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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. Thanks Derfel. Unfortunately I've been out of work for quite some time now. I might have to move in to a peasant hut before long.
  2. Buildings are the hardest and most time-consuming mods I've worked on. Maybe not the best choice for starting out, but don't give up. There are some good Photoshop tutorial sites out there that can help. The local library or bookstore should have some books also. Don't be afraid to experiment because you can always undo. P.S. I tried that chicken thing. All it did was scare the neighbors. Maybe the moon wasn't at the right level of gibbousness.
  3. Oh, I wouldn't say that. I'll chime in here, if you don't mind, Ed. I've considered doing a tutorial several times. But in the end I decided against it. Two reasons: 1) It'd be a HELL of a lot of work, and 2) doing building mods is totally different from vehicle mods because -as opposed to vehicles which just must look the way they look- a building gives a lot more freedom in what it is (I think) I want to do. As a result (and I think I'm speaking for Ed here as well) it's much more of a making-it-up-as-I-go-along type of thing. In my case it involves a lot of experimenting and stuff. When I start a mod I usually haven't got the foggiest idea of where it will end. Large parts are trial and error stuff. Some of the coolest effects I've discovered while blundering along and stumbling onto something else entirely. Because of that there are so many steps and little thingies along the way, it's nearly impossible to write them all down coherently. Anyway, that's my point of view. But then, I tend to be just a little bit lazy. And besides, it feels kinda nice when people think they're done by magic. We oughtta keep it that way, really. </font>
  4. Thanks guys. I still have a lot of work to do with the damaged and winter versions, so it might be a while. Juju: I can't remember the name of the guy who made that pavement. He's really good though. Another one of those great Dutch artists I think.
  5. Oddball_E8: Right back at you man. kipanderson: Thanks. They would look a little strange in Russia, but that's what CMMOS is for. MikeyD: You're not a detail man? You put great detail into all of your mods. I tried to put some window doodads inside most of the windows. (beer bottles, stein, bookshelves etc.)
  6. I've made 8 new non-Russian, maybe German, "I'm not quite sure" type of small buildings. Hopefully they will fit in well with Juju's outstanding Berlin buildings. I haven't started working on the damaged or winter versions yet, just wanted to see if there's any interest in these. Bear in mind my eyes are sore, my mouse is permantly fused to my hand and I haven't seen the sun in ages just working on these. On with the pics.
  7. Looks pretty cool Monty. Glad to see my tree mod looks something like those trees in your photos.
  8. Okay, stop showing photographs and let's see some screenshots. The level of detail on these buildings is amazing. Pity to have to blow them up sometimes. From small arms to bridges to buildings (and many others), your versatility continues to impress. Great looking pavement, and thanks for the icicles.
  9. The rocky terrain can't be seen from higher view levels, no matter what you do to it. They are actually just doodads, and not regular terrain. Tom's mod is about the best that can be done.
  10. My mods go on to a second page. Try clicking on "next page" at the bottom of the page.
  11. Thanks for the compliments Lars. I'm working on some non-Russian small buildings.
  12. Hi Colonel, I made hi-res and standard-res tree bases and scattered tree bases for all three seasons in the game. Go to "D/L mods here" then "by designer", and "Tanks a Lot"
  13. These are true works of art from the master. Just happy to be one of his playtesters. Got to go change my drool bucket again.
  14. [ April 04, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]
  15. It would be nice, but I wouldn't count on it. CM:BO never had them either.
  16. Unfortunately there are no separate winter bridges.
  17. Thats a bummer, your a solid modder. I think i got like everyone of your mods. Any idea what else your pondering to mod? P.S. Love your new shack mod. </font>
  18. Hi bfamily33, I'm kind of in semi-retirement from modding right now. Juju's church/museum/library is pretty hard to beat anyway. The church model is very distinct, and might look funny as other types of buildings. I'll keep it in mind though. I do have winter versions of my earlier version buildings atThe Last Defense ,but not my final CMBO buildings at Tom's site.
  19. In general, the amount of memory won't improve the look of the game, unless there is downsampling involved. You probably don't have to worry about that with CMBO. A 64 meg card will allow you to run more hi-res textures, more smoothly than a 32 meg card will. It will also allow you to run some video card features smoother, which do improve the look of the game. If you plan on getting CMBB, you probably should upgrade, since the stock textures are higher-res then CMBO stock textures.
  20. ... and available at http://www.cmmods.com/ Hi-res, at a low-price(free). Damaged version sold separately, at the the same low-price.
  21. That's a good suggestion Mike, but unfortunately there isn't a separate BMP for a damaged roof.
  22. Thanks Juju, I sometimes thought I could have made real shacks faster.
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