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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Originally posted by kipanderson:

    However, with CMBO having been out for a few years, and CMBB in full flow, it crossed my mind that, yes, a change from WWII, just for one version of CM, would be fun smile.gif

    Except for the fact that it would likely deprive us of a new CM WW2 title for probably at least three years, maybe four. Personally, my interest in non-ww2 warfare is not so strong as to forego the the latest and greatest CM product for that long of a time period.
  2. Welcome. I'm trying to convince an old wargamer who has made the conversion to computer wargames to purchase cmbo. He's probably about your age. The last thing I told him was pretty close to what you stated above: this is the kind of game that will cause him to question WHY in the world he waited so long to get it.

    Anyway, I can certainly relate to the emotions the game can evoke, though, my Dad's still alive.

    Best choice you could have made in choosing a wargame. I've been playing close to two years now and I'll get a little burned out for short spells, but return in short order.

  3. Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    I can't believe anyone is lobbying for a change back to 1.0. Why would anyone want a game in which 1 mistake costs them an entire squad in 1 turn with no opportunity to do anything about it. Cause that's how it was back then. Still not sure about the changes in 1.01 since I've only played 1 battle since the patch, but it seems that the men are less brittle.

    With all the other stupid things infantry do out there like run out in the open only to be cut down by MG fire, why would you want to make thing any harder for the infantry?

    Listen, folks literally threw a friggin fit on this forum because of their problems with the infantry model. There were probably at least five multi-page threads with folks commenting "this sux, they're worthless". Some of us learned to deal with it and grew to appreciate it greatly. Don't we have as much of a privilege to comment that we like the old model as you did to scream v1.0 infantry were useless?

    And Mandchildstein, he he hee... completely pulled out of your butt, but ".67" seems a little high. Maybe .65. ;)

  4. Yes, that was one of the tweaks in v1.01. Its documented in the accompanying readme. Whether it's more realistic or not, I don't know. I have been able to suppress and assault apparently unsuppressed HMGs now with single platoons at relatively close range in open terrain (under 60m (?)) utilizing the advance command with squads consisting of regulars / vets. Now, at longer ranges in open terrain, they're still pretty likely to be "shaken" and then "pinned". My experience is that would not have been possible with v1.0 inf.

    I *felt* like the caution that was required in v1.0 seemed to be more what I would imagine to be "realistic", but as I stated initially I really have no idea whether it was or not. Also, though I don't think it's documented in the v1.01 readme, the troops seem to not tire as easily. Steve commented recently that he believed that the tweaks really had more of a noticeable effect upon regular and vet troops than green / conscript.

    Personally, I enjoyed the challenge presented by the 1.0 infantry, but I realize I am probably among an extremely small minority judging by the caterwhaling that went on. Personal likes / dislikes are irrelevant though and if BFC honestly believes the current morale-under-fire model is closer to reality than v1.0, I have to trust their integrity on this matter. It certainly requires less caution than it used to, though.

  5. Originally posted by KnivBjorn:

    In a tcp/ip operation I'm playing I identified a knocked out armoured car as a light tank, but the 3D-model shown on my screen was that of a truck. :eek:

    This is with the 1.01 patch installed.

    Ditto. I hadn't noticed this prior to the 1.01 patch. There's another post on the first page concerning premature ID'ing of a HT.
  6. Well, the reinforcements popped up RIGHT where I needed them. That is, right at the point, temporally and positionally, where my advance was about to stall. In light of Germanboy's comments, completely fortuitous I suppose.

    Yeah, it was kind of on the easy side, but still very enjoyable. That is, the outcome was in doubt in my mind until the last couple or so turns. Nice job.

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