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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Originally posted by jwxspoon:

    IIRC the current large buildings we have came from actual photos taken by a beta tester while on a trip in Russia.... these were WW2 era buildings of typical architecture.

    I may be totally off base but I seem to remember that.


    I remember Dan saying that the models were developed from photographs of period buildings in areas comprising the former USSR.

    I'm not suggesting creating some different types of buildings, but compare the stock peasant shacks with the ones available over at the mod database - the results are fantastic.

  2. We still don't have a complete set of buildings. The small building mods are really nice - fine even, *except for the propoganda posters* (could someone try these without those posters?). Just a personal take on it. But we still have no large building hi-res mods. Is anyone working on this or, if not, would someone undertake modding these buildings? They're the only terrain mod we're really lacking for now.

  3. Originally posted by White Phosphorus:

    IMHO panzermartin's vehicle, and andrewtf's uniforms are a must have.

    Ditto. Canon's whitewashed vehicles, Juju's factories and pavement, DD's trees, bases, all seasons, DD's snow terrain. All non-snow terrain and building files from the RealColor mod. That's a lot of mix and match on the terrain stuff, but it's a combo that is extremely eye-pleasing.

    We really need some hi-res buildings now and we'd be pretty well-set.

  4. Ah. Sorry for the ambiguity. I didn't intend for that final "check your mail" to be included in the post. I sent the .bmps to Blackhorse only. I agree they are not the easiest thing to see, though I personally thought DD's mod enhanced the visibility. Have you tried the grass textures for the "Real Color" Mod in combination with DD's rocky? The grass textures are, hmmmm, subdued? less intensely green? less vibrant? In any event, the combo works pretty well for me, but I normally play at view levels "2" and "3".

  5. Originally posted by Blackhorse:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Agua:

    DD's terrain pack includes a mod for rocky terrain. I'd give you a screen shot, as I think you'd want to check it out first before installing it, but I don't have a hosting site.

    If you have that mod installed, could you send me that particular .bmp?

    Unfortunately, I have no idea what number that .bmp is. </font>

  6. I ended up combining bits and pieces from DD's mod, the original .bmps, and the RealColor mod for my terrain set. Looks pretty damned good now, though I couldn't replicate it if I had an HD crash due to the mix and match nature of the the terrain sets I've installed.

    Suggestion - if you guys get a mod set you're happy with, burn a copy of your .bmp folder to a CD. It SUCKS to have to reinstall all the mods, even if you've already downloaded them.

  7. Steve, really and truly, I haven't gotten around to playing any of yours even though I've DL'd all of them. Also, Mike was half kidding, but I very seldom review a scenario unless I really, really am impressed with it in a positive manner. I've seen excellent reviews for your scenarios from folks whose opinions I respect, though, so I'm certain you'll get one from me when I get around to playing it.

    BTW, how's the weekend look for picking up that game that never gets going?

  8. When I first started with CM, I began compiling a manual of useful info from posts on the forum. I can look at this, now, 112 page document, and at least 60% of the posts are Jason Cawley's. He provides concrete and useful tips regarding the nuts and bolts mechanics.

    [edited to identify size of the guide I've compiled after adding JasonC's "cover/concealment" post]

    [ January 24, 2003, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]

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