! Gotta love those looooong <small>narrow</small> arcs of fire. And once I dispose of the other klankety thing protecting those monsters they're gonna become 75mm colanders!!
  4. Explain how they're different in effect from Variable Rarity, please.</font>
  5. And you'd choose the uber-tanks despite the rarity cost penalty because the alternative is a massacre!
  6. Scattered trees: single trees with little or no scrub, provide only light cover, etc (pg 56 of the manual). Nowhere in there does it say anything aobut providing lots (or even any) overhead cover. In fact overhead cover isn't mentioned for any terrain. However it is mentioned on page 137 - it improves survivability to put units under trees. It doesn't say how much, and it doesn't say it makes them invisible. As a matter of interest - do you fly much? Edited 'cos of something I just thought of - 20mm's are hard to spot from the ground - chances are the aircraft finds it easier to see a stationary 88 than a firing 20mm!! [ December 09, 2002, 01:52 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  7. ISU-122's, SU-85's, T34-85's SU-100's, IS-2's all seem to have some capability. Check out Grenadier44S Battallion. Comes with 18 Panzerschrecks. In 44, the Grens, PanzerGrndr and FalshernJager muster up with PAnzerschreck teams at the Company and Battalion level. [/QB]</font>
  8. Yep - but a Panther at 50m from the flank isn't impossible I wish you'd make up your mind on hte level of the Sov's AT capability!! Unlikely, since it's max range is about 200m and you're going to have 1-3% hit chance at that range with 6 shots max, it gets seen as soon as it fires and attracts return fire like flies to sh1t and will be lucky to get a 3rd shot before it's dead. ATR's OTOH pop light armour out to 500m regularly, and often never get seen at all. Absolutely - except you don't "send" ATRs anywhere much - they aren't really good tank hungers!! They're tank ambushers - like AT guns, only not as good, harder to see and more mobile. Quite a few - let's see - 1 per platoon, 3 platoons per company, 3 companies per Bn? That makes 9. ....ooh oh.... hang on - looking at the orgs in CMBB you don't get any integral to a bn at all!! In the mean time almost every Russian Bn gets 9 ATRs and 2 x 45mm ATG's.
  9. Err...NO! And it's out of service quite early too - appart from its general obsolecence the Russians just didn't have lots of light armour to make it worthwhile. OTOH the Russians kept it in spades - some 300,000 were made throughout hte war and it makes hte battlefield hell for german h/tracks. The main reasons the Sov's won are simply not apparent in the scale of CMBB. However I was reading something today that is intersting - the author calls Sov equipment "simple solutions to hte lack of expertise" that the average Soviet soldier had. T34's, massed artillery (even without much control), heavy assault guns, ATR's, SMG's, rockets all fit the category - the limit hte number of choices a soldier (or commander) using/commanding them has to make to use them effectively.
  10. As I said - it's a matter of marketing. Markets can be, and are, changed. I'm not saying that CM is going to change "the console market" into one for serious wargames, but I see no reason at all why a significant sub-market can't exist. Let's face it - wargaming is a small minority market for PC games too - if you were to characterise the basic characteristics of the PC game market historical wargames probably wouldn't rate half a sentence on a page. If, as seems likely, consoles end up in every household providing all sorts of services (net access, CD/DVD music and movie playback, etc) then wargamers are going to have them at home too. As I said - markets change - the silliest thing a company can do is to ignore possibilities when they're as huge as the console market promises to be. If there's 100 million consoles in hte world then 0.01% of them amounts to 10,000. I have no way of knowing how many copies CM has sold so I don't know if that's a sales figure that is significant for them or not. But if a console company thinks CM is worth it then I'd predict that would be a very, very, conservative market segment. Heck that many ppl would buy the damn thing, play it a few times then store it and move on to somehting else - but they'd still be sales! I predict that if CM continues in development then I'd give it a 50/50 chance of being on a console or 2 (or whatever the equivalent is by then) within 5 years - 95% chance within 10.
