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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Im going to try the German side next time and see if I can defend vs the AI. I have to say the AI is freaking awesome right now. Flanking and cover fire... well done.

    Don't waste your time. I tried it and apparently there's no script for US attack. I surrendered after 10-15 minutes of not even a sound contact and upon map review, saw they weren't going anywhere.

    Sorry for the "spoiler", but there'd be more groans from playing as Germans waiting for 45 minutes.

  2. Nice.... Good Mission, very fun. I preped up the middle area... to rattle or destroy some most likely positions down the middle, then I used smoke. 1.zug up the middle like you... then 2.zug.. using them in bounding... lots of firepower right down the middle. I did a recon to the right...not a good area. used all PSW with their 20mm and HMG's in overwatch. Total Victory! Cant wait to see the results here.

    Same approach up the middle here. Expended all the 105 arty on the little village pre start barrage, rushed the two infantry platoons up the middle to the edge of the orchard while that was going on. HMGs on the flanks took opportunity fire as the US started getting a little uncomfortable with the fire coming down. Met contact at the far end of the orchard then ordered linear barrage from 81mm. and brought the PSWs up to suppress. By that time, the defenders were pretty well beat down. Assaulted a couple squads at a time into the hedgerow with perimeter security, then pretty much walked into the village. Panthers sat in overwatch, hull down, back on the hill. Lost 3 marders and 3 PSW to the 57mm AT and US TDs. By the time the village was taken and secured, HMGs had nothing to shoot at so sent them over to the crossroad hedgerows to set up. 81mm mortars had expended their rounds so sent them, their HQ and ammo team to the bridge with my remaining PSW dispatched from the village for overwatch.

  3. Graphics and animation are damned near stunning guys.

    It runs surprisingly well in realtime on my 8 year old 2.2G P4 with everything cranked max, AA, AntF, except resolution I've reduced to 1200 x 1024 (laggy on high res levels).

    As I've had to grab a few minutes here and there, I'm only 6 minutes into the Road to Berlin scenario and have just received first fire on a Sherman (and not a clue where it came from), but so far it is meeting all heightened standards your customer base has come to expect from BFC. I have absolutely no doubt that a fuller experience with the game will leave me with the same impression.


  4. Yeah, I picked up SF a couple weeks back to familiarize myself with CMBN. Anticipating controls similar to CMx1, I was frustrated until I sat down with the manual and read the control & unit info portions then toyed around with those in game. It became much, much more enjoyable. There's still a LOT more info provided than I'm able to presently digest, but that's rich nature of CM which gives it staying power as you learn it.

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