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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Blackcat, Just a quick, uninformed, suggestion. If you ammo-up the British squad (using the ACQUIRE command inside a vehicle with plenty of 5.56/40mm grenades) such that all the ammo bars are full, what effect on firing time does that have? Also, for firing time are you using TARGET or TARGET LIGHT? (I assume it's on a piece of nearby open ground, hence AREA FIRE?) Thanks, Ken
  2. Jonny (FGM) for the win!! I'm a bit embarrassed at how simple this was. My defense is simple: it's not in the manual, nor did I think to push the mouse over to the edge of my screen while in the map editor mode. Thank you! Ken
  3. Woot! First reply... Must make it good... Cool. Nice shots. When it'll be released? Thanks, Ken
  4. George MC, Thanks. I am confused. If I have a large map, say 1200x1200 meters for example, right now I can zoom in, but I cannot control, nay even INFLUENCE, which part of the map I zoom into. Take my 1200x1200 map. If I divide it into grids, as you suggest, lets make it a 3x3 grid, each grid will be 400x400. It will be a large tic-tac-toe board. I'll number the grids 1 through 9, left to right, starting at the top left corner. If I zoom in, let's say I zoom into grid number 5, the center. How can I instead zoom into grid 1? Or 7? It's not so much an issue of not knowing where I am zooming into, as much as it's an issue of CHANGING the default zoom location. Thanks, Ken
  5. Folks, This is a REALLY basic question, so forgive me if you think it's too simple. When I'm using the map editor I cannot figure out how to change my view. If the map is small, I can zoom into the entire map and create what I want. However, once I get too large, like 2km by 2km, I cannot move around. With a large map, in order to see all of it, I must select the smallest scale. However, that scale is totally insufficient to work with. I am left with a view of only a portion of the map. So, how does one move the map while using the map editor? Thanks, Ken
  6. ...and on the 8th day, the One Week Strike is officially over. This isn't about winning and losing, but let's tally the points, shall we? Hmmm, the Repository is back. We get 1, they have 0. In the last week, not a SINGLE copy of CM:N has been sold. That must be a crushing blow: 2 to 0. For our solidarity, we get an EXTRA point: 3 to 0. Again, not keeping score, but we won! Carry on... Ken
  7. Well played, stoex... silverstars seemed to've been hung upon the horn of a dilemma until you fixed that for him.
  8. Oh, the fires of revolt burn bright within you Homo ferricus! Will anyone else pledge to join his lava-like flow of liberty, spurting forth from the fiery forges within?
  9. Dead cows as "flavor" objects? Now that was udderly funny... Ken
  10. Ohh, my. Does anyone SERIOUSLY think CM:N is a week (or less) away from release? And if it IS released in the next week what do you think _I_ will do? I point you towards my ORIGINAL post. You know, the part that says I get to define a week any way I want. Sheesh. Too late to cram the worms back in the can. I officially apologize for NOT marking my original post as "Tongue in cheek", "Sarcasm", "In Jest", etc. To put a final lid on this... Any word on the progress of getting the repository back up? Thanks, Ken Note: I crossposted this as Moon was adding his comments.
  11. Hah!! Already they're caving in!! The strike will continue!! Restore the Repository, or Suffer!! (I hereby reserve the right to determine if the interface, organization, and/or appearance of the repository have improved to a level required to call off the strike.)
  12. Folks, I refuse to just go along anymore. I am done patiently waiting for the Repository (with its new, customer friendly, improved user interface) to be brought online. It's time to let BF.C feel our displeasure. We must hit 'em in the wallet. I hereby announce that I will not purchase CM:N during the current week. Nope. Even if it's released tomorrow. Join me. Together we can force BF.C to get the Repository back online. Thanks, Ken (P.S. I hereby reserve the right to define the term "current week". A week may be defined as starting and stopping on any of the seven calender days, at any time, as decided at that time by me. This decision MAY be influenced by any announced CM:N release date.)
  13. Thanks for the info. Unlicensing did not happen - my hard drive failure prevented it. All is gut. Ken
  14. I followed the instructions, above. It didn't work out that way. I installed each of the disks, in order. I downloaded and installed the v1.21a patch. Upon initial start, the license window appeared. Per the instruction, I entered my Marines elicense. The CMSF start window appeared and only showed the base game and the Marines module icons. (As expected.) I started a quick battle to make sure it all worked. It did. I exited CMSF. I restarted CMSF. This time all 3 icons displayed, indicating that CM:British Forces was available to play. The scenarios showed them. I started one. It worked. NOTE: I never entered the CM:British Forces elicense key. What's up with that??? QUESTION: Will repeatedly entering my elicense (twice now, at least) for an install on a single computer, use up my licenses? Thanks, Ken
  15. Damnit Steve, now you've confused us! In fact, the only way to SAVE THIS BONE would be to release a MOVIE!!! Double down, dude, double down.
  16. I'll wait for the modders to come up with DIFFERENT roof tile patterns.
  17. Hmmm, that's interesting. It probably shouldn't happen, although I hesitate to call it a bug. After all, everyone knows time travel and multi-dimensional transportation can only be done with ORGANIC materials. Those mode should've popped out without clothing or weapons. Very odd, indeed. Ken
  18. Martin, Thanks!!! Ken (Oh, you forgot to ask me about backups. )
  19. Folks, I've just completed a clean reinstall of Vista. (Ask me how I feel about Acronis Total Image 10. Then ask me how I feel about making regular hard drive backups. Then ask me about TESTING your backups.) My hard drive went kaput; my backups did not work. My new hard drive is anxiously awaiting all my games and programs. I never UN-licensed the copy of CMSF from my failed hard drive. What course of action should I take for the clean reinstall of CMSF on the same computer? Specifically regarding the various elicenses for CMSF, Marines, and Brits. Thanks, Ken
  20. !!! Just so you understand how this works, once you fix ALL the little things which give me something to complain about, I will then complain about the LACK of things to tweak. Thanks, Ken
  21. Please tell us that you're taking this opportunity to ORGANIZE the repository? That would be a bone worthy of taking top honors... Ken
  22. Thank you for the bone! Looking good... Okay, okay, here's some railgroggery criticism. You've been warned. Dammit man, haven't you ever heard of the problems with logistics on the Eastern Front? Yes? Good. Part of the problem was the need for German rolling stock to adjust to the Soviet rail gauge. Oh, what's that? I'm glad you asked... The STANDARD GAUGE is defined as 4' 8 1/2". That's the distance between the rails. That's the gauge the Germans used. Now, LOOK AT THAT RAILROAD SCREENSHOT!!! Are those soldiers part of some ubersecret dwarf battalion? Maybe they were created to put less of a strain on resource? Less food, pack more in a truck, burn less fuel transporting them, you know, all the benefits. Sure, a bit of a drawback in a fist fight, but just as good behind a trigger. (Marching distances per day are a bit poorer as well.) I'm just wondering, since the screenshot shows a man who can barely reach from one rail to the other. This needs to be corrected. If it isn't, we'll never have accurate trains in the next module! Back to work!! Thanks for the updates. Ken
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