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Everything posted by mrcobbler

  1. ...and of course the 'Anglo-Saxons' English speaking peoples play more games in general than any other group in the world, probably. Lots of leisure time... (don't flame me, I'm American too!) Shoeman
  2. I'll second that last note on the 'Encyclopedia of German Tanks' by Chamberlain. Excellent pics and information about all types of armor. A great reference book for looking up the difference between a 'pantherA' and 'pantherG'. (I don't know, they'll both kill ya'!) Shoeman
  3. You're right, it has to be CM making the decision. The video card can obviously handle bmp's much bigger than 256x256, as we all have multiple mods installed for vehicles in the hi-res, and they work fine. By the way, the note on 'resampling' from yesterday works great for these new skies, changing the size to 256x256. They look pretty good now. Shoeman
  4. Scipio, your .wav files are really good! Especially the new German words and talk. Nothing bad in there is there? Shoeman
  5. I also have Voodoo 3, 16 mb. It seems to always default to the low-res sky. To see the new Tiger skies, you need to unzip the bmp's, rename 1400 (as example)to 1430. Overlay the new 1430 into the game BMP file and you WILL see the new summer sky. It may not be good looking though, don't know. Resolution? Results? It is the same as upgrading a bmp from low-res to hi-res with a mod. Shoeman
  6. Tiger, these look fantastic! One question: while messing with Kump's skies yesterday I found that even after overlaying bmp's 1400-1414 the sky still showed the old colors. Further checking, I see that bmp's 1430-1444 are also 'sky' bmp's. Only when I recopied 1403(clear night) to 1433(clear night) did the actual look change. I'm running 800x600, maybe that's one of the reasons? Haven't seen this mentioned before... Shoeman
  7. Abbott, I'd also be interested in that .zip file if you make it. Still have the original 'rubble' and it doesn't look good anymore. No links seem to find that mod. Shoeman
  8. After playing a couple of months and having nobody to talk to about it, I ended up buying my brother a copy of his own for his birthday. Now out wives hate us both. Ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do to get your CM fix! Shoeman
  9. Just loaded DD's grass/trees/bases mods today and they are the BEST! Of course that is a personal opinion, based on trying out most of the other mods out there, including GUNSLINGER, MDMP-1 and TREMBLETT. All are good, but this one........ Shoeman
  10. Thanks for all the info here. To answer the first question -- 53. To reply to the last, only having about 50-60 total hairs on my head, it would be really tough to be dragged by them! Shoeman
  11. What's the difference, and how do you get one over the other on this forum? I did a regular 'register' about two weeks ago, became 'Jr Member'. ????????? Unfortunately, 'Junior' I'm not. I definitely raise the average age of CM players by a lot!! Shoeman
  12. Manx, like your Armour Tactics Series a lot. Got my first Churchill VII in a QuickGame PBEM. Are you telling me I can pretty much just wade into infantry, Panzer IV, and halftracks without too much worry? How about 'schrecks? Man, the armor is thick on this sucker! Shoeman
  13. Just started my first PBEM game with my brother, we're 5 moves into 'Fear in the Fog'. It's great (except he just fried some troops with his flamethrower, bah.....) Question: are most PBEM games the Quick Game setup? What is a good amount of points to alot to each side? I know it can be anything you want, but what is a good middle-of-the-road number for points? Any other need-to-knows? The Shoe
  14. Only been at this about two months, but love the detail and technical info in the game. Found a great reference manual at Amazon, called 'Encyclopedia of German Tanks of WWII' with over a thousand pics of all types of German armor including all the tanks, guns, arty pieces, etc. If you ever asked yourself "what the heck is a Hotchkiss?" while playing, this book is great. Gives all the info and stats. $15 bucks.
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