  11. It's called (or maybe was called) pre-registration - fire hte spotting rounds a long time before you need to FFE, then you can hit that target time after timewhenever you want to - with or without observation. That's one thing that TRP's represent. They also represent specific types of task like defensive fire and final defensive fire. They're a bit rough in terms of how they represent these things - usually a DF or FDF task would be assigned to a specific unit and not be able to be targeted by other units as can happen in the CM system, but it's an acceptable aproximation IMO....at the moment
  12. I didn't even know we were playing a game - but if you say so then no prob - it's in the mail dorkus!
  13. You're doing very well at all that so far. Be thankful you fool!! I predict more therapy and even more expensive drugs in your future. Stop simpering you silly sycophant!! Act like a man......even an under-the-thumb *****-whipped one would be better than this. You've obviously got too much time on your hands - a massacre will be winging its way to you shortly - my very first creation (choke) - it's a masterpiece, an epic, a fabulous creation that sets a new standard in scenario design - as gamey a piece of CMBB as you'll ever see, but you'll be too busy dying to notice. [ December 07, 2002, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  14. An awful lot of consoles here are bought by parents for kids, and the parents enjoy playing them too. There's no particular reason why wargames can't be on a console. It's not like they selectively give electric shocks to people who know that WW2 happened. Those ppl not intersted in it wouldn't buy it. Those who are would. It's the marketer's job to figure out if that makes it worthwhile producing or not. I REALLY don't get with all this platform-ist cr@p. Would CMBB be any worse on X-box? Are you afraid that if you start playing CM on a PS2 then you might find you enjoy car racing too? All hte objections here are complete drivel. Not that I see it happening, but it not mappening is something quite different from saying is shouldn't or couldn't happen!
  15. The third post of hte thread and already you owe me a turn! And what's with those rules?? Even Mouse has never managed to start the MBT with such weak pansy-assed simpering collection of warm fuzzies! Have you been seeing too much of yuor therapist Her-man? Obviously the drugs are taking effect!
  16. As did the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Dec 8th (on this side of the dateline) saw similar surprise attacks on Hong Kong, Philipines, Malaya. 2 days time is the anniversary of the sinking of Force "Z" - Prince of Wales and Repulse - as it sortied to try to intercept more Japanese landings in Malaya.
  17. As did the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Dec 8th (on this side of the dateline) saw similar surprise attacks on Hong Kong, Philipines, Malaya. 2 days time is the anniversary of the sinking of Force "Z" - Prince of Wales and Repulse - as it sortied to try to intercept more Japanese landings in Malaya.
  18. Yep - very perceptive of you to notice it - especially since you're here!! Fortunately this thread is near to death. Your instructions will be given at the start of the next one. Those who can, do, those who can't, teach. Those who complain about it in the cesspool are spineless gorms - hey - that's YOU!!
  19. Page 2 again!! Not much happening in my game with Snarky - he's trotted out a KV-2 - but I think with its rate of fire it'll have plenty of ammo left by the end of the game 'cos he's moving so slow!!
  20. Radio equipped FO's can be passengers - see page 215 of the manual.
  21. Yhanks - I have read that site and corresponded with the author - unfortunately I don't regard it as very good - his explainatoin for the Hussaria's successes - that their lances were longer than pikes - is nonsense. The lances were certainly as long or sometimes longer than pikes, but there's a lot more to it than that IMO.
  22. No I don't agree with him. The Sov's did have a plan for attack, but it was general and timed for 1942 or 43. The forces were massed on the frontier, but defensively, and against the advice of the remaining Marshals and Geneerals - who may not have pushed the point too hard given the recent fate of many of their earstwhile colleagues! One person seeing masses of camoflaged gear means absolutely nothing. If you wander past the transport park for an infatry division you can get an impression that the forces are being massed for attack. The Russians had a lot of tanks - many of them were parked up as unserviceable. Did the person writing this examine the serviceability of these vehicles? The statement on it's own is completely worthless. It can only be evaluated against the plans and policies of the Soviet state at hte time, and there was no such plan for invasion.
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