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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Done. See http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1469356#post1469356 (Off-topic, so they got their own thread. Plus, I don't know how badly they'd bog down the page loading. Dropbox defaults to png, rather than the 24 bit bmp I saved them as.) Ken out.
  2. Gents, As discussed here http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1469300#post1469300 I've decided to post 4 pix. 2 pair, as identical as I could get them on two different machines. I used the same savegame and placed the camera as closely as possible to the same location. The nvidia pix are from a 1920x1200 screen. The AMD pix are from a 1920x1080 screen. Nvidia: AMD: Nvidia: AMD: The second pair used 3.6x mag. (Or something close to that.) Note that the time is frozen. It was interesting to see that the marksman is holding the rifle slightly differently based on the different video cards. No mods, beta build, I really don't remember the drivers offhand but they aren't more than 6 months old. Or so. Ken
  3. Hyposthesis? LOL. Just a chance to post an identical picture, stock textures (beta), so that users can see if, indeed, the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence. One monitor 1920x1080, the other 1920x1200; otherwise it'd be the same (excepting the video card manufacturer). I'll post a pair up, shortly... Ken
  4. While we have a slight pause in the action, I think I'll put up some camparison screenies. I've got one machine running an nvidia card, another an AMD card. Would you like to have the same exact screenshot to compare and contrast? If so, what should it focus upon? (Does bandwidth matter, or is a jpg okay? Remember, the more I have to pay photobucket, the skinnier my wife gets. ) Pauses in acton during beta testing = good things.
  5. Number 1 is in the game, is it not? Do you think the current ammo limits are too generous or too tight? Do you think the current way laden troops are fatigued more easily than light troops is too lenient or too difficult?
  6. Funny. In a sad way. Look at the history behind the Bradley. It started simple and "mission creep" created what we have; a bloated, poor, IFV. It does a GREAT job as a light tank. It does a passable job as a protected transport for troops. We have the Stryker. It carries 9, but less well protected than the 7 in a Bradley. So, we need a tracked, heavily armored, 9 man carrier? LOL, that means the Army will change the squad size to 10. A platoon needs more than just 27 seats. (The platoon hq and attached support, if any.) The drawback to the Bradley is the number of tracks needed and the splitting up of the squads. How will the GCV change this? Oh, that's right, bigger. Luckily it won't need to be transported anywhere or need a lot of fuel to keep running. Why do I imagine that huge German tank running on 4 u-boat diesels when I read this requirement document? If they design it for 84 tons, you KNOW it'll be fielded closer to 100. Gah. I'll bet they'll want it to be airdroppable and amphibious, as well!
  7. A GLORIOUS idea! (Wasn't Robert Cain VC related to that BBC car guy? I recall a very worthwhile program about that.) What happened to my fonts?
  8. Actual gun deaths per 1,000 in the population would surprise some.
  9. An equally unproductive thread would discuss the usurious tax rates in Europe. (Eusurious?) However, like US gun laws/rights, it would only inflame passions. This is a polite discussion but I don't think it can stay that way. Perhaps best to let it go?
  10. Um, actually murderers are criminals. (A few posts up.) The UK's gun laws did not prevent a soldier from being hacked to death in a busy street. If someone wants to live with strict gun laws they can move to any number of nations. If a 90 year old widow wants to protect herself afainst an intruder, she can hope that she can get to a phone and wait for the police or she can equip herself so she can take on any intruder on an equal footing. Her choice, not someone else's. The media ignores car-induced carnage. Those are just a couple points. Others have already hit the highlights.
  11. Interesting issue. Should the game compute LOS based on the main weapon or the unit as a whole? For a tank, if the gunner cannot see the target it's hard to understand the utility of showing a clear LOS.
  12. 38.00 to 37.00, left flank I -really- thought these guys were hidden. Were they? Apparently not. Hmm. Okay. Sorry guys. Next ones will be hidden better.
  13. Turn 38.00 to 37.00, cont. My piat... I've already sent my turn in, so no effect. But, what would you do with that piat team? Vote early, vote often. Reasoning gets you extra credit. More...
  14. Turn 38:00 to 37:00 No speechifying. Thankfully. Big issues, as shown, are moving infantry up into the Town Center, and the tanks out. I'd also like to evacuate some of my support weapons from that wheatfield. It's too target-rich for Bil. However, some of the weapons there are doing some good work. They're my suppression center. Aye. Below, the tanks continue... This is the ticklish spot, the rush across open ground. I'm using some troops as bait to assist. Anyone firing at troops isn't firing at tanks. That's the way I roll... I got lucky there. But then again, what did Napoleon say about luck? They're always after me lucky charms. More...
  15. As much as it embarrasses me, well, it is September 17th. My aide de camp sent me an excerpt from his journal. As I've said, many ignore the pre-battle morale boost speech. I do not. My men gain a lot from it. Anyhow, my aide de camp asked me, nay, begged me, to post his excerpt. So, here it is...
  16. ^^^ That's probably it. Turn on your trees, go to the Panther's position and zoom in at the Firefly. I'm sure that the gunner's sight will be blocked by vegetation. Ken
  17. Ruthlessness? Wait until you see the orders for next turn, and the replay of the turn I just witnessed. It's almost as if my men are glad to die for me. Which is all very well, as that fits into my uses for them. Victory above all! Pix this evening. Horrible, lo res, nasty, but pix, nonetheless.
  18. Piper down! We have a piper down! Sigh. If the sadly eroded numerals on my overused plastic can stand one more swipe of the fundsman's reap, then verily this will be resolved in a nonce. I shall tell the wife it was a tactical necessity. She shall fast upon the morrow to make up the balance. Sacrifices must be made. (I'll subtly suggest to her that her jeans must've shrunk. She will embrace her fast.)
  19. Will he stop at nothing in his grasping need for victory? I will ATTACK this bandwidth issue... Gah! Every single one. If only I pay more money, photobucket will release them. Grrr.
  20. Anything "free" just means you don't understand the cost. Gmail, dropbox, etc.
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