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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Wow. Demo charges can take out hedgehogs as "collateral damage"! Just been to try it for myself, and can confirm that a "Blast" order into an AS of hedgehogs where there's nothing else to destroy doesn't do anything (the engineers "Hide" for the 15s as usual, then just get up and run to the waypoint without detonating or expending their pack). But if there's something to Blast adjacent to the jacks, the jacks get blown away too. It appears that an adjacent half-AS of Blastable thing must be blown up. If the hedgehogs are the other side of a hedge, they aren't damaged, because there's a half-AS of empty space between the blown hedge (which runs down the middle of its AS) and the obstacles, but if the hedgehogs are next to the end of a full AS of hedge, and you blast that end piece, they are affected.


    This is groundbreaking news. Well, at least interesting. Changes the use of AT obstacles quite a lot.

    Hasn't it always been that way? I recall hedgehogs being insusceptible to "blast" in one of those C&F missions waaaaay back. Did that change with an intervening patch?

  2. Okay, YEAH, now I don't know how all the patches have affected it since release, but when I played it after about the umpteenth save (getting slaughtered trying to go to the right, then center, it seems ##################################



    There was a little village on the left flank not far from the last hedgerow. It seems like for some reason, once you cleared that village, there may have been some defilade that allows you to get to the ridge. After that, it seems like it wasn't too difficult to mop up the rest of the ridge going bunker to bunker.

    Sorry that's so vague, but it's been a long time since I fooled with it.

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