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Posts posted by sfhand

  1. It's really rather amusing to consider people move from complaining about the time between releases - too long - to complaining about the time between releases - too short...

    And then there are the people worried about too much content fracturing the community... more content is always better, IMHO. If my current opponents don't want to be on the same upgrade path as me, the max upgrade/max content path, I will find opponents who are and make new friends. That seems like win/win to me.

    Obviously if you guys succeed in increasing your productivity (in terms of releases), and your customer base stays relatively the same, you will make more money, which truly is a good thing for everyone involved. I hope your customer base expands with your feature set, and I, delusionally perhaps, suspect it will.

    Kudos to you guys, really!

  2. Someone said something about "after a year you'd have to buy the game again" if you wanted a new d/l. IIRC, you do NOT have to buy it again, just ask BF for a new d/l code or summat...

    Item #6 in the How it Works section of the download page:

    "Backup the installation files you downloaded! Downloads expire automatically after 365 days or 10 downloads. We do not offer digital storage for your purchased games."

  3. I'm curious about frame rate gains. As I understand bump mapping it improves framerates by allowing for simpler models, i.e. lower polygon count models, for the "same" visual result. I asked about frame rate gains in another thread, because it was mentioned in the announcement, and suspect BF, understandably, doesn't want to commit to a rough estimate of the gains.

  4. I'm guessing it is not in, but hoping that it will be in prior to the final CMBN module so they can add crocs and such to the final module. If it is in they could add crocs and such to the Market Garden module... If fire goes in, as an upgrade, after the book is closed on CMBN there would be little use to having it without units to take advantage of it - there may be other elements, e.g. tank riding, of the upgrade that would be worth having regardless, but we want what we want, which is everything yesterday :D.

  5. As far as purchasing the upgrade packs themselves - any chance that once purchased you will be able to re-download at future dates - when you get a new pc for example? Like STEAM? If not I guess dedicating a flash drive or cloud space to the purchased upgrades would be the way to go...

    Keeping a local copy is the only way to go... otherwise you will end up buying again after your download has expired (365 days?).

  6. We honestly did take a look at going this route. Theoretically it could be done, however we looked at the technical side and had some concerns about it. Not for any one release, rather taking into consideration more releases. Right now things are nice and isolated by Families and that's helpful from a production standpoint. We decided we should retain that.


    As an optimist I read this as a possibility "further down the road" :)

  7. Welcome back Steve,

    First off, I'm glad to see your absence from this oh so sweet cesspool wasn't due to hookers and drugs :) Secondly, the news you all have sprung on us is beyond fantastic :) :) :) Thirdly, is there any chance you can give a rough estimate of frame rate improvement due to your new rendering processes? As one who has wished for moveable waypoints for the longest time I find myself most excited - no, not that excited - by the new rendering processes and the new intermediate identification icons (because they were unexpected?).

    I don't think one has to be a fanboi to think you guys rock! You are and have been backing it up for a long time.

  8. Since OpenGL has been targeted as a suspect in the performance hit question I figure this may be enlightening (it was for me):


    Edit: I realize this blog is from a gaming site, but as a blogpost that is not promoting a product but rather BF's graphics API of choice I'm hoping I don't get any demerits for posting it :)

  9. You make it sound so easy. Unfortunately, I find there are units, friendly and enemy, I can't select by clicking on the unit's floating icon or on the map location of the unit. I've complained about this in other threads, but nobody has given me an explanation of why this happens or instructions on how to prevent it from happening. I can sometimes select a desired friendly unit by selecting one unit that I can select and then using + (plus) and - (minus) to get to the unit I want.

    I believe I should be able to select any unit on the map when viewing a turn and certainly any friendly unit when giving orders. However, I can't. [i use an iMac. Unit selection may be more reliable on Windows machines.]

    This is ringing a bell for me... I never had this problem until I updated video drivers and suddenly I couldn't select any units. After a bit of head scratching I went to the CMBN options screen and selected the AMD/ATI switch (sorry, I don't remember exactly what it's called but you will see it none-the-less) and the problem went away... yes, I have an AMD/ATI card :)

  10. Bringing this back to life to add...

    A benefit to BF would also be reduced development time. They ship a lot of maps with their games and I'm guessing any improvement in the editor that speeds up the mapmaking process would shorten their development time and put those $$$'s in their accounts sooner.

    Hopefully if/when they do something like this there will be a CSV for each tile that addresses flammability :)

  11. PT, as a mostly pbemer, I don't usually play single player. I'm also not a quick pbemer, games take a long time. So, I have downloaded this and plan on playing it, in part because the Eroudville (sp?) battle I'm conducting H2H is/has been excellent. So, your work is very much appreciated by me as well as countless others I'm sure. Thanks for all your efforts, as one who has dabbled with the editor there is no doubt you put a lot of time along with your heart and soul into this.

  12. I think it's because we love the game like you guys do. It's a bit like if you had a friend working on the next title in your favorite movie series ("Aliens 5: An Actual Sequel With A Proper Script And Director"). He probably couldn't talk much about it, but he'd sure as hell be dropping hints like crazy.

    To my mind, it's very little to do with marketing, and a whole lot to do with the fact that *we're* excited about the stuff but can't talk about the specifics. That's compounded by all of the factors Moon mentions - we don't always have things to show until late in the game, and we also don't have heaps of time to talk because we're hard at work. So we hint and share as much of the excitement as we can.

    Now, back to work...

    Tis a pity there are no hints of troops riding crocodiles towards Arnhem in this post...

    I really have no idea what you BFC types are hinting at which really takes me back to my early childhood when other kids would say "I've got a secret, neener neener neener" or something like that. After the first couple of times I learned to ignore them.

    Is there anything to lose by not making announcements about upcoming announcements? I don't really care but I am having a difficult time understanding the motivations behind the announcement of an upcoming announcement other than "I've got a secret, neener neener neener".


  13. It's been mentioned multiple times that this iPad game was developed by a 3rd party team, so... you can quit freaking out that CM's precious bodily fluids are being contaminated.

    Heh... this gives me the imagery of CM's devs (including Betas) only playing CM touch in sterile environments and then going through a decontamination process afterwards...

    A friend has an I-pad and I gave him $5 and told him it was for the app. Hopefully I'll get to see it first hand today. I don't rule out the possibility of feature cross-over though. Who knows, there might be a little gem in CM touch that would improve some aspect of CM (interface wise or whatever).

  14. And while the game loads - for that you need a book no web surfing while the game reads in the next PBEM file...

    I want to respond to you but must start with the assumption that you didn't really mean while the "game" loads - I find that the game loads quickly while the scenarios take a long time to load. If that assumption is correct then consider the following: problems/challenges around eliminating that lengthy scenario loading process is probably the reason there is no tcp-ip wego.

    I have said before that an ability to alt-tab out of the loading screen would make things a lot more bearable for people like me. I use h2hh and play pbem against multiple opponents which gives me a lot of game time per sitting - and a lot of sitting around @ 29%.

  15. Man I feel like an idiot. :o I've played this game so long it is just shameful. :mad: I should have known better to post. Forgive my waste of forum space. :( Thank you for the clarification gentlemen. Off to re-read the manual.

    Well, even though I know how C2 is represented in the UI I am happy you posted this because it could possible help explain it to someone else who doesn't know. So thanks!

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