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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Re - Spotting round

    Okay, just did three tests each with only June 43 German 75mm wire and 81mm radio, elite, crack, vet, reg, green & conscripts.

    On these arty types, only 1 spotting round fell. In each test, with Vet & higher FOs, a spotting round did fall in the turn immediately prior to the barrage. I wanted to report that with regular and lower, the round fell in the same turn, but that is not what happened as there was a spotting round in the turn immediately prior to the conscript's barrage.

    There was no consistency between the *amount* of time between the spotting round and the FFE barrage, within a given experience level of FO, that is, one trial, elite spotting round falls on second 45, next trial, on second 60.

    SO, my comment that the spotting round typically falls in the same turn as the FFE was incorrect. With CMBO, I generally never spent the points on experienced FOs, so my comment was based on limited observation. Sorry for the rabbit trail.

    Note - no off target barrages in the tests.

  2. Thanks TB. It does give the general impression that adjustment inolves the slight "within-100m-green-line" type adjustment we were referring to. Okay, maybe I didn't adjust enough times. The barrage will exhaust the ammo, obviously, if I have to make several "adjustments", spaced one minute apart.

    Well, good thing they're rare. This is the first time I've noticed it in, I guess, six weeks of daily play.

  3. Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    Bullethead is right about it being easy to THINK you have LOS, but you actually don't at the instant you click the mouse. Plotting a target point as deep into woods as you can see is one example.

    True. No dispute about that, and anyone who has played the game for more than a week should be aware of this and be careful about plotting arty barrages at the limit of LOS. That is definitely NOT what happened with the experience I related above as the LOS tool indicated at least another 50m radius (probably much more) around the target was within LOS - it was in wide open, flat terrain.

    Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    Assuming there really is LOS to the target point, and the rounds are way off, perhaps it is necessary to CANCEL the fire mission and start from scratch.

    Now there's an idea. We really need some comment on this. I think its a neat feature, but just want to know how it works.

    [second edit made to include the following:] However, that's really not an adjustment, but plotting a new order. I wish I had the manual in front of me. I don't recall that it stated plotting a new barrage target was needed.

    [ November 04, 2002, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]

  4. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    I think a lot of your artillery 'troubles' stem from BFC's attempt to model the spotty reliability of artillery support on the Eastern Front in WWII. If you're finding artillery more difficult to use that may be exactly what they want to hear.

    That would be fine, except the manual represents that the off target barrage can be corrected by adjusting the targeting. If they wanted non-correctable, off target barrages, then why should they indicate that they can be corrected through adjustment?

    [edited to include the word "non-correctable" for the purpose of clarity]

    [ November 04, 2002, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]

  5. Originally posted by Elmo:

    If I understood what Bullethead wrote then he already provided the answer. You adjust in 100m increments from the actual impact point back toward your original intended target. Note the color of the line to determine if you're trying to adjust more than 100m at a time and whether you have LOS to the new target point (which determines any delay in the adjustment).

    I believe he was referring to the ability to "adjust" targetting by moving the line to a different target within 100m and within LOS. If this is done, you suffer a minor delay time (as compared to the original targetting). That feature was present in CMBO, as well. That does not appear to make the correction for the "off target barrage" that we're discussing here. I believe Bh stated previously that he didn't believe that it happened, or that maybe he hadn't seen it.
  6. Originally posted by Walpurgis Night:

    Yes, but come on, the vast majority of Russian and German casualties throughout the war were from arty---period. This "tweak" is not reasonable.

    If you're referring to the apparent inability to correct the odd off-target barrage, which is stated to be correctable in the manual, then I agree. Perhaps we're just not doing it right though. Maybe it requires an entirely new plotting - maybe it requires the player to attempt to estimate the deviation and compensate by "adjusting" in the opposite direction of the variance. Dunno.
  7. BH,

    It happens. It happened to me last night with a crack 75mm FO. Either the FO had LOS, or the LOS tool was giving false info, as were the LOS tools for a PzIII about 10m to the left of the FO. It's not a common occurrence, but it does happen. I had read in the manual that it can occur, so it didn't freak me out or anything. However, when I attempted to adjust the targeting, I moved it ever so slightly to the right of the original target. The LOS line was green, indicating that the call in would benefit from reduced delay because it was 1) within LOS, and 2) it was within 100m of the original targeting point.

    Following adjustment of the targeting, the rounds landed waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off again, though in another direction (not the same direction as the adjustment I made to the original target).

    I'm just wondering if it's a bug, or how the adjustment is made.

  8. Guys, give it a chance. It takes some getting used to, but you have to use the new infantry movement commands. You still use, generally, the same tactics you used in CMBO, you just have to go more slowly - don't try to cover as much ground in each order. Stephen, this may be a result, to some extent, of the scenarios you have chosen to play. There's one on the CD named "Hill 312" that works as a good infantry "training" scenario. Think about what the new commands do, use the terrain just like in CMBO, don't ask a single unit / platoon to do too much in one turn, focus your support teams to the immediate task confronting your infantry, and give that one a try.

  9. Originally posted by Abbott:

    I have come to the conclusion as well that some battlefields I am presented with just do not allow successful infantry advances with my skills.

    He he hehee. Setting the QB to random everything with computer picked forces, I got a North region, February, no snow, treeless, flat, infantry only, attack QB, the other night, with the defender in trenches, a single stone wall and a peasant shack for cover. It went about as you imagine.


  10. Not uncommon. With the "view movie" turn between order phases, which must be transferred between the players, the already slow pace of pbem play is exaggerated with CM and people just lose interest. TCP play works well though, except that it requires blocks of time to be set aside that a lot of people don't have available.

  11. Originally posted by CombinedArms:

    Are the squads perhaps in sight of the enemy, even if not firing or under fire?

    Yup, or at least that's my experience. Any enemy unit that is seen by a squad will be sufficient to halt movement. If they begin the turn with LOS to a spotted enemy unit, they won't move. Read the thread in the "Tips and Tricks" forum styled "CMBB Infantry Tactics" for a brief discussion of relative advantages / disadvantages / uses of the infantry commands.
  12. Originally posted by Måkjager:

    Question...would your puter be able to handle a 7MB Tiger Mod??? That what the original Tiger mod i made for CMBO weighed in at before i reduced the dimensions and res.

    I honestly don't know, as I don't know how size of the file relates to the resources available, though I have a 128mb graphics card and two gigabytes of RDRAM.

    TBC - That's what I was wondering. The stock graphics really do look oustanding, and it may not be worth the modders' time to attempt improvements beyond insignas, "dirtying", and such.

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