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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Last night I called in some Wiley Pete nearby to screen my troop movements. The HQ panics under some fire and runs towards the target area. Rounds start dropping, phosphorus burns the pixeltruppen's lungs, and the HQ breaks. Now the scatter is so bad, the other squads in the platoon start to get affected, and immobilize.

    Simple things become the hardest in the midst of war...

    Preparatory to an assault of mine last night, my WP spotting rounds took out the better part of 2 squads.

  2. I had been choosing personnel against, well, personnel, and using general against buildings. It was just one scenario, mind you, but AT guns beside a trench filled with MG were not getting knocked out with personnel, so I started using general on AT guns as well as infantry in trenches. It seems to work. Again, it was one scenario and one turn, but I figured better safe than sorry.

  3. Was surprised to get my arse handed to me by AI on defense in a QB last night. Sent scouts team out which located a panther. Swung 3 sherms around the map to slip up on it from behind for rear / flank shots. By the time I got to the planned location, the panther had moved about 300 meters and turned around facing the spot where I intended to come out of the clearing. Roast.

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