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Posts posted by Agua

  1. I'm seriously confused these days as far as CPUs are concerned. The list of Quad- and Dual Cores is longer than my elbow, and I have no clue how to compare that power with my current 5000+ AMD X2.

    Otherwise the prices look pretty good, but for all I know I picked the worst CPU ever.

    Yeah, every time ya go to buy a new rig, you have to study for weeks to catch up on what's happened over the intervening X years.

  2. The last one I had made back in 2003 I had Monarch Computer Systems build it. At that time, you couldn't buy the components from newegg, put it together, and save more than $40. That was the second build out they did for me and my experience with them was they had top notch customer service.

    Got to looking around 6+ years later, find that Monarch apparently jumped the shark with their customer service and has been out of business for several years.

    Who out there nowadays puts together top component / bottom dollar boxes?


  3. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Agua:

    I've mentioned this before, but it would be a HUGE time saver if there were some sort of customizable template where the player could set up squads within a platoon in a formation of their design without having to individually place each squad.

    How is this going to respond to variations in terrain? What I am seeing in my mind's eye is the player has established a triangle formation for his platoon with two squads up and one back with the HQ in the middle. Okay, he plunks this down on the map and what he sees is one squad in the edge of a tree line real nice, one squad out in the open where it will be spotted and immediately fired at by the enemy, the last squad is in the middle of a swamp, and the HQ is at the bottom of a gulch. Hmmm, I don't think I want this. So how do we get around that?


  4. Ahhhh ... an era passes. I remember e-mail discussions with him over the potential problems to arise from his first "mega-pack" before there ever was a SD.

    RIP SD.

    [Keith, if you read this, send me an e-mail. I'd like to discuss something concerning the SD with you]

    [ July 29, 2005, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]

  5. Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

    Yeah, having a demo after the game release is not good. Most likely will not be buying this game

    Man ... Sorry, if you were familiar with BFC products, you'd know that comment is kinda, well ...
  6. Originally posted by Ministry:

    The voices of my troops and crew seem somehow disjointed from whats going on around me. I hear them constantly saying "there they are!" when nobody is around.

    I think those are the lyrics to the tune. ;) It has one other verse comprised of the word "go!"
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